Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

boundrose said:
Found a bug in Andale:

When i enter the city and go to old Harris house he starts to flee when he sees me and if i try to talk with him i got a "...is fleeing".

Same with other Andale citizens except that i can talk with them if i catch them and press E. Then they stop and normally talk with me.

Edit: driven by a hunch i loaded a saved game and remove my power armour before talking. All is normal. Interresting ;)

This happened sometimes to me in the vanilla game, usually with the girl who loves soda.
I have not jet tried the mod so I am trying to reserve judgement, but I must admit I have reservations about the AP depletion in real time. I liked the combat system of Fallout 1 and 2 (albeit it did on a few occassions needlesly slow down the play), but I think that ship has sailed. I think it is more important to make Fallout 3 the best game it can be than to make it as similar to Fallout 2 as possible. This AP use in real time may in a way bring combat closer to combat in Fallout 2, but if it makes combat less enjoyable then it may be better not to attempt it. Fallout 3 may be just too different game mechanicaly for it to be easily translated to such a combat system.

I played many turn based games like Panzer General, Combat Mission and Korsun Pocket and loved them, but this system does not sound much fun to me. I also played Operation Flashpoint like a maniac and it is the most realistic, and hardcore shooter out there, with realistic recoil and absolutely no chance of hitting anything on the move or and very, very low chances if using full auto (unless you lay down and have a weapon with a bipod), but you could always shoot as many rounds in succession as you wanted. I am puzzled by this limitation. And it seems to be relatively often point of contention, I think it may benefit the popularity of your mod greatly if you made it optional.

Dubby said:
4) Changes to dialogue and quests are coming after the core mechanics are finished. The Van Buren plot is being worked into the fallout 3 plot by several experienced writers.

There are only two threads about this project on here, but there seems to be a lot more happening with it behind the curtains. Is there any place we can keep tabs on this progress. Do you make use of your own mod specific website or forum or something like that?
Dirty Smuggler said:
There are only two threads about this project on here, but there seems to be a lot more happening with it behind the curtains. Is there any place we can keep tabs on this progress. Do you make use of your own mod specific website or forum or something like that?

Yes, alot is happening behind the curtains as you phrased it. Of course, it's the holidays right now, so not much is happening right at this time. Right now the only place to keep tabs on the project is this thread. As the project develops further, there may be better support from the forums for the project, such as a sub forum dedicated to the F3C.

boundrose said:
Found a bug in Andale:

When i enter the city and go to old Harris house he starts to flee when he sees me and if i try to talk with him i got a "...is fleeing".

Same with other Andale citizens except that i can talk with them if i catch them and press E. Then they stop and normally talk with me.

Edit: driven by a hunch i loaded a saved game and remove my power armour before talking. All is normal. Interresting ;)

Thanks for pointing this out, it may be a vanilla bug but I've placed it on the known issues to-do (fix) list. My guess it has something to do with the combat style behaviors. I don't know yet if the future F3C's AI-hack could fix this or not.

JayTheGay said:
1. about doctors curing rads - the more advanced ones, from high-tech places, should be able to. hard to imagine a vault with a doctor who cant remove your rads, for example.

2. i also agree that PA should still give you a more classic ST bonus. or at least somethign like "if you suck at ST, PA will raise it to 5, but if you already have 5 or more, you will get the regular boost of 1 or 2 depending on how advanced your model of PA is"

Fallout's Power Armor is essentially the same thing as the US military's powered exoskeleton project, which is progressing very well. The exoskeleton mechanics which primarily use aerodralics (versus hydraulics) because of the capacity to control speed, acceleration, and intensity better and more rapidly than hydraulics. The systems don't enhance the strength of the user, they replace the strength of the user. An elderly man with arthritis will have the same strength using the system as a fit and healthy 20 yr old man because the system can be gauged to respond to different meters of strength input. Proper training then, as represented by the perk, could then illustrate a slight strength difference for the player. (As in, getting 1 or 2 more ST with training versus without.) The only thing that makes reflecting this accurately a difficult task in fallout, is the stats are capped at an absolute of 10. However, I can see your concern and the validity of your suggestion. Improvements beyond 10 could be emulated with further enhancement of weight reduction while worn, and increase of unarmed and melee damage.

JayTheGay said:
wonder why the F they leave stuff out, to make the game even MORE arcade and boring?

My guess is it's for future DLC. The next release of F3C is not going to touch any of the vanilla items, but replace them with F3C-unique ones instead in order to avoid conflicts and make compatibility for DLC and 3rd party content easy and simple.

Dirty Smuggler said:
I think it may benefit the popularity of your mod greatly if you made it optional.

Action Points are used to represent the differences between a skilled and dextrous shooter, versus a slow-witted person with butterfingers. If a way is discovered to alter the time scales for the firing animations for just the actor shooting the weapon, then that method will be opted for instead of AP. But for now, AP is staying.

JayTheGay said:
edit: another idea from me, dont know if you alredy mentioned it:

lazer and palsma critical deaths look very very poor in vanilla, if not to say they are epic fail.

the guy/creature you ciritcally killed turns into a green/red ghost, and then melts. nevermind them melting, but turning into a glowing ghost because u have been shot into the face by a lazer?
plasma death of that style would rule if the dying creature still kept its opacity, so you would see his flesh turn to green goo.

but the way it is in vanilla made me completelly refuse nrg weapons just for sake of normal death animations.

how about making lazer ciritcally cut off your limbs on death or shoot through you, and plasma set you on fire, or set only the damaged limb on green, intense fire, or do whatever else, but not turn u into a glowing ghost?

Critical hits are going to be a little different. Partly because of how weapons do damage differently than in vanilla. What's different I've already stated in a previous post, but another thing that's different is it allows F3C to check WHERE the attack hit, and check for armor presence, and modify critical damage and the death animation based on that. One simple example is when using high velocity rifle rounds, such as the 7.62 NATO, an impact against a (human) unprotected skull will simply cause the skull to explode rather violently. This is because of the inertial physics behind kinetic energy. Against soft tissue, such as a limb or the chest, the round would simply pass through the body - causing significant damage, but it would pass through. The skull however, is hard and resists the energy from the bullet. Because of the energy from the high velocity rifle bullet being far greater than the energy the skull can absorb, the skull shatters and expands - it explodes. Which means yes, helmets will have added benefits.
A point about the US Exo is that if you were lifting something that was heavier than it could handle, a weightlifter inside the suit would also help lifting this extreemly heavy object, because they would just aid the motors. A better way would be the higher the strength of the player the less the suit does, so it would be at 8 or 9 until the player surpasses that and say they have 9 then the suit would provide a +1 as a bonus because they are still getting help from the suit.
Gasilli said:
A point about the US Exo is that if you were lifting something that was heavier than it could handle, a weightlifter inside the suit would also help lifting this extreemly heavy object, because they would just aid the motors. A better way would be the higher the strength of the player the less the suit does, so it would be at 8 or 9 until the player surpasses that and say they have 9 then the suit would provide a +1 as a bonus because they are still getting help from the suit.

Yeah, but the suit is technically much much stronger than the person wearing it. This can't be reflected in fallout with statistical points alone though. The primary thing these suits help with is fatigue, but there's no fatigue in fallout. (Actually there is, but nothing uses it and it's hidden from the player)
I guess, but then the suit should give speed bonuses, like +50% speed to movement, reloading, and you can jump like twice as high.
We're still limited by what the engine can do and what it can't do. Most ideas fall under the "can't do" category, unfortunately.
Damn, that sucks. Just looked through the GECK and there isnt a reload speed var. Weapons could be made more acurate though, due to the fact that with power armor you can pretty much hold completely still.
Speed bonus would be nice since a player run slower with power armors anyway some sprint provided from power armor for fixed ammout of time like 15 sec but it would consume 10 energy cells
Another idea is to make diffrent types of the same power armours ther are many uses that power armour could do but simply putting all of them in one would make it overpowered, so it could be a type for heavy weapons and melee weapons giving boost to strenght and some to bonus to heavy weapons and meele skills
And another type for small arms would ahve speed bonus or temporary buff like writen above and would provide some skill bonus to small arms maybe even would make scopes to stop shacking when player got 90 skill in small arms but its bonus to str would be less, just a suggestion :D
Yeah, not sure about this, but using SpeedMult might allow the speed of the character to be changed. Using energy cells is a good idea for sprints, but it should also just increase speed anyway.
If ther would be general option like getting char to have a sprint it would be cool but still in power armors i think that normally sprint should not work since it weight and overall size and mobility so the only option would be to use special motors that would allow for short sprint
Dubby said:
Fallout's Power Armor is essentially the same thing as the US military's powered exoskeleton project, which is progressing very well. The exoskeleton mechanics which primarily use aerodralics (versus hydraulics) because of the capacity to control speed, acceleration, and intensity better and more rapidly than hydraulics. The systems don't enhance the strength of the user, they replace the strength of the user. An elderly man with arthritis will have the same strength using the system as a fit and healthy 20 yr old man because the system can be gauged to respond to different meters of strength input. Proper training then, as represented by the perk, could then illustrate a slight strength difference for the player. (As in, getting 1 or 2 more ST with training versus without.) The only thing that makes reflecting this accurately a difficult task in fallout, is the stats are capped at an absolute of 10. However, I can see your concern and the validity of your suggestion. Improvements beyond 10 could be emulated with further enhancement of weight reduction while worn, and increase of unarmed and melee damage.

Very intersting link! But I am the only one who finds it ironic that the US military is spending megabucks on developing power armor when it already refuses to fork over the cash for equipping all of it's soldiers in Iraq & Afghanistan with regulation body armor? I've heard that in many cases the soldiers' families must spend their own money to do so.

Sorry to turn the thread political, but this struck me as particularly poignant.
this is because they dont give a damn about american soldiers or anyone else at all. all they care for is getting their pockets full of money from the wars. im really sorry for all american guys who buy those lies and go die somewhere at the ass of the world just for those political crooks to make even more money. same shit in russia with chechenia war. fuck politicans.

back to topic:

@ gassilli: there is setting in every weapons own settings, under "Art & Sound"
there is global animation speed and attack multiplier. so since there is only reload/jam/holster and shoot animations for a weapon, you can separatelly controll the shot animation speed and the rest. as i alredy tested like a week ago, it works perfectly for single shot and meelee weapons, sux yet for automatics for some reason.

more of a problem is that there is no script yet which allows to bind those speeds to players agility/special perks. if we had that, then we wont be needing AP for player no more.

@dubby: yeah boost in meele/unarmed dmg plus jump/movement speed/carried weight bonuses for strong guys sound nice.

but srsly, if you dont make it unusable without the perk, i already see everyone having their PA after 15 minutes of gameplay.

bethesda implemented that perk necissarity because the world of F3 is extremelly open. while in fallout 1/2 getting somewhere even near a power armour would cost you your life or a huge ammount of caps you dont have at low levels, in f3 its very easy

there are SO incredibly many places where you can get it before its the right time. at GNR from dead paladin + locker in the building, many many random encounters, in church falls from dead BOS soldiers, if they die, etc.

and again a "wow" to you - it calculates if a body part is covered by armour or no, plus what kind of tissue that is? how in hell you made THAT? sounds very nice!

but what exactly do you plan for plasma/lazer critical deaths to replace the "glowing ghost" cheap stuff? is it possible to make just the damaged body part burst in flames?
JayTheGay said:
but srsly, if you dont make it unusable without the perk, i already see everyone having their PA after 15 minutes of gameplay.

bethesda implemented that perk necissarity because the world of F3 is extremelly open. while in fallout 1/2 getting somewhere even near a power armour would cost you your life or a huge ammount of caps you dont have at low levels, in f3 its very easy

there are SO incredibly many places where you can get it before its the right time. at GNR from dead paladin + locker in the building, many many random encounters, in church falls from dead BOS soldiers, if they die, etc.

I agree, and i think dubby should do something like in this mod:

Are you ever annoyed that the ONLY way you can learn to use Power Armor is by progressing through the the Main Quest? Have you ever wished that there would be some way to avoid the Brotherhood, yet still gain the ability to use Power armor? Now you can!

This mod adds two other ways to attain Power Armor training.

1. If you bring Protector Casdin at Fort Independence enough technology to gain the Outcast's trust, he'll give you a set of Outcast Power armor and teach you how to use it.

2. Go the Fort Constantine, and find the terminal next to the T-51B Power Armor. From the terminal you can download a Power Armor manual to your Pip-Boy

Optional: Download the Medic Armor Manual Add-on if you want to find a Power Armor Manual in the Old Olney sewers, next to the Medic Armor corpse.
JayTheGay said:
back to topic:

@ gassilli: there is setting in every weapons own settings, under "Art & Sound"
there is global animation speed and attack multiplier. so since there is only reload/jam/holster and shoot animations for a weapon, you can separatelly controll the shot animation speed and the rest. as i alredy tested like a week ago, it works perfectly for single shot and meelee weapons, sux yet for automatics for some reason.

more of a problem is that there is no script yet which allows to bind those speeds to players agility/special perks. if we had that, then we wont be needing AP for player no more.

I'm sorry but this is actually incorrect. Globals affect everyone, not just the player. The only possibility for this type of mechanism to work properly is to wait for FOSE to become developed enough to manipulate weapon statistics in memory, as the game itself is just not designed for that kind of mechanism.

JayTheGay said:
and again a "wow" to you - it calculates if a body part is covered by armour or no, plus what kind of tissue that is? how in hell you made THAT? sounds very nice!

but what exactly do you plan for plasma/lazer critical deaths to replace the "glowing ghost" cheap stuff? is it possible to make just the damaged body part burst in flames?

Critical death effects can be targeted in a sequence with a particular limb, in this case, the one that was impacted. Energy weapons are going to have two major changes with the next release, both of which increase their realism. First, laser weapons are going to come in two firing modes. These are "Pulsed" and "Continuous Wave". CW laser guns can't change to P, and visa versa - it's a factor of their design mechanics, and implies different degrees of tissue damage and armor penetration from the thermodynamics behind the laser's energy and contact time. The second change is to plasma weapons. Their projectiles are encapsulated in a magnetic bubble that helps to contain the extremely hot and volatile plasma, but the bubble itself does not stay stable for very long. Plasma blasts will travel through space very quickly, much different than they do in vanilla F3, and they will release a small thermal-explosion when the magnetic bubble "bursts". The plasma is significantly more energetic than the heat imparted from the laser weapons, and large plasma blasts will be capable of flash-vaporizing various materials with relative ease. Normal anti-bullet protections are relatively ineffective against plasma, and only mildly effective against lasers.
With using the global you would have a faster reload speed, at least I think so, but so would everyone else. Your not special if everyone else is too!
That's not the point though, if it's based on -your- agility. Like I said, FOSE has to get to that point.
So no one else is having funny textures on weapons here?

Can someone upload his configuration settings file, so i can compare it to mine?