Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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Omegawolf said:
Timeslip said:
Lord Danath said:
Edit: Sorry, I missed Glovz post before
As a slight addition to that, I have included that fix: It was in 1.29b. You can swap out the old dll with the new one if you really want to use the damage tweak.

When you talk about a damage tweak, you're not talking about the AP mod, are you? What exactly is this damage tweak?
Tweaked calculation:
1- determine damage resisted by armor, cannot be less than 0% and cannot be greater than 100%
2- reduce the damage value by the percent in step 1
3- reduce the damage value by the damage threshold of the armor being hit
4- reduce or increase the damage value by a percentage depending on the game difficulty setting (this is for hits on the player NOT for hits an npc is taking from the player)
5- multiple and divide the damage value by the ammo modifiers
6- reduce target hit points by damage value

Original engine damage formula was something like this (never understood it precisely):
1- multiple and divide the damage value by the ammo modifiers
2- reduce or increase the damage value by a percentage depending on the game difficulty setting (this is for hits on the player NOT for hits an npc is taking from the player)
3- reduce the damage value by the damage threshold of the armor being hit
4- determine damage resisted by armor
5- reduce or potentially increase the damage value by the percent resisted by the armor
6- reduce target hit points by damage value

In the original formula it seemed that step 4 could cause the armor to resist damage greater than 100% at times (not so bad), but also to resist damage less than 0%. When it was the case where armor resisted damage less than 0% it would increase the damage value over whatever was expected by the modifiers in the ammo being used.

I know this is all confusing, it took me a while to figure it all out.
insanepipe said:

Going to the primitive village without buying and repairing the car, via rescuing Sulik's sister results in the car being parked in the wooded area. Trying to go to Den to buy and repair the car results in no car in Den and no car back in the wooded area.

Just had this as well, bit of a game stopper really. Don't remember it happening in 1.1. I haven't been back to the wooded area but all that was in the Den was the car trunk.

This has been the only issue I have seen so far, have done Klamath, done all the Den including killing Metzger(or whatever his name is).

Nice to see these mods putting life back into a really good game.
Glovz said:
Omegawolf said:
Timeslip said:
Lord Danath said:
Edit: Sorry, I missed Glovz post before
As a slight addition to that, I have included that fix: It was in 1.29b. You can swap out the old dll with the new one if you really want to use the damage tweak.

When you talk about a damage tweak, you're not talking about the AP mod, are you? What exactly is this damage tweak?
Tweaked calculation:
1- determine damage resisted by armor, cannot be less than 0% and cannot be greater than 100%
2- reduce the damage value by the percent in step 1
3- reduce the damage value by the damage threshold of the armor being hit
4- reduce or increase the damage value by a percentage depending on the game difficulty setting (this is for hits on the player NOT for hits an npc is taking from the player)
5- multiple and divide the damage value by the ammo modifiers
6- reduce target hit points by damage value

Original engine damage formula was something like this (never understood it precisely):
1- multiple and divide the damage value by the ammo modifiers
2- reduce or increase the damage value by a percentage depending on the game difficulty setting (this is for hits on the player NOT for hits an npc is taking from the player)
3- reduce the damage value by the damage threshold of the armor being hit
4- determine damage resisted by armor
5- reduce or potentially increase the damage value by the percent resisted by the armor
6- reduce target hit points by damage value

In the original formula it seemed that step 4 could cause the armor to resist damage greater than 100% at times (not so bad), but also to resist damage less than 0%. When it was the case where armor resisted damage less than 0% it would increase the damage value over whatever was expected by the modifiers in the ammo being used.

I know this is all confusing, it took me a while to figure it all out.

The game has built-in limitations that prevent damage from being increased or decreased when damage resistance goes beyond 0% or 100%. There is nothing wrong with the default formula, really, it's just the game's ammo stats that are weird.
Well, hell, I can't save my game. I get a message that goes, "Error saving game! Unable to save game." Or something very similar. I can't save at all, despairingly. I'll start a new game try to save in a different slot and I'll still get this damn message. I don't know if this could have anything to do with the RP, but this is the first time I've ever gotten this issue in the numerous times I've replayed F2.
Magnus said:
The game has built-in limitations that prevent damage from being increased or decreased when damage resistance goes beyond 0% or 100%. There is nothing wrong with the default formula, really, it's just the game's ammo stats that are weird.
Some of my earlier testing seem to suggest otherwise, but I could be remembering incorrectly - it's been a while.

I created the mod not just to fix what I thought was a bug, but also to adjust the calculation to what I thought made sense. My Tweak doesn't change the damage value outcome that much, and in my opinion adjusts it slightly to be more in tune with what I thought was supposed to be intended damage value outcomes in the game based on original ammo and armor stats. Though the Tweak will not instill balance to damage/combat alone.

I guess it boils down to this, if you like what I've done - use it. If you think I'm off my rocker then don't use it. :D

Either way I'm happy with it just being out there. :)

Sorry if I've taken this thread off track temporarily.
Grunter said:
insanepipe said:

Going to the primitive village without buying and repairing the car, via rescuing Sulik's sister results in the car being parked in the wooded area. Trying to go to Den to buy and repair the car results in no car in Den and no car back in the wooded area.

Just had this as well, bit of a game stopper really. Don't remember it happening in 1.1. I haven't been back to the wooded area but all that was in the Den was the car trunk.

This has been the only issue I have seen so far, have done Klamath, done all the Den including killing Metzger(or whatever his name is).

Nice to see these mods putting life back into a really good game.
Ah, crap. So, here is the problem.

In 1.1, your car (if you had it) would not follow you back to the Tribe when you rescued Sulik's sister. I tried to fix this for 1.2 but was unsuccessful. The way the game handles the car is pretty nasty and its no wonder why there were so many car bugs in the original release. Anyway, I implemented a hack that would allow your car to return with you to the Tribe. There was one side effect to this. If you did not leave with your car from the Tribe (ie went by foot), then your car would be lost. To fix this, all you would have to do is take the car once and then reenter the map. From then on everything would be fine and you could leave and enter the Tribe by foot again.

There is another problem though which you guys just brought to my attention. The problem is there is no check if the player has the car with him/her. Thus even if you came without the car, it would appear at the Tribe. Problem is, the game knows you don't have the car yet and thus things get broken.

I am going to address this now and release a fix for it. Sadly, those who have lost the car will need to load a previous save.

June 11th
Prevents car from appearing at the Tribe after rescuing Sulik's sister when you don't have the car in the first place. Results in the car being lost forever.

Grab fix here
Just copy this file to your fallout2/data/scripts folder and overwrite what is there.
And to those who asked, no the RP is not compatible with the MegaMod or any other mod not listed on the Fallout RP tech wiki page.
Grunter said:
Grunter said:
Thanks for the speedy response, will test your fix now

Car hasn't appeared in wooded area, will let you know what happens after the trek to the Den

Car looks OK at the Den, once again thanks for the speedy fix. Will let you know if I notice any other oddities.
Grunter said:
Grunter said:
Grunter said:
Thanks for the speedy response, will test your fix now

Car hasn't appeared in wooded area, will let you know what happens after the trek to the Den

Car looks OK at the Den, once again thanks for the speedy fix. Will let you know if I notice any other oddities.
Did you already experience the bug where the car appeared at the Tribe or did you load a save before experiencing the bug?
I had a save from just before opening the slave pens after killing the slavers. Started from that.... got relocated to primitive tribe... picked up spears & knives quest.... exited tribe area... no car in the wooded area.
Grunter said:
I had a save from just before opening the slave pens after killing the slavers. Started from that.... got relocated to primitive tribe... picked up spears & knives quest.... exited tribe area... no car in the wooded area.
Ok, just checking since the fix won't correct the problem for those already afflicted with the bug.

Thanks for confirming the fix, btw!
no problem, as a 56 year old software engineer it was the least I could do after bringing a curse to your lips :) :D
Skynet said:
This is what is left:

Bad tiling on multiple walls in warehouse undeground area (you know, the one with cryogenic chambers). Only one part of the same wall tile is used.

In EPA level blue, the middle suspension tank wall section is longer than the other two.
Ah, yes I must have missed those. I shall address them.

Continuum said:
Skynet said:
Bad tiling on multiple walls in warehouse undeground area (you know, the one with cryogenic chambers).
And the WIP 3d renders!!! of hibernators/chambers/whatever are not replaced with the new ones...
I know. Problem is I like the WIP ones since they look more like cryogenic chambers from 50's science fiction. The new ones you made, which are absolutely awesome btw, are too alien-like/futuristic. Still, I shall think about this some more.

Slowhand said:
@ killap

The 'art_cache_size' fix and r/o attribute check of proto folder files are still mentioned in the wiki. IIRC, both issues were rectified in your latest release. I'd like the delete those sub-topics, unless there's a possibility of encountering those problems after manually installing the RP. What's the verdict?
Well, I left it in there for those still running 1.1 (which they shouldn't anymore :p) as well as just for reference. A fix is indeed included for this and changing the value manually is no longer necessary.
Seems like everyone decided to post here tonight. Killap, the fixes to the car in the Tribe and the dumb Kaga, are they applied to the current downloadable installer, or must they be installed separately? I suggest the former.

By the way, when you try to untrap Vic's door and it blows up in your face, it says "You get hit for xx damage", but also "<playername> got hit for xx damage."
Magnus said:
Seems like everyone decided to post here tonight. Killap, the fixes to the car in the Tribe and the dumb Kaga, are they applied to the current downloadable installer, or must they be installed separately? I suggest the former.
Every fix is also added to the installer/archive. I mention this on the first page of the thread where all the post fixes are listed. They are available seperately for those who don't wish to redownload the full install again.

Magnus said:
By the way, when you try to untrap Vic's door and it blows up in your face, it says "You get hit for xx damage", but also "<playername> got hit for xx damage."
I shall look into it.
Damn, Killap! I just got the strange ending to the Kaga encounter the second time I saw him. Is the regular diplomatic ending like this? I mean automatic with floating text? I would personally prefer these Kaga endings as dialog options rather than floating text, that way, I can choose whether or not I want to fight him, even with a high speech skill. I wanted to see the diplomatic ending, but I also like fighting that fifth encounter.
Omegawolf said:
Damn, Killap! I just got the strange ending to the Kaga encounter the second time I saw him. Is the regular diplomatic ending like this? I mean automatic with floating text? I would personally prefer these Kaga endings as dialog options rather than floating text, that way, I can choose whether or not I want to fight him, even with a high speech skill. I wanted to see the diplomatic ending, but I also like fighting that fifth encounter.
There are two diplomatic endings now outlined in the F2RP walkthrough. One is humorous based on luck and the other is speech skill based. I decided to not do any dialogue window and just do all floating text. It did occur to me afterwards that people would probably like to still choose to fight despite having the ability to talk him out of it; I just didn't want to write a dialogue tree for it. Still, the real diplomatic one could easily be turned into a dialogue window. Sounds like a 1.21 of the RP should be in the works to change this - or at least an updated eckaga2.int file.

Sigh, I wish I did this originally....Anyway, I have modified how the Kaga diplomatic encounter works. There is still the funny/joke dialogue which remains float only. The conditions on this are high though so unless you really like luck or are cheating, you will never see it.

The real diplomatic Kaga encounter (based strictly on your speech level), which was float only, is now done through the dialogue window. This means that despite having high enough speech to talk him down, you can still choose to fight him.

Grab the file here (Just save to your Fallout2/data/scripts folder and overwrite what is already there)
killap said:
Sounds like a 1.21 of the RP should be in the works to change this...
@ killap

Keeping track of small fixes via a three-digit version number is a great idea. Also, quite a few bug reports were submitted by people playing outdated RP versions. An in-game reference (such as the rock behind Klint in your Unofficial FO2 Patch) could help determine they've actually installed the latest release.
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