Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

Completed a 3 month long gameplay using RP, damn that was GOOD! Will start it all over again hehe. But here comes the problem:

The Paramedics Bag didn't spawn even once in RP 2.1.2.b, and believe me, I went to those 4 shops in San Fran A LOT (ended the game with 7x 99.999 gold, 5000 of each amno - 5mm I had 8500 each lol - and... nevermind).

The only one I could get was that on a locker in the Enclave.

Is this a bug or was the Paramedics Bag intentionally been removed?

PS: Holy Hannah, the Light Support Weapon became the eve of destruction. :shock:
Makenshi said:
Holy Hannah, the Light Support Weapon became the eve of destruction. :shock:

What do you mean?...Are you saying the Light Support Weapon was a useful weapon! Anyway the Bozar is still in the game (at the toxic caves, and the gun shop in SF), nevertheless the LSW is still about 80% as lethal as the Bozar. RP has great re-playability IMO.
Hey! Don't change the subject, where are the paramedics bags? :P

Ok, about the LSW: damn useful and damn cool, with the minigun sound. YAAM changes mean that .223 is the pwn, and LSW burst 10 of those bullets for the lulz

Don't even get started on Gauss amno, it's fucking imba and that's a-sweet :mrgreen:

About Bozar: sounds like a broken shotgun or something, and shouldn't even be a burst weapon imo. I avoid it. If only it was single shot, 70-95 dam or better, used 14mm and sounded like BOOM (14mm pistol)...
How can i provoke an Eniclave vertibird assault by using the computer in the reactor in Gecko? I don't have any option for b. Some kind of network. Need high science skill for it or what?
As Wright's are concerned-from what I know no - you can only avoid them if you don't want a Wright's taking the city by force ending.

yes-you must have enough high science-then you will try to download instructions for robot from net you can access Enclave,if you provoke an enclave trooper during the talk you will meet the assault team short while after you will leave city.
Haenlomal said:
NovaRain said:
Haenlomal said:
Therefore, I have fixed it so that Called Shots are enabled for HtH Attacks even if you have the Fast Shot Trait active.
Great finding, Haen! :clap:
Is it possible to add FO1 behaviour of Fast Shot as an additional option? (i.e. FastShotFix=2 for FO1 behaviour)

Yes, it is. And in fact, Timeslip has gone ahead and done just that. :) So, to get Fast Shot to behave as it did in FO1, set FastShotFix=2. To use my version of the fix, set FastShotFix=1. If for whatever reason you want to keep the Fallout 2 original behaviour, set FastShotFix=0. If FastShotFix isn't specified, my fix (FastShotFix=1) is the default.

-- The Haen.

I've been thinking the Fast Shot is bugged for a long time now.
Is this fix implanted yet in the RP?

I just made a fresh installation of 2.1.2b and there is no change to Fast Shot, and I also can't find the variable in ddraw.ini
killap said:
I haven't altered the loot tables to shops in a way that would affect what items they give. Are you perhaps misremembering how those shops behave? Can anyone confirm that in the original game these shops gave better weapons?
clippertm said:
This is weird.. Maybe New Reno Arms did not have an incredible stock, but I am quite positive that the "Big Guns" shop outside the NCR had proper guns. Now it only has like a combat shotgun and some low end ammo...
You are talking about Buster, I suppose.

As far as I understand he is able to have a more exotic range of weapons, at times.

My memory tells me that he usually stocks Light Support Weapon, Needler, Pancor Jackhammer and several variations of Miniguns in his shelves. I have a character at level 18 right now. I made a run to Buster and could only find one Hunting Rifle, two .223 Pistols and one Pancor Jackhammer in the firearms department.

Maybe his inventory was bugged before, making all of those weapons spawn at every visit?
I already dis-armed and looted Bishop's safe (silly me) and now I am not able to re-arm the safe. I have dynamite in my inventory, repair skill is at 80%, but when I try to 'repair' the safe I get the message "It probably would be best to re-arm the safe with plastic explosives or dynamite first", and when I try to use the dynamite on the safe... I blow myself up.

What am I doing wrong?

EDIT: I just figured it out... left-clicking on The Chosen One, clicking on the backpack icon, and then on the dynamite in her inventory does nothing (and I am rewarded with the message: "That does nothing"). BUT! Left-clicking ON THE SAFE, clicking the backpack icon, and then clicking on the dynamite does the trick!
Tragic Addiction: What are the effects?

What effects does Tragic Addiction have? It does not seem to do anything.
Re: Tragic Addiction: What are the effects?

ktchong said:
What effects does Tragic Addiction have? It does not seem to do anything.

Just means that you spend a lot of time and money collecting cards and playing games when you could be doing more productive things. ;-)

Seriously, I don't think it has any game effects, but I believe that question was answered before somewhere... perhaps a forum search - or someone with a better memory than me can help answer ... ?

ehhh, in one of the project notes it said you could get vault citizenship status by blowing up gecko powerplant, but i tried it and it didnt work. am i doing something wrong or did i misread the notes and need to get new glasses?
uhm i have a problem
i installed this mod(it's a real nice one by the way)

and most things have gone smoothly except for 2 things

(sometime the game freezes(goes all black and i have to kill the process of fallout 2 to restart it again) this is just a minor issue

however the second problem i am having is

whenever i try to change the armor of ccassidy he get's removed from the game o.O t.t

does this has something to do with the animations or what?

i'm pretty annoying to miss the best npc in the game xD
Question for anyone who has played fallout 2 expansion

If I am in the wrong area I am terribly sorry but finding where to ask this seemed endless so I stopped here and thought I would try asking.It has been a long time since I played so I dusted off my archive installed it found the restoration project expansion.SO everything is running great, only thing is it seems like the raider mission (Quest) has been pulled from the game,Or something I have done has kept me away from the raiders missions. If anyone knows where I can either find a walkthrough, FAQ for the expansion, or if you know why I can't find the raider quest I would really like to hear from you.
Thanks in advance.
Well you can't find the raiders base anymore by walking around their location. You have to get the map from the Bishop's safe in New Reno. And as for quest, you should talk with Vault City's Captain of the guards (forgot his name :( - Stark?) and then with Lynnete.
Just wanted to put my love out there. This is the second time playing the mod and the first time trying the shadowfall higher resolutions, which I found jaw-dropping.

Thanks so much for your hard work to everyone involved!
I installed fo2 v1.02, then rp_2.1.2b. The first time I entered the game everything seemed fine except the colors so I went to tinker with the scrn options. After trying many resolutions with no problems(except visual ones in means of monitor width &height) I ticked the option of glittering something(don't remember exactly but it was the only option you could tick) in the sfall tab. After restarting the game this message appears:
The instruction at 0083bea3 referenced memory at 00000000
The memory could not be read from
Click on OK to terminate the application

And keeps appearing ever since.

I unistalled everything then re-installed them in the same order but this message keeps popping out. I seem unable to enter the game. Only if I unistall rp_2.1.2b I can enter the game without this error message(but what's the point then).
I tried to change resolution and video mode from the ddraw.ini file too, but I get the same problem :/

Any idea?
This is the gameplay thread, and it's not really meant for technical problems.
But whatever...
Did you try to simply restart your computer?
It could be that some windows component has crashed and need to be restarted. That has happened to me a couple of times.
1on1z3d said:
I unistalled everything then re-installed them in the same order..
Backup your ddraw.ini and f2_res.ini files after fresh RP install. There are all the sfall and hi-res patch settings stored, so you don't need to reinstall everything if something unexpected will happen.