First time out of the vault

I had this same problem.ebbpp said:Another thing are the encounters for example patrol unit with some dogs subduing slavers. They never cooperate resulting in my fight with slavers alone when the dogs get killed.
The same thing goes for example Slavers defending against some molerats and wolfs-those two don't cooperate either. And so on....
Also, if you kill Metzger before doing Lara's mission in the Den, that mission becomes unavailable.

Who exactly am I supposed to speak to regarding the squatters in the Den West, for Mom & Bobby, to start the Orphanage?
I talked to Bobby - spoke to mom - and then, she asked me to remove some squatters from "a large building in the Western part of the Den" (may not be a 100% exact quote.) I can only assume she's talking about either Lara's gang ("squatters?") or Flick's building. I murdered Flick the first day I entered the Den; is he who I was supposed to talk to?
To make matters worse, now, when I return to Mom, she will only give me the dialogue as if we were meeting for the first time. ("You're not my mom.", "What's to eat?" (or similar), and the goodbye option. Exploring these options does not reveal the rest of the conversation options I had, regrettably.
[edit] Oh, I suppose since this is my very first post, it's as good a place as any to say - AMAZING job on this patch. It has absolutely revitalized my interest in the game. Thank you so much - all of you who contributed - for doing this. [/edit]