Fallout 2: Dominion Screenshots and Videos

simdude said:
Я не могу понять русский :|

Well you don't really need to just to watch the videos, even if you won't get the phrases in between.

(also this is an English-only forum, thank you)
The videos are Great, but the in-game screenshots are not so much (don't like some things about the maps)...

Also, my understanding of russian = zero :(
It's great! It's fucking great!
I thought they were exctinct some times ago....
Now thats the kind of news i like to read. Ah ah, a black vault boy! Hope they make a translation soon.

but the in-game screenshots are not so much (don't like some things about the maps)...

I think you are refering to some of the vehicules, who kinda look out of place... Well thats true, i hope they are goiing to use some fonline stuff instead...
But there are nothing wrong with the maps themselves, i got some of them from the demo, and they are very good!

Hope they are still going to let me use their worldmap thought...[/code]
Grayswandir said:
Hope they are still going to let me use their worldmap thought...[/code]

Pavel would not mind. He is going to use Lexx's superior world map now anyway.
Yeah, there is a new virus - it installs Fallout 1 and 2 on your computer :mrgreen:.

Well, it's kinda impressing. I hope that videos are smoother in the original (not youtube) version.
this game has 12 years and people still modding it, even if the whole series got headshot when van buren was cancelled - that's the stamp of a "legend game", only time will show if product is worth this kind of stamp, not any useless, "hot", quickly written PC Gamer or Game Informer reviews, only time, only tick tock of the clock and only fans that never forget...


true rpg is dead.
Crni Vuk said:
hey BN is there any language you dont understand ?

He probably used an online translator. Pretty easy to do so. If not, then props.

The mod looks great, I just hope someone quickly translates the graphics/voice overs/text into English. Would be awesome.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Eh, you guys do know that BN originally is from Russia right?

What kind of Fallout fan shouldn't know that?


Ontopic: Weird, WOT (it's a Mozilla addon or whatever) is displaying a very low rating for the site. Any possible explanations? I don't see why they have 34 (out of 100) points of Child Safety. Maybe people hate Russian sites?
The Dutch Ghost said:
Eh, you guys do know that BN originally is from Russia right?
Dunno I just know he spend quite a lot of time there, but he also mentioned learning German once and that he's a game journalist working in the netherlands? Or am I wrong here now. Its not like I am stalking BN or something.
BN is a spy. Didn't you know that? :P

As for the viideos

1st one is too slow paced IMO.
2nd too.

Both's cameras move too mechanically. Sometimes they should start getting slower before they stop, so you won't have this:
Camera starts->moves->camera stops
and have this
Camera starts slowly->moves faster->slowing down->camera stops

And a big minus
It's in Russian.
Public said:
BN is a spy. Didn't you know that? :P

In Russia they used to call me Голландский шпион. :P

The Dutch Ghost said:
Eh, you guys do know that BN originally is from Russia right?

What? No I'm not. Born and bred Dutch, in the little hamlet of Nijmegen.

ziggeh said:
Crni Vuk said:
hey BN is there any language you dont understand ?
He probably used an online translator. Pretty easy to do so. If not, then props.

I use Google Translate for sites and articles, but I have no problem reading short phrases in Russian. I sometimes read newssites but usually have to switch to translators after a while, my Russian's not that good.

Crni Vuk said:
Dunno I just know he spend quite a lot of time there, but he also mentioned learning German once and that he's a game journalist working in the netherlands? Or am I wrong here now. Its not like I am stalking BN or something.

All Dutchies study basic French and German at the level of high school I followed and I have some reading and listening competencies in both, but a hard time speaking either. Also did a little bit of Spanish but that's too rusty. Only languages I actively use are Dutch, English and Russian, though again my Russian's not very good.

I'm a MA-student of Russian Studies and work freelance as a game journalist.


Back on topic?
The Dutch Ghost said:
Eh, you guys do know that BN originally is from Russia right?
BN knows russian because he went to russia to abuse some poor orphans.