Glovz said:@Excidium
So often but not always?
If you turn off my mod (just adjust the ddraw.ini file setting) and try again, does it differ greatly?
There are a lot of factors to consider, how you setup your character is one of the biggest.
My mod is designed to not change things so drastically from the original.
When you say regular ammo I assume you mean JHP?
No damage is also always a possible outcome, with my mod on or not.
Yeah I meant JHP

Ok tried out with the option in the .ini looking like this:
;Choose the damage formula used to calculate combat damage
;1 - Fallout default
;0 - Glovz's AP ammo mod
;0 - Glovz's tweaked version of the original formula
Broke havoc in metzger's guild.There,the only one hitting for no damage was metzger punching me on leather armor (I "borrowed" his shotgun)

I had some bursts shots on his guards and himself,none hit for no damage,average of 14~35 on guards,5~15 on Metzger And I was getting hit for 3~9 with 14 crit by their pistols. But one guard got hit for 366 damage SMG burst