Question: does anyone has any luck with Better Miria mod in RP recently? As in a few months back.
Better Miria mod from Endocore doesnt seem to work. She doesnt level up.
The state is: F2, then RP, then better miria mod. WHich is current state and doesnt work.
I reextract miria mod, copy replace into folder... and now it cant load.
If I reinstall RP then I can load the game, but miria doesnt level up.
Checking: the article say proto files are 545, 546, 547, 548, 549, and 550. And so
But inside the better miria mod files are proto files 550-555. With the party.txt coming with level_pids=16777766,16777767,16777768,16777769,16777770,16777771
So yeah, I am puzzled~
EDIT: a halfway workaround is that deleting the miria mod scripts, leaving the original scripts in place. So Miria can now start level up and chat. I am uncertain what will break and when, but for now Miria can do normal work and that is enough.