Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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one way to sove it would be set carry weight to 50,then disable all perks and add a packmule scenery(or something different) and use the car,would have to use sfall(tho the function does exist yet) to disable the carry weight formula the engine uses

@killap: What is your idea for "sleep system" ?
Haven't sat down to think about one yet. Just on the drawing board.

I was just thinking about having a counter (need_sleep),
just example but let's say each hour of sleep substracts from it 10 points, each hour of not sleeping adds to it 1 point or 2 points during night hours (unless player is "night creature" - perk possibility, which will add 1 point during night hours instead of 2).
Every 10 points player gets minus points to SPECIAL and/or skills. When it reaches 0 (in case of SPECIAL, therefore possible no-sleeping length would be 100h)
player dies from being exhausted from not sleeping.

During travelling on the map, every 10h player would stop with message "Your are sleepy, want to take a nap here or continue travel", YES/NO.
Yes opens map with no(?) enemies where you can sleep, during sleeping on the world map there would be small chance to be approached by creatures (enemies/friends/npc/animals), let's say PERCEPTION would influent how early you wake up (very low = you wake up when they attack you, very high = you wake up when enemy enters map)

uff.... just had this idea, might seems compilcated but it is just base on 1 integer value (+possbile perk?) and pentaly system could be base on same as chem addiction

what you think anyone ?
Not a bad idea. This wouldn't be that hard to do either.

And just for the record, ideas like the sleep/food system are components that, if they ever see the light of day, will be part of the extras section. They will not be forced on the player.

Endocore said:
I had these narrowed down in the text file where I was working on Sulik's script, so here's a copy/paste from there (a few may be wrongly included, but I don't think so):
Wow, that's quite the list. Looks like several of them were part of the initial draft for the party system. Those can be dropped. Some of those should definitely be included though.

Endocore said:
I know you try to be meticulous about what you modify to stay in line with the "restoration" spirit, but for my own personal use I incorporated a few of the lines as follows:

Pariah Dog encounter: 267, 268
Golgotha: 270,271
EPA: 490, 491, 492
Abbey: 550, 551
Those actually fit quite well with those places. I'm all for incorporating unused dialogue, so this works for me.

Endocore said:
As you have been scripting your RP 2.0, have you relied extensively on the latest sfall functions? I do all my gaming stuff on a computer running Windows 98 (the only games I like are old stuff, eg Fallout, so there's no reason for me to make a change) and therefore I'll always be limited to the features available with sfall 1.37 (the last version I had downloaded before all the old Timeslip stuff was erased from the internet). In other words, I guess I'm wondering if your RP 2.0 will require sFall 2.x+, or if instead that will just be the suggestion to get optimum play.
sfall is indeed a requirement for the RP, so sadly Mac users will not be able to play. To answer your quesiton though, there are aspects of RP 2.0 that require sfall 2.x, but I'll ensure that Win9x users can still play - they just won't be able to take part in these features. I have the last sfall 9x release (1.47 or 1.49 cannot recall off the top of my head), so this will be part of the RP.
I have to thank you Killap for keeping up your work on Fallout 2. It's really incredible to see all this people still playing such an old game. It's a perfect evidence that Gameplay and Storytelling overweight graphics. Well even I have stopped playing God of War 3 right now just to see if you've released 2.0 already.

Thanks again for your effort ( and everyone else who is working / has worked on this , too ).

Long days and pleasant nights!
killap said:
I hope everyone notes the conditions I placed on that statement. I don't want to break any hearts when life throws me a curve ball...

Killap was hit in the groin for 10 points. Yep. That was a curve ball. :)
McRae said:
Killap was hit in the groin for 10 points. Yep. That was a curve ball. :)
Heh, yeah. It seems like some force is preventing me from releasing the latest RP. ;) Life did throw me an unusually busy week coming up. Sigh.
Killap appears to be like a fisherman, throwing out the biggest bait but pulling out the line as soon as a fish wants to bite it. ;)

Just kidding, hehe.
Claude Frollo said:
My idea about this is travel speed could decrease indirect proportional to carry weight. Max weight could be for example 1x speed (incredibly slowly that actually people wouldnt want to carry that so greedy people should be slowed down who live for looting) and fastest speed x16 and beyond some weight travel speed multiplier should start to derease. I am assuming that the character can still find a way to carry that much stuff but of course which would slow her down drastically and slower travel speed means incredible amount of encounters and so danger for the stuff carried.

I had exactly the same idea! I asked Timeslip about it a year ago or so and she said she didn't think it could be done. I think we could ask her or Nirran again as Sfall has improved considerably since i asked.

I personally think it would be a fantastic addition (probably as an independant mod as it may not be RP material) and would really add a level of balance and challenge to FO.

I'm also a big fan of implementing a food and sleep system. I've already developed a script to be attached to beds that animates and handles sleep for the Player. I don't think these things detract from the fun of the game at all, and in fact add immersion (for me, anyway) by making the player critter seem more 'human' and less like a robot.

Just my two cents....
Josan12 said:
I asked Timeslip about it a year ago or so and she said she didn't think it could be done. I think we could ask her or Nirran again as Sfall has improved considerably since i asked.

Psst . . . I'm pretty sure Timeslip is a dude.
Josan12 said:
I had exactly the same idea! I asked Timeslip about it a year ago or so and she said she didn't think it could be done. I think we could ask her or Nirran again as Sfall has improved considerably since i asked.
I don't recall ever saying anything about it a year ago, (not surprising; I don't remember what I did yesterday half the time, so I may have said anything,) but whatever was the case then it'll be fairly easy now. sfall has had an option to modify how fast time passes on the world map for ages, and all I'll need to do is expose that via a script function rather than having it fixed via ddraw.ini. Should be about half an hours work.

Slight caveat: this would effect how fast time passes on the world map, but not how fast the player moves physically. That's a somewhat different problem.

Dravean said:
Psst . . . I'm pretty sure Timeslip is a dude.
And wherever did you get that idea? I don't believe I've ever made any comment either way. :P
Timeslip said:
Dravean said:
Psst . . . I'm pretty sure Timeslip is a dude.
And wherever did you get that idea? I don't believe I've ever made any comment either way. :P

You know, I don't recall how I came to that conclusion, but at some point in the past your gender was brought up and I was pretty sure that it was concluded that you were a he. If that's incorrect, then forgive my assumption . . . you enigma, you.
Timeslip said:
but whatever was the case then it'll be fairly easy now. sfall has had an option to modify how fast time passes on the world map for ages, and all I'll need to do is expose that via a script function rather than having it fixed via ddraw.ini. Should be about half an hours work.

Fantastic! Then could i request it in the latest sfall, please, monsieur/madame? :D

Timeslip said:
Slight caveat: this would effect how fast time passes on the world map, but not how fast the player moves physically. That's a somewhat different problem.

Ok. Is it not possible to slow the players world map travel speed proportionally to the amount they are carrying? If not, would slowing the world map time increase the encounter rate?
Dravean said:
Psst . . . I'm pretty sure Timeslip is a dude.
I don't care what gender Timeslip is (Sfall is great, though), but I seriously think RP would benefit from having a few transgendered characters and a recruitable NPC who is a homosexual and comes with funny catch phrases. :)
We have decided to keep 2.0 to ourselves, as it it simply too good to be unleashed upon the world.
Dravean said:
We have decided to keep 2.0 to ourselves, as it it simply too good to be unleashed upon the world.
You are cruel.

Btw, i remember at the wedding, the chosen one still talks normally even if he/she is stupid at that time. Will it be fixed?
Dravean said:
We have decided to keep 2.0 to ourselves, as it it simply too good to be unleashed upon the world.
Awesome. So, where do you live? 'Cause I've got torches and pitchforks and enough bottled water to last a week.

Dravean said:
We have decided to keep 2.0 to ourselves, as it it simply too good to be unleashed upon the world.
At least share it with me…the map freak. :freak: Otherwise how can I finish my extra goodies…
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