Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

Replay this Fallout 2 game again, this time with another twist Luck8 Throwing (finesse)

I want to test to see how Throwing goes in RP game. Et Tu show that Throwing is really awkwark to play even if we mod in a bunch of Flare. This time I will test to see how it goes.

With Luck8 we are really squeezed on stat point~ Uh. Though with Finessee we up crit chance to 18% which is pretty nice. With that I am reasonable sure to kick Kaga's outcast flying without aim shot.

Tag on Throwing, Sneak, Speech.

Go through ToT without killing much. That is for later on after learn all the unarmed and melee trick in the tribe.

Meet kaga right outside of Arroyo. We run like hell into the farthest tent with a one tile cul-de-sac so we can fight one on one. Fighting one on three that early invite death. We throw a plant spike on Kaga and kick him into fleeing. The other two outcasts, they cost us about 5 healing powders for 80x2 xp and one knife. not a profitable exchange but OCD kill-em-all drive me to fight.

5Ap throwing knife just lose me right there. Though the molotov cocktail does interest me after burning down Vic's and Duntons' doors. If there's a Throwing mod, I think Molotovs can worth your while to appear more and earlier.
Rave Party: Change screen solution to 640x480 and walk on/around the line dividing W and SW sectors of The den. 20 minutes, top. Walking speed mean we cant pay too much attention to night time as required, we just walk all day
++ Luck might be a factor. Luck8 get me 20-30 minutes. But a Luck6 character walk around it waaaay too long without getting this rave (RPG14 plus a Random encounter mod, i dont know if these have effects)

Molotov 5Ap means I have to walk carefully, wait the right moment, to strike approriate targets (ie 2). Even so, half of the time it still splash on Sulik.

Throwing Knife 5AP mean I dont ever consider it for use. If I have to range, Plant spike 4AP is more like it. And if I can splurge on molotovs, it's better.

EDIT: Frag grenades 4AP mean it is of more use than Molotov. While it's expensive for early games, the problem is that too little stock.

To be honest, I think we can change bullet scrounger perk into grenades scrounger perk. Set requirement for Throwing 60+ and voila! You can find more grenades in loot in random encounter (instead of bullet). It's not even an exploit because you must invest 50-60 point in it. Quite expensive.
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EDIT - Also I just replaced the RP's sfall with the latest one. I overwrote the original ddraw.ini with the new one but then I went through each option they both shared and made sure the new one matched the old one. After I started the game I couldn't save on my old slots but since I had already loaded one that's not that big an issue. Also a red message going YOU HAVE OVERWRITTEN THE RP DDRAW INI appears every once in a while. Anybody knows how to stop this?

It happened to me as well. Does this mean u can't make any changes to ddraw.ini? Is it not possible to mod RP?
You CAN NOT replace RP\s ddraws ini.

You can replace the sfall ddraws dll. then you insert codes from sfall ddraws ini into RP ini.

4x come with 2 extra files. In my games they create problem that deleting them would solve. So I turn to 3x version.
You CAN NOT replace RP\s ddraws ini.

You can replace the sfall ddraws dll. then you insert codes from sfall ddraws ini into RP ini.

4x come with 2 extra files. In my games they create problem that deleting them would solve. So I turn to 3x version.

Thanks for replying. I'm more into knowing when specifically does it happen though. I plan to mod the game quite a bit, using RP as base, and I would be really confused if somewhere along the way I broke the settings and I would have to spend hours figuring out what's wrong, or even lose progress.
When what? You install base game, rp, then replace dll and insert code.

I typically inserted/change code in middle of my games, since I sudden found that a piece of code represent a feature that I want to activate/deactivate. Examples is worldmaptimemode. SOmetimes I want to keep it under 100, but after Revisit Arroyo I can set it back to 100.
When what?


Also a red message going YOU HAVE OVERWRITTEN THE RP DDRAW INI appears every once in a while. Anybody knows how to stop this?
I guess my save will break at some point but whatever. The new additions (instant weapon changing/looting, full FPS world map, highlitable corpses and overall better stability) are worth it I guess. Wish me luck.

The original msg has a jpg attached which shows the problem.
If you are asking about remove the red letter message, I typically reinstall base game, RP, then replace dll and insert code.

Dont forget enable debug line, which allow to load most game saves without problem.
Yeah, or more specifically, what makes it start. I am making mods continuously on a certain RP installation, and I can't afford to reinstall every time it happens. I need to know WHY it happens, so I can rest assure that all my work would not be compromised.
Just add the following to the top of the [Main] section of the ddraw.ini, and the error message will be gone:
You can freely mod it to your likeing, if just checks that specific line.
Also the check is removed in RPU it seems...

And it's always better to merge not completely overwrite the ddraw.ini with the features of the new one,
so everything is set up correctly when you update sfall...
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Note about a change from long before:

Modoc's Balthas is the place where it sell Leather Armor Mk2. I remember it way back when quite impressed with this armor shop, with that one and combat leather jacket as quest reward (and sell in shop afterward i think).

Now, as current version, Balthas no longer sell both. His poor shop has only jacket and leather armor mk1.

I dont understand this decision to cut both from Balthas' stock. Okay, leather mk2 is halfway understandable because it make for a nice choice-n-choose in VC later on: leather vs metal. But why do they cut combat leather jacket after it was issued as quest reward?
I dont understand this decision to cut both from Balthas' stock. Okay, leather mk2 is halfway understandable because it make for a nice choice-n-choose in VC later on: leather vs metal. But why do they cut combat leather jacket after it was issued as quest reward?
Balthas never stocks leather armor mk2 nor combat leather jacket in his shop box, not even in vanilla game.
You can check MIBALBOX.SSL in the official script source that comes with the mapper if you have doubt.
our bone-nose spammer probably means EcCo mod. As in EcCo after the ghostfarm quest there is possibility to choose reward eigther armors or cash if one chooses cash the armors get added to Bathlas inventory.
Nope~ I didnt ever try EcCo before (I think)~ What I mean is, probbably a game a decade ago with some mod messing with merchants. I remembered way back when quite impressed with the only armor shop in the game. That is probbably the intent of the modder messing with Balthas' stock.
Fake Heart Pill

I can never talk to Doc Jubilee that lead to pecker problem. Thus I can never talk to Renesco about that pecker pills.

Leave jubilee's item alone, or steal it blind, or return two items after stealing it... Nope.

I did talk to Renesco about heart problem before but he mention something about meat and cigar etc...