I have a question and a bug report
killap said:
Someone reported odd crashing when using weapons. I tested and if I have your ammo mod enabled (set to 1 in the ini file) then I too get the odd crashing. One such example is doing aimed shots with the magnum. So, for the time being I have removed your ammo mod (the updated one) from the installer just to remove another possible point of crashing for the time being.
If I set that to 0 in the .ini without going through reinstallation etc, does that disable the ammo mod? I'm thinking I should disable it to avoid crashes.
I'm running win XP SP2. I have 3 copies of fallout 2, all are HUMONGOUS install.
One is the fallout 2 with only official 1.02 patch
one is F2 with only your unofficial patch, 1.02.22 dated Jan 05 per the rock at start.
One is f2 with only your restoration project, dated Jan 05 per the readme (no date on the rock at start). I have a feeling it should be dated Jan 9, because thats when I d/led it and I know you've done a lot of slient fixing since the Jan 5

The only options I chose to install with your project were: NPC change, AP ammo damage fix, Quick Goris, Talking Head for Cassidy
The bug:
This bug is present in your unofficial patch, as well as your restoration mod. Both I verified are properly installed by looking at the rock. Both I used the automatic installs.
It's not present in the official 1.02 patched fallout.
If you have a stupid character (in my case it was intelligence of 2, but I believe it happens with intel of 3 also), you are supposed to be able to pay off Sulik's debt the first time you talk to him, if you choose the appropriate dialog choices. You get a single chance to do this. Right after he mentions he is in debt to Maida and his sister was taken (1st, 2nd, 2nd dialog choices), he then offers you the chance to pay off his debt, at least in F2 with official 1.02 patch.
In your patch and restoration, it never proceeds to the choice to pay off his debt. He still mentions being in debt to Maida and his sister being taken, but nothing happens beyond that. In other words, its not possible to recruit Sulik on very low IN chars using your patch or restoration mod.
I have savegames from all 3 (F2 official patch, F2 your patch, F2 your restoration project) if you need any of them. It's easy enough to test though, you just create a low intel char, boost thier unarmed and or melee stats so they can get out of the temple of trials very easy, talk to the elder to get the quest for Vic, and head over to Klamath. If you pick up at least $1 in money, you can use the "Fallout 2 Inventory Editor" to increase it to enough to cover Sulik's debt, which is $350.
So far I love your patch and mod though! Thank you very much for all your hard work!
Josan12 said:
PS - Killap and Timeslip: PLEASE MAKE A MAC
VERSION! all i can do is read about your excellent
restoration patch as i run on a mac!
I thought mac users could use Boot camp or Parallels or whatever to run windows now?