Fallout 2 Restoration Project (v1.1) Suggestions

Elitech said:
smilodom said:
Oh Yes, it would be funny to see all these Robots going to the repair unit ant then fighting again... :D

If they got anything left to go on, after you're done with them...

Destroyed bots will be replaced with new ones unless you destroy the repair bot.
Skynet said:
Destroyed bots will be replaced with new ones unless you destroy the repair bot.

Unlimited exp? Don't like that....

On another note - are these implemented in the RP:

* A quest to retrieve a corpse stolen by the Hubologists from the Shi, as hinted by the existence of such an item and a log note in the Shi database.

* A Shi quest tied in to the EPA, related to the ending where the Shi get their butts kicked by a sentient plant.

* The interior of the Hubologist space shuttle and three endings where the Hubologists kill themselves in different ways by means of the shuttle.

ALSO (from Per's guide):

# Poking through the game files one can discover many details and features that didn't seem to make it into the game. For instance, there are images for each specific karma level, a Virgin reputation and "Tragic" and alcohol addiction; named critters that are not in the game and earlier versions of existing ones; an Arroyo exile named Kaga repeatedly trying to kill the Chosen One in special encounters; sound files for endings for the Elder, Marcus, Harold and the President; a "Li'l Chemist" kit allowing you to mix chemicals; implied uses for "useless" items such as the Ball Gag, Marked Cards and Radscorpion Limbs; a village outside Vault City whose inhabitants are trying to avoid being turned into "servants"; Merk stealing stuff from your car in NCR; getting to the SAD by finding a map in Sam Pritchard's grave (prevented by a scripting bug); getting the location of the SAD from the traveller encounter (prevented by another scripting bug); giving Jet to Fannie in Redding and eventually having her die of an overdose; the robots in the SAD going to the repair bay for maintenance and repair bots replacing killed robots with new ones; Mr. Cheater; recruiting Dr Jones in Vault 15 as an NPC; a food system; the Pipe Rifle as a "Springer Rifle" loaded with Rocks (!); and more.

# A few extra movies (e.g. meeting Gruthar, the desert transaction and getting the car).

# Lots of details and options that were disabled by scripting errors or engine issues, for instance: being able to finish the spleen quest by assassinating Dr Wong within a day after his refusal to give you the spleen; the possibility of crippled limbs resulting from falling down in the Ghost Caves or being expelled from the Modoc toilet; Rebecca attacking you if you're a Childkiller; gaining a permanent Agility bonus after sleeping with Miss Kitty; the Hintbook boosting your stats and HP; and others.

# A Phazer (sic) at the scene of the shuttle crash.
Skynet said:
Destroyed bots will be replaced with new ones unless you destroy the repair bot.

Elitech said:
Unlimited exp? Don't like that....

Well, it could be changed to work only two times....

Elitech said:
On another note - are these implemented in the RP:

+.....and three endings where the Hubologists kill themselves in different ways by means of the shuttle.

+Virgin reputation and "Tragic"....;

+an Arroyo exile named Kaga repeatedly trying to kill the Chosen One in special encounters;

+sound files for endings for the Elder, Marcus, Harold and the President;

+a village outside Vault City whose inhabitants are trying to avoid being turned into "servants";

+Merk stealing stuff from your car in NCR;

+getting to the SAD by finding a map in Sam Pritchard's grave (prevented by a scripting bug);

+getting the location of the SAD from the traveller encounter (prevented by another scripting bug);

+giving Jet to Fannie in Redding and eventually having her die of an overdose;

+being able to finish the spleen quest by assassinating Dr Wong within a day after his refusal to give you the spleen;

+the possibility of crippled limbs resulting from falling down in the Ghost Caves or being expelled from the Modoc toilet;

+A Phazer (sic) at the scene of the shuttle crash.

All of those are already added.
Skynet said:
Well, it could be changed to work only two times....

Definitely. Maybe even just once...

Skynet said:
+.....and three endings where the Hubologists kill themselves in different ways by means of the shuttle.

+Virgin reputation and "Tragic"....;

+an Arroyo exile named Kaga repeatedly trying to kill the Chosen One in special encounters;

+sound files for endings for the Elder, Marcus, Harold and the President;

+a village outside Vault City whose inhabitants are trying to avoid being turned into "servants";

+Merk stealing stuff from your car in NCR;

+getting to the SAD by finding a map in Sam Pritchard's grave (prevented by a scripting bug);

+getting the location of the SAD from the traveller encounter (prevented by another scripting bug);

+giving Jet to Fannie in Redding and eventually having her die of an overdose;

+being able to finish the spleen quest by assassinating Dr Wong within a day after his refusal to give you the spleen;

+the possibility of crippled limbs resulting from falling down in the Ghost Caves or being expelled from the Modoc toilet;

+A Phazer (sic) at the scene of the shuttle crash.

All of those are already implented.

You mean these you took out are implemented? Cause this one - "images for each specific karma level" - and this one - "The interior of the Hubologist space shuttle" - sound really interesting :-)
Shi sub and Hubologist spaceship interior were all intended for the RP. Sadly, I have no graphic skills, so they were dropped.
1 more question if I may - how did you add the village near VC and Primitive tribe? Were those "graphics" already in the game, but not used?
Elitech said:
1 more question if I may - how did you add the village near VC and Primitive tribe? Were those "graphics" already in the game, but not used?

You mean the maps? Well, my primitive tribe is based off of Chris Park's mod and then heavily modified by me. Same goes with the EPA. The Village outside VC was created by another user and then again modified by me. I can modify/create maps with the mapper just fine. It is just creating new graphics to use in the maps that I cannot do. The Shi sub map would require a large number of new frms as well as the interior to the Hubologist ship. I could make a map using existing graphics, but this is boring.
Elitech said:
K, please explain this is "idiot" english for me:

killap said:
The Shi sub map would require a large number of new frms

What is frm and what is it used for?

It is the file type of each graphic found in a map. When you create a graphic, in say photoshop, you have to convert it to a frm for it to be used in the game.
"The Shi sub map would require a large number of new frms as well as the interior to the Hubologist ship. I could make a map using existing graphics, but this is boring."

Use walls from the Gecko Reactor, floor from SAD... Throw in a few of those tables, monitors & consoles from the vault and - ta da! Nothing new, yet totally new interior ;-)
You should check out the Submarine Mod that is still in progress. (last I read, anyway) People have put a LOT of work into that, but unfinished as yet.

I think it's not so much the "inside the sub" art that is needed as much as what it looks like outside - unless it's on the ocean floor and we have a diving suit. :P
But as far as I can see, that mod will die... :-(

As far as I can see, one of the posts starts with: "There hasn't been much done on this mod."... And how the submarine would look - why not make it like another part of town? There's no "entrance" to the shi "temple"...

Also what role did the retina scanner in that building on the dock serve?
Hey. I just got to the EPA and I'd like to suggest downgrading the guns available there. A Gausspistol and 3 Pulse weapons is a pretty ridiculous amount of firepower to get hold of by just going down the manhole behind the Doctor's lab. These are weapons you find in the bottom of the much harder Military base, and after completing the Vertibird Plans quest. It's crazy, as the EPA isn't a tough location. You even get the 2 sprays that insta-kill Plants and Insects!

For example:
Plasma Rifle-> Laser Rifle (ext. cap)
Pulse Pistol-> .223 Pistol or H&K G11
Pulse Rifle-> LSW, M60 or other machinegun.
Gausspistol-> Sniper Rifle

They're all a step or two down, as good guns worth the effort to acquire, rather than giving you easy access to the best guns in the game, letting you fry anything in New Reno with a single shot.
@Minigun Jim,
I agree with you on this, to some extent. The gauss pistol isn't such a benefit since ammo is still very limited, but the Pulse weapons sure are. I wouldn't take those nice weapons out, but I would have that place crawling with Centaurs, Floaters, and other mutations. I guess it is supposed to be more a puzzle than fighting area though. Maybe raising the skills required to open it up would make it more balanced - force people to spend more points on repair and science?
Hey killap,

How about enabling "Animal Friend" perk which is in Fallout 1, but was disabled in Fallout 2? Good for diplomatic charecters.

Have you checked that does the alcohol addiction feature work?
Morticia said:
@Minigun Jim,
I agree with you on this, to some extent. The gauss pistol isn't such a benefit since ammo is still very limited, but the Pulse weapons sure are.
You find 50 rounds there as well as 12 in the gun. There's 150 in the Toxic Caves bunker, which becomes accessible after New Reno, as that's the first place you can get your hands on an Electronic Lockpick. Since it's pretty much insta-kill on a headshot, that's more than enough to see you through any tough fights until NCR. Then you can buy them at Buster's or steal another couple of hundred off NPCs.

Compare that to the vanilla game where you can get gauss weapons either by buying at SF for a ton of cash, beating the deathclaw-summoning super mutant at the end of a base full of super mutants, or by prising them out the cold dead hands of NCR cops or the Enclave Patrols. The only threat at the EPA is the random encounters around it, and you can avoid or run from them.

Yeah, I'm being a bit picky here, but the rest of Killap's mod is well balanced and a real enhancement to the game that fixes annoying quirks. The EPA basement just makes me think "damn, I wish I'd found something I could use without feeling like a munchkin". It seems like a perfect place to introduce more Big Guns at a point where they'll see some use (like the M60 in the drug maker room), or a crate full of of rare ammo like 7.62mm or .45 cal, to give the player a nice choice in guns to whack some mobsters with.
@Minigun Jim,
Yeah, you're probably right. The Gauss is a small gun, which most people put a lot of points into. I hadn't thought about that. If you have to put lots of skill points into repair and science, then you probably can't afford to get energy weapons high enough to take as much advantage of the Pulse weapons.

Like you said, Pulse weapons will fry anything without power armor (and Floaters) but only if your skill is high enough to make hits. In almost anyone's hands though, a Gauss weapon can be an instant kill against ANY enemy. I guess it's sort of unbalanced either way, unless the EPA can only be found later in the game. (?)

Killap would know what the 'canon' says. I thought it was always Myron that would give you the location. Since that can happen about mid-game, then that is when EPA becomes accessible. Maybe Myron can only "remember" once you get to Vault 13 or SAD. And no more getting the location from a random traveler, but someone in Navarro or SF as an alternative to Myron. (?)