Gaspard said:Doesn't Balthos in Modoc give you the "find my son Jonny" quest anymore ?
Yup, thanks to included damage fixes, the combats are tougher now.Hassknecht said:Is it just me or does the RP make the game a lot harder than usual?
If you have too many encounters on the world map, change the option in ddraw.ini. I explain this in my readme. Everyone thinks I made the game harder. I did not. The reason it is harder is either because the combat tweaks are chosen in the installer or you don't play with the encounter rate in the .ini file. The whole world map travel system is broken on modern computers, so you have to play with it to get it just right.Hassknecht said:I haven't played Fallout 2 in a long time, but I don't recall meeting heavily armed robbers/highwaymen, huge packs of geckos and radscorpions and all that in nearly every second square on the world map.
It's a new function from sfall. You can toggle it on/off in ddraw.ini.Goweigus said:And are you supposed to be told exactly how much karma you gain/lose any time it happens? I don't remember noticing that any time I've ever played up until now. Was that something the devs never got to? It seems like something that would have been in if they intended, or I'm just an idiot and never noticed it in vanilla.
This is an sfall feature. It can be turned on/off in ddraw.iniGoweigus said:And are you supposed to be told exactly how much karma you gain/lose any time it happens? I don't remember noticing that any time I've ever played up until now. Was that something the devs never got to? It seems like something that would have been in if they intended, or I'm just an idiot and never noticed it in vanilla.
Reading Per Jorner Guide I found that there is a zeta scan that can change your stats,anything else?ebbpp said:I scoped the topic. I finished the game but had no idea that sunglasses increase your charisma by 1. Are there any more items/possibilities to increase basic stats? I only have knowledge of skill perks and computer modules.
[spoiler:8028d0c4dd]There is a +1 agility serum at the EPA.[/spoiler:8028d0c4dd]ebbpp said:I'm asking the same question again.Reading Per Jorner Guide I found that there is a zeta scan that can change your stats,anything else?ebbpp said:I scoped the topic. I finished the game but had no idea that sunglasses increase your charisma by 1. Are there any more items/possibilities to increase basic stats? I only have knowledge of skill perks and computer modules.
Ah yes, I'll try that. There are just too many damn encounters to have any fun travelling aroundkillap said:If you have too many encounters on the world map, change the option in ddraw.ini. I explain this in my readme. Everyone thinks I made the game harder. I did not. The reason it is harder is either because the combat tweaks are chosen in the installer or you don't play with the encounter rate in the .ini file. The whole world map travel system is broken on modern computers, so you have to play with it to get it just right.Hassknecht said:I haven't played Fallout 2 in a long time, but I don't recall meeting heavily armed robbers/highwaymen, huge packs of geckos and radscorpions and all that in nearly every second square on the world map.
I wouldn't use this feature. It is very experimental and is known to cause odd behavior.cocoroxy said:I have not been able to find much info on how the sfall ControlPartyMembers=1 in ddraw.ini works with the RP. Are there any issues that people have had with it? Is it ok to set it to 1?
Your suggestion doesn't really fit in with the goal of the project - restoring content. Combat characters would like this idea, but strictly diplomatic ones probably wouldn't. Bottom line: combat balance isn't something I plan to touch.ebbpp said:Killap?
Not Lost Hope said:Frank has always been a pushover IMO, especially if you convert the guards and turrets on your side.
That could make for a good discussion, what could be changed to make the end boss be a bit tougher.