Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

Dubby said:
Haha, be more mindful of your remaining ap!

Im not using Vats so when i fight against fev enemies im screawed at least make it happen to AI so its fair...

Any way when that happens theres a glitch AP dont recover for 3-4 sec...

I appreciate effort U put on releasing this pure epic mod. Its the best pice of work done so far by community and U to put some challenge in f3 world.

Started playing since first beta - so far there is big improvment in balancing things out (especially character creation secion). Low level perks fit now perfectly (no more 10int/8agil need 4 gun nut like it was in v1 :3)

Tho i dont get one thing... Why damage taken is mostly based on realism, and damge done based on "rpg rules" ? Beside is wierd that Raiders/Mutants have so outstanding acc with every single wep. Meaby its fixed in 3d beta - this issue in 2 beta's before was most irriatating (didnt get much fights with mutants/raiders in v3 so idk if its fixed).

In v1/v2 most (like not all) fights looked this :

1. Find cover
2. Move right/left till enemy start shooting & w8 till around 12 rounds are fired.
3. Shoot for 2 sec & cover
4. Repeat till enemy reload...

Since open space fights was like : O hai there; *headshot*;buhbai & welcome Quick load >.>

*If you're in combat and run out of AP, you will automatically put your weapon away.
Meaby insted holstering wep, constant jamming would fit better ?

For people playing in TPP holstering... isnt so much noticable... why im not shooting ? ups... died :3

Also is there possibility to make granades as additional weapon so character dosnt holster main wep ? It kind of ruin purpouse of granade.

Before F3C i played f3 with bunch of single-kind mods. One of it improved crippling effect - it add alot of realism to game. Here crippling limbs takes to much bullets to be usfull :( Slightly improving this aspect would be grate imo (losing sight when our head is crippled, stepping back on cripling arm shot etc).
Okay some things aren't working for me.

Running out of ap does nothing. I don't holster or anything, in fact I can keep shooting until I have negative AP and it doesn't seem to regen on its own. I have to rest.

Switching to my pistol action key (2) reduces AP. Switching to baseball bat (1) does not. Opening up my pipboy does not reduce AP either.
i noticed a really annoying change...
med-x turned into morphine. sure med-x isn't the best name for a medicine that raises pain threshold, but it feels more fallouty than morphine

how bout something neutral like pain-be-gone ;p

i also think vats should be the main method of combat and as such the amount of ap and ap cost per shot and activities should be balanced for that kind of combat rather than run and gun which frankly works poorly at best.
Reinstalling the mod and trying a different save fixed most of this but still some problems

-slot 1 is still not spending any AP to switch
-pipboy still does not spend any AP
-ammo weight is extremely wonky. Picking up ammo takes about 20 seconds to encumber me, dropping it takes about 20 seconds after I close the inventory to un-encumber me
okay uh, make SURE you're using the version on fallout3nexus, labeled b005. Here's a direct link: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=579

And uh, to try to clarify some things...

1) Pipboy doesn't expend AP at all, but if you're in combat you cannot use the pipboy unless you have 50% ap or more.
2) Vats will -not- be used as the primary combat mechanism because of a few reasons, the most important being that vats accuracy does NOT calculate your skill in the weapon! And afaik there is *no* way to change this yet. The second reason is I would not want to force Vats-only until I figure out how to make the vats menu more robust with more options [heal, switch weapon, use a chem, reload, etc. etc.]
3) You still *expend* AP when using your weapon, even if you're outside of combat. I may or may not be able to fix this immediately, but the FOSE [fallout script extender] promises full-fledged functionality of R&G
4) Ammo weight was re-written in b005. The original author, AnT01 never publicized the SCTX... so, I wrote my own ammo weight script from scratch - and the new one doesn't have the same quest message spam, and works just as well. It should update every second. (Try it, count out "oonnee-thouussaand" to see the ammo weight in action. [drop some ammo, exit pipboy, count, enter pipboy, check weight])
5) Anyone can shoot at a target which is standing -still-. Keep in mind, things like grenades, followers, exploding cars, and even suppressive fire, will detour enemy movement and increase their chance of deciding to take cover for a moment. If you stand in the open and shoot, you're probably going to die first. You can also easily avoid a number of different types of weapons by simple strafing very effectively. This won't work if you're using Vats of course, but that's the price you pay.
6) Morphine is actually the original name.
7) Your ap is *always* restoring constantly. if you don't see any AP bars, that means your AP is a negative amount.
by #2 do you mean vats would be the main source of combat if/when the construction kit is released and you have access to proper tools or not at all?

if not at all, how will you fix the horrid run and gun system currently (now and when the construction kit is released)
I personally have not had too much difficulty with run & gun [and ive been working around with a character with the fast shot trait, so no vats period] And, I mean right now - and likely in the foreseeable future - vats is going to remain a sort of icing on the cake (run & gun).
Dubby said:
vats accuracy does NOT calculate your skill in the weapon!

REALLY??? Jesus, that's... that's the stupidest thing ever.

Ok, I understand all of your points and now see that most of my complaints are due to extreme limitations.
The ammo thing is still a pain (especially trying to unencumber yourself) but I guess it can't be helped. What about displaying individual item weight?

What about my other problem? I've tried switching the slots around and it seems that melee and unarmed objects do not spend AP to be taken out of a hotkey slot
You can make VATS accuracy dependent on weapon skill -- you just use a perk to do it. Make a perk that affects VATS accuracy (copy sniper for example, and remove the existing CTDAs). You then add your own CTDAs, one which checks if the weapon type is energy weapons, then another 2 which check if the skill is between A and B. Then you set the float to whatever penalty you want. So if we want to say that eveery 10 points increases your accuracy 10 percent, we'd set up a perk like this:

weapon is energy weapon
energy weapon skill > 0
energy weapon skill < 10
float value:

Then you repeat the whole effect, for every 10 points up to 100, modifiying the float value to match (+0.1 per effect).

You could also make it based on every 5 points, but that's more work :P.

Then you have to repeat that for all 6 combat types... :F.

But like I said, it is possible, and you did say you had a lot of time on your hands :P.

(One thing to note is that Perks that affect accuracy apply after the base calculations, so if the original chance was 95%, and you use a mult of 0.5, then the chance in the end is going to be 42/43%, regardless of how near or far the target is.)
adding to quezilla's idea give that perk for free when leaving the vault and voila :P

personally i perfer vats because the run and gun system works really poorly...even for a fps.
Necro- said:
adding to quezilla's idea give that perk for free when leaving the vault and voila :P

personally i perfer vats because the run and gun system works really poorly...even for a fps.

Thats only because the way the weapons are setup play s.t.a.l.k.e.r. for instance and the gameplay is far more fluid particularly when you mod the weapon accuracy to real life levels. The same is true for FO3. Vats is stupid and gimmicky the best way of simulating turn based combat would be to pause the game and allow you to control your charactor from 3rd person with the mouse.
hi there :)
twoish ;) questions regarding the variables you used:
"iSkillPointsTagSkillMult" is the only variable controlling the 2 points for one i get for my tag skills or is a script involved?
would it work to have this variable allone in a .esp or am i missing something?
As for scripts: the ammoweight is only dependant on the SCPT(ammoweightscript) and the QUST(WG01) or am i missing something there, too?

and for the VATS-skill-dependancy: wouldn´t it be easier to say
Fv is the Float value used for the perk and "+x" would determine were the "zero-point" is, the point when your accuracy isn´t negatively influenced.
or is it neccessary to define distinct steps?
You have to get the skill value anyway and instead of comparing it to break points wouldn´t an equasion, similar to the one i mentioned, be easier?
Dubby the combat system is great but got 1 flaw like i said it the AP system needs to be aplied to AI too...

Can it be done yes or no? if yes i have good idea how this should look any one played X-com apocalypse?

Also your a fucking briliant now tactical combat is more needed simply great + using food as main healing thing is great earlier i ignored food used only stims...

More i play more i like your mod...
Okay, I have an issue. I support what you (Dubby) are trying to do with this mod, but it seems you have included my Traits mod into your .esp without asking my permission, or even notifying me in any way. Please remove any parts of the Traits mod from your .esp and the included data files (pipboy icons). If you think it's a good mod, please direct your users to download it from the place where it is hosted:


If you're worried about compatibility problems, please contact me in either the thread for my mod on this forum, the one on the BGS forums, or the comments section in the above link.
i think your being a bit rash, i mean dubby did give you credit in the readme, and from the getgo f3c is to me a cooperative effort.