Skynet said:
Destroyed bots will be replaced with new ones unless you destroy the repair bot.
Unlimited exp? Don't like that....
On another note - are these implemented in the RP:
* A quest to retrieve a corpse stolen by the Hubologists from the Shi, as hinted by the existence of such an item and a log note in the Shi database.
* A Shi quest tied in to the EPA, related to the ending where the Shi get their butts kicked by a sentient plant.
* The interior of the Hubologist space shuttle and three endings where the Hubologists kill themselves in different ways by means of the shuttle.
ALSO (from Per's guide):
# Poking through the game files one can discover many details and features that didn't seem to make it into the game. For instance, there are images for each specific karma level, a Virgin reputation and "Tragic" and alcohol addiction; named critters that are not in the game and earlier versions of existing ones; an Arroyo exile named Kaga repeatedly trying to kill the Chosen One in special encounters; sound files for endings for the Elder, Marcus, Harold and the President; a "Li'l Chemist" kit allowing you to mix chemicals; implied uses for "useless" items such as the Ball Gag, Marked Cards and Radscorpion Limbs; a village outside Vault City whose inhabitants are trying to avoid being turned into "servants"; Merk stealing stuff from your car in NCR; getting to the SAD by finding a map in Sam Pritchard's grave (prevented by a scripting bug); getting the location of the SAD from the traveller encounter (prevented by another scripting bug); giving Jet to Fannie in Redding and eventually having her die of an overdose; the robots in the SAD going to the repair bay for maintenance and repair bots replacing killed robots with new ones; Mr. Cheater; recruiting Dr Jones in Vault 15 as an NPC; a food system; the Pipe Rifle as a "Springer Rifle" loaded with Rocks (!); and more.
# A few extra movies (e.g. meeting Gruthar, the desert transaction and getting the car).
# Lots of details and options that were disabled by scripting errors or engine issues, for instance: being able to finish the spleen quest by assassinating Dr Wong within a day after his refusal to give you the spleen; the possibility of crippled limbs resulting from falling down in the Ghost Caves or being expelled from the Modoc toilet; Rebecca attacking you if you're a Childkiller; gaining a permanent Agility bonus after sleeping with Miss Kitty; the Hintbook boosting your stats and HP; and others.
# A Phazer (sic) at the scene of the shuttle crash.