I'm more curious why no one seems to care about the prospect of these hypothetical remakes suggested as using Gamebryo. WHY remake old, classic games that had a perfectly fine engine, which was updated more than adequately in the years following them, only to place said remakes in a TOTALLY inferior, limiting, headache-inducing engine? I'm not talking about the nonsensical "Dur, everbodies knows reel time FPS is stuped compare to turn base icer-metric", I mean litterally the glitches and limitations in each respective engines. For their own purposes, one did the job very well, and the other did the job with every observer silently chuckling to themselves over the absurdity they just witnessed. Whether you preferred the first person perspective over third person isometric isn't what I'm getting at, just the problems with the suggested engine. WHY suggest that engine???
Quite frankly, you'd be more likely to see a concerted effort by FANS to use assets from the originals to come up with an update (for example, using the environmental, graphical, and combat improvements from FOT combined with the mechanical streamlining and performance enhancements of FO2 combined with the storytelling and setting awesomeness of FO1) which would probably end up FAR superior to any paid-for creation by the companies in charge. I doubt it's ever gonna happen, but it's more likely than the other suggestion, and I seriously, honestly believe, the end result would FAR surpass any remake.