Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

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killap said:
noodlesnspam said:
I haven't posted anything in couple of years but i have one thing to say.

killap may be the best legacy game freelance fan based mod developer of our generation.
Thanks! :) This motivated me to squash some bugs today. The list of unresolved issues on the RP bug wiki is shrinking!

Everyone, quick! Shower killap with praise and adoration! :)
Everyone, quick! Shower killap with praise and adoration! :)

better give him A LOT of donations, this way he can quit his job and stay at home fixing/adding/testing stuff. ;)
killap said:
cocoroxy said:
I found that changing these values in /DATA/Data/worldmap.txt really affects the ecounter rate:

; Encounter frequency percentages:
Woah, those settings are set pretty high. Those are definitely not default RP values.

Killap, yes, you are correct. I forgot that these were my last settings as I was testing the encounter rates out and with them you get an encounter about what seems like every second. Sorry about that.

My only point was that changing these can drastically affect the rate. With very low values you can travel from Klamath to VC on foot and not get a single encounter.
Dravean said:
Everyone, quick! Shower killap with praise and adoration! :)

I finally have a PC! Now I can enjoy the RP! Killap, make it bug free!

:lol:. . . . :lol:. . . :salute:. . . 8-). . . . . :wink:. . . . . . . . . :clap:. . . . . . :dance::dance::dance:
:lol:. . :lol:. . . . . :salute:. . . 8-). . . . . :wink:. . . . . . . . . :clap:. . . . . . :dance:. . . . :dance:
:lol::lol:. . . . . . . :salute:. . . 8-). . . . . :wink:. . . . . . . :clap:. . :clap:. . . . :dance:. . . . :dance:
:lol::lol:. . . . . . . :salute:. . . 8-). . . . . :wink:. . . . . . . :clap::clap::clap:. . . . :dance::dance::dance:
:lol:. . :lol:. . . . . :salute:. . . 8-). . . . . :wink:. . . . . :clap:. . . . . . :clap:. . :dance:
:lol:. . . . :lol:. . . :salute:. . . 8-)8-)8-). . :wink::wink::wink:. . :clap:. . . . . . :clap:. . :dance:

Richwizard said:
Alright, I gotta say the above is pretty awesome.

Hah, no need for everyone to keep showering me with praise though. I'm not that kind of person.

I try to squash a few bugs each week, so as long as the list doesn't grow faster than I fix things, we should be done fairly soon.
killap said:
Hah, no need for everyone to keep showering me with praise though. I'm not that kind of person.

Ah, but you've well earned it :)

I would go as far to say that you and everyone involved with the RP have created an entirely new game by yourselves, considering the state Fallout 2 was in when it was first released way back when. :clap:

killap said:
I try to squash a few bugs each week, so as long as the list doesn't grow faster than I fix things, we should be done fairly soon.

Here here! :drunk:
I try to squash a few bugs each week, so as long as the list doesn't grow faster than I fix things, we should be done fairly soon.

it wont be soon, there are also the bugs posted here and there with and mainly WITHOUT save games. :/
Richwizard said:
:lol:. . . . :lol:. . . :salute:. . . 8-). . . . . :wink:. . . . . . . . . :clap:. . . . . . :dance::dance::dance:
:lol:. . :lol:. . . . . :salute:. . . 8-). . . . . :wink:. . . . . . . . . :clap:. . . . . . :dance:. . . . :dance:
:lol::lol:. . . . . . . :salute:. . . 8-). . . . . :wink:. . . . . . . :clap:. . :clap:. . . . :dance:. . . . :dance:
:lol::lol:. . . . . . . :salute:. . . 8-). . . . . :wink:. . . . . . . :clap::clap::clap:. . . . :dance::dance::dance:
:lol:. . :lol:. . . . . :salute:. . . 8-). . . . . :wink:. . . . . :clap:. . . . . . :clap:. . :dance:
:lol:. . . . :lol:. . . :salute:. . . 8-)8-)8-). . :wink::wink::wink:. . :clap:. . . . . . :clap:. . :dance:

Ha! Awesome. :clap:

I have a few bugs to report - my first and only -

1) When i enter the EPA entrance map on foot, the scroll blockers stop me scrolling to get the exit-grid on screen. This is pretty bad of course as it means I'm trapped in the EPA and can never leave! When i open the map in the mapper its the same. I'd remove the blockers myself but don't know how as i've never messed with scroll blockers.
I'm sure when i went to the EPA in a previous savegame with the car this didn't happen

2) The critical descriptions are still gone. Instead i always get a , or .
My guess would be this is to do with sfall.

Will post no.1 on bug list. Meanwhile, can anyone tell me how to remove scroll blockers in the mapper?
Josan12 said:
2) The critical descriptions are still gone. Instead i always get a , or .
My guess would be this is to do with sfall.
Hmmm... what value do you have set to DamageFormula in ddraw.ini?
Josan12 said:
Glovz said:
Josan12 said:
2) The critical descriptions are still gone. Instead i always get a , or .
My guess would be this is to do with sfall.
Hmmm... what value do you have set to DamageFormula in ddraw.ini?

5 - YAAM.

Are all critical hit descriptions gone? Or is it more a random thing -- sometimes it shows up, sometimes it doesn't?

-- The Haen.

@ Everyone else: Sorry for my lack of response lately -- I'm knee deep in a business start-up, and as you can well imagine, that sucks the life out of any game playing time... I still follow things that are happening here from time to time, though, so at least I'm relatively up-to-date.
Josan12 said:
1) When i enter the EPA entrance map on foot, the scroll blockers stop me scrolling to get the exit-grid on screen. This is pretty bad of course as it means I'm trapped in the EPA and can never leave! When i open the map in the mapper its the same. I'd remove the blockers myself but don't know how as i've never messed with scroll blockers.
I'm sure when i went to the EPA in a previous savegame with the car this didn't happen
Does this also happen when you come with the car? Also, what resolution are you running it at?
Haenlomal said:
Are all critical hit descriptions gone? Or is it more a random thing -- sometimes it shows up, sometimes it doesn't?
I think I have the same problem as this guy, and no they're not all gone. It happens randomly, but it seems to happen most often in any of the new maps or maps with added critters. However it does happen on old maps too, just less commonly.

I remember it happening when fighting Tyler's gang. Tyler raised his gun and shot but it didn't make a sound and the critical hit description was just a dot.

Some enemies it happens repeatedly with, others its more random.

Also have you ever considered updating the San Franciso maps to make them a bit more in line with the rest of the game? It's one part of the game with the restoration project that still feels empty/wrong.

Also I have a glitch where sometimes when people shoot their weapon it doesn't make a sound, and when it happens with one of the weapons with new sound (10mm) it sometimes crashes the game. It doesn't happen very often but it has happened multiple times. The new sounds are worth it but it's still annoying to crash in the middle of combat (also happened in the battle with Tyler's gang)
bloodshed_344 said:
Also I have a glitch where sometimes when people shoot their weapon it doesn't make a sound, and when it happens with one of the weapons with new sound (10mm) it sometimes crashes the game.
Just to make sure, do you have a clean FO2 install followed by RP only? Once I have tried to combine RP with some other mods with included sounds and the same happened to me; the pistol sounds were messed up completely and whole game was becoming unstable.
valcik said:
bloodshed_344 said:
Also I have a glitch where sometimes when people shoot their weapon it doesn't make a sound, and when it happens with one of the weapons with new sound (10mm) it sometimes crashes the game.
Just to make sure, do you have a clean FO2 install followed by RP only? Once I have tried to combine RP with some other mods with included sounds and the same happened to me; the pistol sounds were messed up completely and whole game was becoming unstable.

I'm using clean install of fallout 2 with RP only. I've noticed the problem most when fighting Tyler's gang in the residential area (the game actually crashed twice before I could finish the fight one time, very frustrating). But 99.9% of the time my weapon (including pistol) sounds are fine.
killap said:
Josan12 said:
1) When i enter the EPA entrance map on foot, the scroll blockers stop me scrolling to get the exit-grid on screen. This is pretty bad of course as it means I'm trapped in the EPA and can never leave! When i open the map in the mapper its the same. I'd remove the blockers myself but don't know how as i've never messed with scroll blockers.
I'm sure when i went to the EPA in a previous savegame with the car this didn't happen
Does this also happen when you come with the car? Also, what resolution are you running it at?

No - it doesn't happen with the car. Only on foot.
I'm running at 640x480. I'm aware if i upped the resolution
it'd probably solve the problem (as i'd be able to see more of
the map) but i any changes i make to Mash's .ini file for the hi-res patch don't make any difference.
Am i missing something?

Josan12 said:
No - it doesn't happen with the car. Only on foot.
I'm running at 640x480. I'm aware if i upped the resolution
it'd probably solve the problem (as i'd be able to see more of
the map) but i any changes i make to Mash's .ini file for the hi-res patch don't make any difference.
Am i missing something?

I kind of sounds like the hi-res patch isn't installed properly. When accessed from the Main-menu, do you see the "SCRN" button in the Preferences Window?

There is no need to change the res from 640x480, you just need to have the hi-res patch installed. The angled map boundaries have been opened up a little in the hi-res patch allowing you to see more tiles. Pixote took advantage of this when creating the EPA maps, and as a result the exit grid lies beyond the reach of an unpatched game.
kafoaai said:

Let me introduce myself here! I am a very new guy around, but not for fallout(1,2)! I have been playing this game for ages, and not long ago I have decided to try this mod. The very first mod for me in fact.

I really like all the things that have been done in the mod. But I am sure, I havent seen it all.
My latest caracter turs out to be a 'big gun'-er. I remembered that in plain old fallout 2 I wasnt very sucsessful with big guns, and I thought, "heck maybe now!". And it looks like I was wrong :(.
Thus far I have a light support weapon, wich is quite good for some lowlife enemies, but when I try to take on, some guys with combat armor, they actually dont die! :P (I have bonus ranged damage (2)).
They suffer big time tho, so it isnt an issue - considering it is a light support weapon.

My problem comes with the flamer. useless to say the least. I have red the YAAM readme, and I was like, "woohaaa, the flamer will rock!" ... then I try to hit a deathClaw and I pet a pitiful 8-11 damage :(( I also tried to hit a guy in combat armor, whith the same "success".

So I wonder if somone could explain what is wrong with the flamer? and big guns in all :D I happen to damage more with the HK SMG (dont know the name exactly) with JHP ammo then with the light support weapon :\

you're experincing a bug that messes up the effect of the burst ( and flamers are consdered burst too)
tofix it you delete the hscombatdamage.int from your fallout programfiles ( i just learned this myself 2 days ago :) and it works in the megamod i dont know if it works in the RP tho..
Two minor bugs to report, both relating to talking head backgrounds.

-In the second map of Broken Hills the talking head background is the cave background.

-In the blue level of EPA the talking head background is the desert at daytime background.
bloodshed_344 said:
Two minor bugs to report, both relating to talking head backgrounds.

-In the second map of Broken Hills the talking head background is the cave background.

-In the blue level of EPA the talking head background is the desert at daytime background.

Adding to this, all my companions have the desert night background when I'm in a "car outta fuel"- desert location, no matter what time of day it is.
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