When I put the K9 kevlar on any active slot, the game crashes. Anyway, were the armors for Dogmeat/Marcus intended originally? The armor mod is optionally and that leaded to this question...
Also, some bug reports:
At Klamath, when I do the quest for Torr - guard the brahmin - since my karma is about 200 and I cannot accept the cattle rustle quest from the Duntons, I can either:
• Leave the area without doing anything,
• Kill the scorpions and leave the area,
• Scare Duntons(after I get the radscorpion limbs)and leave the area,
• Scare Duntons, kill the scorpions and leave the area.
I tried anything of the above, but when I leave the area it says that I failed to protect the brahmin.
At the Den when I attack Joey and his band(or if they attack me) they start running away. Also, after I attack Metzger(I stole his Shotgun)everyone attacks me, but he tries to escape(full hp).
After doing the first part of Lara's gang quest and tell her that I need some healing I can just escape(keep telling her to wait for me to heal)and then receive 1000 xp, like I've completed the second part. When I return to the church she gives me the full reward.
If/when I go with them to the party anyway, some NPCs try running away when on full HP;if I re-enter combat they become aggressive again. This occurs with other NPCs too.
Here is my savegame on that occurred everything I described - I hope that link works for you:
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=K8Y9OVCC (I made a mistake with the description - it should be RP 1.2, not 1.3)
Edit: Also, all the damage I inflict is very weird - either no damage, 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 14 or something above. I killed all the rats and geckos in Klamath and all the raiders(including the church guards)in the Den and never hit anyone for and number other that [no damage], 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12 or 14. I usually do up do 7 damage, except when I strike someone critically. This is for both 10mm SMG with 10mm AP, 10mm SMG with 10mm JHP and Unarmed(Punch).
And "Jab" - the special Punch attack is meant to require 6 AP(source: F2 manual), but to me it required 3. I tested it 5 times or so and it does nearly as much damage as my ordinary punch attack. If you wish I could send you earlier backup with the same savegame - when I was at SAD for Skynet(before I got him).
P.S. Maybe Skynet should not be able to use a Spiked Knuckles