First time out of the vault

How many BAGs are total in F2(+RP) ?
I have found 2 but would love some more to organize inventory/car trunk.
I have found 2 but would love some more to organize inventory/car trunk.
[spoiler:524d38d385]Check the floor in the small building to the south-east (entrance map).[/spoiler:524d38d385]Skynet said:Where is the metal i need to jam that rusty fan in EPA underground level?
I have tried crowbar, but no dice. I have searched everyplace, so unless it's in one of the locked lockers, I just can't find it.
lac said:What I would like is if my NPCs used super stimpaks when needed. But if you set them to use stimpacks only, then its only the simple ones they use. If instead you set them up as 'any chem, some of the time' they gobble down fruits, beers, nuka-colas etc for no particular good reason, before a fight, when they aren't even injured.
Surely this isn't what the designers intended?
lac said:I got my car in the Den, drove to New Reno to get it stolen and upgraded, and then to NCR to get Claudia. Now I am getting hardly any encounters at all. It's not that I am zipping around the map too quickly, the speed seems comparable to what I had before I installed RP 2.0.2d , it's just that I never seem to run into anything interesting, either of the 'would you like to encounter' sort or the you just encounter them sort.