Let me introduce myself here! I am a very new guy around, but not for fallout(1,2)! I have been playing this game for ages, and not long ago I have decided to try this mod. The very first mod for me in fact.
I really like all the things that have been done in the mod. But I am sure, I havent seen it all.
My latest caracter turs out to be a 'big gun'-er. I remembered that in plain old fallout 2 I wasnt very sucsessful with big guns, and I thought, "heck maybe now!". And it looks like I was wrong

Thus far I have a light support weapon, wich is quite good for some lowlife enemies, but when I try to take on, some guys with combat armor, they actually dont die!

(I have bonus ranged damage (2)).
They suffer big time tho, so it isnt an issue - considering it is a light support weapon.
My problem comes with the flamer. useless to say the least. I have red the YAAM readme, and I was like, "woohaaa, the flamer will rock!" ... then I try to hit a deathClaw and I pet a pitiful 8-11 damage

( I also tried to hit a guy in combat armor, whith the same "success".
So I wonder if somone could explain what is wrong with the flamer? and big guns in all

I happen to damage more with the HK SMG (dont know the name exactly) with JHP ammo then with the light support weapon :\