A Smooth-Skin

Well, i still am supporting Portugal, no doubt. It's not in my interest that they lose (perish the thought); i just think England might have better chances. I'm specifically concerned with our goalkeeper.
Big_T_UK said:"We Wuz Robbed!!!"
Granted, the Portuguese played far better than we did throughout most of the game, but the disallowed goal was perfectly valid.
Big_T_UK said:1: What the fuck was wrong with the ref? The whole game was a catalogue of bad decisions, mostly, but not limited to, against the English team.
Big_T_UK said:2: What is up with Beckham? He's not played well in the whole championship, and he seem to have forgotten how to take a free kick, not to mention a penalty.
Karkow said:P.S.: the miss by beckam... Ricardo said something to him right before... it appears that he said something about his wife: miss spice! ...I wonder
Uh, yeah. I did say that. They played much better than us for almost all of the match. I was talking about the disallowed goal.Kharn said:No you weren't robbed.
when the better team wins, the lesser team isn't robbed.
I did. The refereeing has been pretty bad throughout.Jeesh, you didn't see us Dutchies whine about the bad reffing during Holland-Czech Republic...oh wait...The refereeing is very bad this EK. Either they're not strict enough or way too strict, but that's not the biggest problem, the biggest problems are the bad judgement calls, the fear of giving penalties and the apparant lack of understanding of the concept "when the ball ends up on the dude's own team, it's not a foul. Duh"
Aye, I'm not as dumb as I look. Hmm, 's not really possible.(nice dodging to word censor too)
Meh, Whether he sucks or not (in general), there's no doubt that he sucked in this competition.Gee, I dunno, maybe he sucks.Big_T_UK said:2: What is up with Beckham? He's not played well in the whole championship, and he seem to have forgotten how to take a free kick, not to mention a penalty.
I don't dispute this (in fact, I went so far as to state it). But it's not always the best team that wins. Portugal, for all the chances they produced, had problems finishing. By the rules of the game (if you ignore the referee in this case), we beat them.Man, you English lost to a better team, it's obvious.
Karkow said:and now it's France - Greece.
Oh how I wish Greece would win.
Cruel, so cruel.Karkow said:<snip>