killap said:
While they are appropriate additions to the game, they are not truly restored content

Never argued about that.
About the two problems with using the "female dude" custom anims that you've mentioned...
-All weapons - I could say that Miria is such a poor shooter that I don't really matter, but I won't

I'll rather write what I thought when Cassidy has drawn a m60 in the middle of the fight for the first time... "W00T?!" ;]
I'm in no way into scripting, but as far as I know, all animations are separate .frm files. No file - no animation. Someone with a bit of aptitude (not a computer liability like me) will have no problems with making a PC-looking Miria without the rifle, flamer, minigun (...), animations. Authors of B-Team could have easily removed the "additional weapon anims" from followers. I rather think they didn't wanted to.
-Similar look - yeah, a band of PC Male + (optionally) one PC female wasn't that beautifull, especially that Vic gaining hair and loosing weight with the help of the leather jacket

That was just too much

But let me remind, that even in the original Fallout 2 PC chars and nearly all of the followers WERE exact copies of a number of other NPCs...
Sulik - is identical with any other non-Arroyo tribal/nomad/cannibal/ + to some slaves
Vic - is identical to Jesus Mordino (and one or two more chars I think)
Cassidy - is identical to Metzeger, Male Encounter Slaver, male trapper, Some of the Bishop Guards...)
Marcus - is identical to about 30% of mutants appearing in both first fallouts...
Miria - is identical to homeless female, mom, female junkie, prostitutes, female caravan masters...
as tribals - are identical to the Arroyo tribals
with jumpsuit - are identical to some of the vault dwellers
in leather jacket - are identical to some of the raiders, gangsters, claim jumpers, gang members...
in leather armor - are identical to about 70% of the leather armor types encounered ingame (with exception of the Cassidy identicals)
in metal armor - are identical to all of the Metal armor chars with the exception of a female trapper and black MA guy
in combat armor - are identical to all of the other CA NPCs (there is no other CA animation apart from the PC male and PC female!
As we now remember, 99% of Fallout chars graphics are used in a large (sometimes humongous) number of characters.

And Miria, who already looks like several other characters CANNOT look like PC female in order to have armor animations...
I know I'm nagging you, killap

And I know, that you're a perfectionist. And I know that glueing together the separete PC anims to make Miria looking armoured is a bit of work. And I will certainly play the new RP again, simply because it's great, and getting better with every release. But please do not make that common mistake to exclude something (even as optional!), just because you think it won't fit that good.
It's me, DrapiChrust, shutting up now.