Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

When the engine actively checks player's skill (in barter / on the worldmap) or the player uses skills on objects (i.e. not check in scripts), the game takes the highest skill level in the party instead of only from the player. It's just about who performs the action animation, depending on who is closer to the target object. The gl_sfall-mods.int and UsePartySkills option in sfall-mods.ini from the extended build force NPC with the highest skill to perform the action.

The "take the highest skill in the party" mechanism is actually mentioned in the manual, only a bit obscure I guess:
Get some Friends (NPCs, that is)
Having additional NPC party-members is great. Not only can they offer additional information, but they do the following:
* Some NPCs are very skilled, and it will effectively mean that your character gains a lot of experience as long as you have these skilled NPCs around.
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Currently I am using 2 mods

falloutfolder\mod\fallout2.exe this is for RPU14
falloutfolder\RP233\fallout2.exe this is for RP233
sfall-mods.ini only present in mod folder and the usepartyskills=0 so obviously it doesnt activate.
RP233 doesnt have any sfall-mods ini because I am using sfall 3.8xxx.

So you can guess why this stump me~
That is because You must be using Sfall eXtended by Mr.Stalin or some other custom sfall.

Sfall eXtended has this option somwhere in sfall-mods.ini . It's a boolean so eigther a 0 or 1. Don't remember what it's called exactly however if you read the description you'll find out yourslef. It's usefull as heck. All it does basically if any NPC in your party has higher skill than you, the one with the higherst skill is chosen for the task, so for example: Lenny can heal all your party members not just you, Kitsune can open locked doors, Myron can examine stuff that requires science for you, Vic can repair it (as he already could :p), etc. ofcourse if you try to do stuff with shitty skill levels and don't have particularly skilled NPCs with that skill in your party, such stupidity, as you describe, could occour.

This mechanic has it's effects in TC mods as well. in "et tu" you can use Katja to open most locks for you (if you apply sfall extended ofcourse) [in recent SVN version Lexx already made Katja gain lockpick on level up - she now goes up to 150%]
Also Lystra in Resurrection can heal up Kerri or herself a bit (as You'd get a full heal through dialogue with her and the use of eigther of medical bags.)
I know this isn't the best place to ask about Fallout 1 et tu... but I could not help but wonder how to apply sfall eXtended to Fallout 1 et tu. I have tried replacing the ddraw.dll file only, and editing the ddraw.ini in Fo1@2, to no avail. (It just doesn't work). I have also tried replacing ddraw.dll and ddraw.ini file, which also does not work.

this is where I downloaded sfall eXtended:
@arroyoman Crafty's *ain't* the eXtended version. Instead try the one from Mr.Stalin's signature. The option we are talking about is placed in sfall-mods.ini . the 'UsePartySkills=' however it still does not work for me in Fo1 as well. I'm currently trying to solve the issue in sfall thread.
I am at the EPA and is experiencing framerate drops. I saw someone in this thread (page 38) with the same issue but no solution was given. Has anyone else also experienced this problem? How do I solve it?

Note: Running sfall extended.
Here is the save file if needed.


Or you can just kill off the active Mr Handies who are not serving any purpose I can see. So it's the fastest and easiest way, ever.
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Do you remember exact setup you used in order to have party members do skill related stuff instead of you?

I always wanted to have that, and seem to have hard time configuring it properly ( so far only Lenny runs around and heals party NPCs [but excluding the main dude] and Vic does some repairs (but not all) and that's it (though they always did that since they were scripted to do it even in vanilla). Howevr sfall eXtended UsePartySkills=1 eigther does not work or I simply can't configure it correctly to work. I have similar issues in both Fallout:et tu and in Fallout2. my party NPCs simply don't do jack shit skill wise besides what they are scripted in vanilla. In Fo: et tu i can't make them do anything (especially now when Katja get's such a hilariously OP lockpick skill on her final stage (currently SVN only [I've ported over the protos from SVN] ).
No. It's more like, it suddenly activate that feature, and I dont remember activating it.

It might be because I was copying dll around that point so it might auto trigger it.

And when I copypasta the code regarding that part from other ini into ddrawsini, it's originally set at 0 (nonactivated).

And now it seem to deactivate itself again anyway.
No. It's more like, it suddenly activate that feature, and I dont remember activating it.

It might be because I was copying dll around that point so it might auto trigger it.

And when I copypasta the code regarding that part from other ini into ddrawsini, it's originally set at 0 (nonactivated).

And now it seem to deactivate itself again anyway.

Ok I sorted it out:
there are two settings for party skill usage:
-one in sfall-mods.ini which up until today post midnight was broken and not working. However Mr.Stalin fixed it and it works fine now.

-the other is in ddraw.ini it only enables Party members with higher First Aid or Doctor skills to use them on Player when player tries to use them on himslelf and has lower skill. (one needs to be next to party member when trying to do so).

I assume You've experienced the ddraw.ini line working, as prior to today the sfall-mods.ini option was broken.
I don't think there's anything in sfall or RPU that makes party member automatically use skills.
There's this setting, but it's only used when you explicitly command it, I think.
I don't think there's anything in sfall or RPU that makes party member automatically use skills.
There's this setting, but it's only used when you explicitly command it, I think.

Then check out Mr.Stalin's Sfall eXtended...
In sfall-mods.ini there's a setting UsePartySkills= if you set it to 1 than any party npc with skill higher than yours will use first aid, doctor,lockpick,traps,science and repair instead of you. however it requires the fixed sfall-mods.int for v4.2.6 downloadable separately from github.
so as I said one is in ddraw.ini ( the one you mentioned) and the other is not sfall per see but a related global script which wouldn't work without sfall.
Note to self: After getting the quest from Mr Bishop, I can ask Renesco about heart pill

I am NOT asking him yet. Currently doctor 5% (and Science 91) so I suspect it affect the answer. Let's wait until I can invest for Doctor 60.
Note: on EPA's robots.

There is no use for them as I can see. And their existence raise the demand for search nodes, aka making maps laggy.

So I recommend to kill them ASAP. There is simply no need to keep them around.
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First you need to know about the Pills: look/steal from the shelve, then talk to him about heart problems (there is a new dialog option at that point). Pick it, follow the dialogue and he can point to Renesco for Pecker Pills, who you only then can talk about to make special ones.
Just stealing the real ones will do nothing, you need to replace them with the fake ones on the shelve.

Also you need to be on the NCR Town map on the pickup day (Jubilee tells when the next pickup is), because is a Bug that Westin may not be counted as killed, dunno if that's fixed in RPU.
If you can't be arsed to wait, killing Jubilee should also work ;)
And yea, as if not taking a pill that one day that will kill him... that's not how betablockers work... #gamelogic

Doc Jubilee entirely ignore my picking of his bookcase, steal or not, stealth or not (I have to modify my save to reduce sneak to minimum level).

According to his dialog (use script editor to read that one), he's supposed to notice my action. This script simply fail to fire up.

Which is weird because once upon a time, god know which version of RP, I remember it fired up normally.
If the docs line of sight is blocked by your party members and he can't see you messing with the shelf, he will not react nor have any new dialog option. Same goes if you play in 'ghost mode'.

Anyway, he is not supposed to catch you every time. The are separate steal skill checks for the pills and the poison that you will have to fail for a reaction from him. Passing the check for the pills will give a new dialog option as well.

The steal check is rather slow, so if you talk to the doc too fast after closing the shelf, you may not have any new dialog. Exiting dialog and waiting a couple of seconds should let the script do it's thing, and all should be well.
Ok. Will try again later. Though light and los is not a problem because i drop flare on his foot and bookcase

For consideration my sneak is mostly120 when i arrive at ncr. Unlike years earlier before i discover that sneak 120 check secret.
(EDIT: and indeed, we have to click a little slower, keep the lane abit clearer with no companion clutter the LOS. This get me the dialog right away.)

On a separate note, @Darek you might want to add a detail to your RP guide:

Chad skimming quest, once you talk to the guy in the courtyard about that Chad's room and lock... That man, Max, will teach you a bit about lock, thus add 5% to your skill. Which is an important tidbit to your readers, I think.
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On a separate note, @Darek you might want to add a detail to your RP guide:

Chad skimming quest, once you talk to the guy in the courtyard about that Chad's room and lock... That man, Max, will teach you a bit about lock, thus add 5% to your skill. Which is an important tidbit to your readers, I think.
Yeah thanks, that would be useful.
Unfortunately my internet provider screwed up when I upgraded my subscription and they refuse to fix it, so I have no access to the site hosting the walkthrough. If I decide to update the walkthrough, I will have to host it somewhere else and so far I havent thought it worth the hassle. We'll see...
One thing to note is that the dialog with Old Joe is much different if Chosen One has 10 Charisma (or 10 Int Idont know). I spoke with him lots of time with mostly Charisma 8 (7+Shade) (and INT9)and I dont remember his dialog is as fun as the one I had just now with him on a Mentat trip (PER<CHA<INT all 10).

That dialog is more important than the 10mm pistol we get when we pretend to know him.

An easter egg is only a surprise find if they know it's there, right? if they dont know they dont try to find out. So it's a good thing if you mentioned it in your guide, too.