F1/F2 remake?


First time out of the vault
I have a question. We have a following scenario: Bethesda gets tempted by crowdfunding success and announces a remake of Fallout 1 and 2, of course, by Kickstarter.

Important part of the deal: Obsidian is in charge of creative department and quality control.

Would you pay money to see that happen and what do you think about such idea?
Pay the defiler of my wife to pay my wife's dad to give her a makeover? Nothing of value would be added and several iconic moments of beauty will be spoiled. I'd rather pay money to not see it happen.
This metaphor is rather harsh.

Obsidian will keep the "fresh creative input" from Bethesda away, but use its Gamebryo engine to try and recreate the postapocalyptic California we know.
Its not that NV was bad.
I don't think Obsidian will work with Bethesda again any time soon.

Also, why waste money on remakes? FUCK REMAKES.
Fuck capslock, IMHO.

So why shouldn't Bethesda work with Obsidian anymore, just because a true Fallout fan should hate Beth?

Apart from Interplay/Bethesda lawsuit.
Other way around. Obsidian wouldn't work with Bethesda. They got shafted on New Vegas.

As for the basic premise of a remake; I think it's possible, but unlikely to happen. Doing it correctly would take too much in the way of resources and I don't think the potential for enough profit is there.
Horatio said:
Fuck capslock, IMHO.

So why shouldn't Bethesda work with Obsidian anymore, just because a true Fallout fan should hate Beth?

Apart from Interplay/Bethesda lawsuit.
On the contrary, many of us hate the interplay that drove the series into the ground in the first place and are happy that a fine company such as bethesda tried their damnest with what they knew and not only produced a fine game but revived the otherwise dead series with gusto.

Obsidian won't be working with bethesda again thanks to conflicts between the two companies. There are several points, of which others could elaborate on better than I
I'm more curious why no one seems to care about the prospect of these hypothetical remakes suggested as using Gamebryo. WHY remake old, classic games that had a perfectly fine engine, which was updated more than adequately in the years following them, only to place said remakes in a TOTALLY inferior, limiting, headache-inducing engine? I'm not talking about the nonsensical "Dur, everbodies knows reel time FPS is stuped compare to turn base icer-metric", I mean litterally the glitches and limitations in each respective engines. For their own purposes, one did the job very well, and the other did the job with every observer silently chuckling to themselves over the absurdity they just witnessed. Whether you preferred the first person perspective over third person isometric isn't what I'm getting at, just the problems with the suggested engine. WHY suggest that engine???

Quite frankly, you'd be more likely to see a concerted effort by FANS to use assets from the originals to come up with an update (for example, using the environmental, graphical, and combat improvements from FOT combined with the mechanical streamlining and performance enhancements of FO2 combined with the storytelling and setting awesomeness of FO1) which would probably end up FAR superior to any paid-for creation by the companies in charge. I doubt it's ever gonna happen, but it's more likely than the other suggestion, and I seriously, honestly believe, the end result would FAR surpass any remake.
I would never pay money for such a thing. Doesn't matter who works on it.

Formerk said:
Obsidian won't be working with bethesda again thanks to conflicts between the two companies.

I have never seen this officially stated, and as long as that isn't the case, I wouldn't say this. Besides, I don't really get why so many people think that the Obsidian <-> Bethesda relationship was so bad. The DLCs had delays and the game needed patches, so what? Bethesda isn't much better with that. Also Bethesda allowed an additional DLC (Gun Runners' Arsenal) when Sawyer asked for a weapon-type DLC. It wasn't planned by Bethesda. So it's not like they parted ways in war.

There is other stuff I don't want to list up here now, but... well, like I wrote, I don't see the conflict that so many other folks are seeing.
Reusing assets from an old engine would result better than a paid for effort by a big company? ehrmmmm probably not...
Horatio said:
I have a question. We have a following scenario: Bethesda gets tempted by crowdfunding success and announces a remake of Fallout 1 and 2, of course, by Kickstarter.

Important part of the deal: Obsidian is in charge of creative department and quality control.

Would you pay money to see that happen and what do you think about such idea?
No !
SnapSlav said:
I'm more curious why no one seems to care about the prospect of these hypothetical remakes suggested as using Gamebryo. WHY remake old, classic games that had a perfectly fine engine, which was updated more than adequately in the years following them, only to place said remakes in a TOTALLY inferior, limiting, headache-inducing engine?

When I think of a remake, I would have taken the idea that Gamebryo is used as a given. But really, if they were to do an isometric game, they probably wouldn't have done it very well anyway.
Bethesda pretty much screwed Obsidian out of their bonus because of a dumbass Metacritic rating. I know Obsidian didn't like that shit, regardless on what they may or may not have said publicly. A remake with one of the most buggy and ugly engines imaginable? No thanks. I would rather see a direct sequel to New Vegas done by Obsidian tbh. I'm tired of remakes. Most of them suck.
TorontRayne said:
Bethesda pretty much screwed Obsidian out of their bonus because of a dumbass Metacritic rating. I know Obsidian didn't like that shit, regardless on what they may or may not have said publicly. A remake with one of the most buggy and ugly engines imaginable? No thanks. I would rather see a direct sequel to New Vegas done by Obsidian tbh. I'm tired of remakes. Most of them suck.

Yeah, that was a dick move by Beth. And it also shows that ratings are bullcrap.

I mean, consider this:
Metacritic gave FO3 a 93/100. FNV is a superior game.
Therefore, metacritic should give FNV 93+/100.
Metacritic gave FNV 84/100

Does not compute, logic error.
Well, it is business. You don't like it, I don't like it, but if the contract says 85, then it says it. Doubtful that they would part ways forever just because of that.

Besides, the situation was hyped up a lot by "game journalists" who transformed a tweet from Avellone into a huge news item. It's not like Obsidian whined in public about it and blamed Bethesda.
Lexx said:
Well, it is business. You don't like it, I don't like it, but if the contract says 85, then it says it. Doubtful that they would part ways forever just because of that.

Besides, the situation was hyped up a lot by "game journalists" who transformed a tweet from Avellone into a huge news item. It's not like Obsidian whined in public about it and blamed Bethesda.

Because whining in public makes you look bad... :look:
So what about Bethesda?

As much it hurts, Fallout franchise is for them nothing but a cashbrahmin. But how will they milk it/what direction will Fallout take in hands of Zenimax CEOs?

Bethesda follow trends.
But is oldschool a trend for them?
I don't see why they should even be remade. Would it be isometric or FPS? Also this deal would just result in all the bad sides of working with a publisher with none of the upsides seeing as they aren't giving you money. Kind of misses out on the whole point of crowd sourcing.

Personally I never saw anything that said Obsidian wouldn't be willing to work with Bethesda again or vice versa.
It's the exact same obsession everyone has with "newer is better", even if "newer" is only cosmetic. Some are consciously aware of it and are able to reason with themselves to the point that they realize, no, it's not better at all. That same impulse is what got us the Star Wars remakes, PS2 HD remakes for the PS3 (when the PS2 is still a current platform), and so on. I can understand the DESIRE for such a thing; the very thing I implied would be something I'd LOVE to see, and even if it were a mod, it would still take an older game, and make it "look new". It appeals to that urge, even though the game itself is still fantastic.

Most just want to indulge in that desire without ANY thought of the consequences, and the result is a Faustian Contract: You get what you asked for, but it's not what you wanted. Just look at the Shadow of the Colossus HD remake; it didn't offer ANYTHING new, and the shift to a different platform made the game needlessly very difficult. Oh, but it WAS shinier and newer, right fans? Well, they got what they asked for, they just didn't realize what it would mean...