Fallout 3 in May Issue of PC Zone UK

Bulhakov said:
How much energy can be spent on hating a game that no one has been shown yet?

How much energy can you spend on posting as if nothing had ever been said on the subject before?
Bulhakov said:
How much energy can be spent on hating a game that no one has been shown yet?
It's appalling, I agree. Thank God you've showed up and shown them the errors of their hatemongering ways.

Speaking about hatemongering, I noticed that CVG reposted this article...
...adding "It's the RPG follow-up that's been long looked-for by the series seriously hardcore fanbase, a fanbase that the developer has to face and one that's highly dubious about what Bethesda will produce. "

Nice change of style from "those fucking savages who should be taken outside the internet and shot" to "seriously hardcore fanbase that Beth will have to face eventually the Thunderdome style".

Anyway, you can leave your comments there, and the first and only comment is:

"I am one of those guys that played Wasteland on the C64 then Fallout, Fallout 2 and Tactics. I have a special place in my heart for these games but I also loved Elder Scrolls and Oblivion. If anyone can pull off a decent Fallout 3 it will probably be Bethesda."

It smells of something a marketing department would cook. It has everything: the mandatory mention of Fallout - true fan!, the honorable mention of Wasteland - instant cred!!!, the love of both Elder Scrolls AND Oblivion - true patriot :salute:, and a strong belief that FO3 is in the good hands. It's hard to come up with a more positive message, isn't it?

Well, the point is, if someone wants to say something, now would be a good time. Viral marketing FTW.
Bulhakov said:
Is it just me, or is this comic somewhat about what goes on in this forum: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2007/03/14 ?

The title of the comic strip you linked is "The Other Foot". I am not too familiar with Penny Arcade, but based on the title alone I would have to say they are poking fun at themselves (i.e., the shoe being on the other foot) for some of the things they might have said in the past. Just a guess, though.

Bulhakov said:
Even though I agree that Bethesda should be more open to fan-input instead of taking the "we'll show it when it's ready" stance, I can understand them not making the effort, as for every constructive criticism, they can expect at least 10 comments about how much what they are doing sucks.

How would that in anyway be different from any other dev. that has an open exchange with potential customers. In any industry, actually, you can expect to hear at least 10-20 "your product suxors" for every 1 "this area needs improvement in this way".

From my point of view if you're looking to create a product with a long dev cycle, no matter what that product might be, and you want it to sell well AND please your potential customers, you involve them in the process to a certain degree. That's just smart business.
VDweller said:
Speaking about hatemongering, I noticed that CVG reposted this article...
...adding "It's the RPG follow-up that's been long looked-for by the series seriously hardcore fanbase, a fanbase that the developer has to face and one that's highly dubious about what Bethesda will produce. "
Actually, I believe that is CVG's own commentary.

Anyway, thanks for pointing this out, we were looking for some verification that those quotes are accurate. The newspost has been updated to reflect this.
Looks like Pete is trying to apply the verbal lube so-to-speak. At-least when Bethesda do finally put it in we'll have to go "well, he did warn us we might not like being shafted!", just so-happens the people who don't are the fans of the series. Well, it's pushing onwards and upwards for Bethesda. They probably view the Fallout fanbase as some cancer that they could probably do better without at this point. Hell, there are plenty of people out there that will be impressed just by a name-drop, those that have not actually played the game but have heard about it. Namely the majority TES fans who defend Bethesda's right to make "Oblivion with guns" on a daily basis. They will happily fill-out Beth's new and improved Fallout fanbase. Y'know when those people do finally pick up "Fallout: the simmering piles" at least they'll be getting exactly what they want.
Darwyn said:
God damn it, god damn it! bethesda, OF ALL companies, bethesda.I lost count of how many times I almost fell asleep while playing oblivion.

There truly is no god.

...So some of us are just now finding out Bethesda is making Fallout 3...
Bulhakov said:
Is it just me, or is this comic somewhat about what goes on in this forum: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2007/03/14 ?

It's just you, Sport.

Bulhakov said:
How much energy can be spent on hating a game that no one has been shown yet?

Given that Bethesda's grand public unveiling of Fallout 3 is at this stage purely redundant in light of their own post-TES: Daggerfall history of raping every property they are involved with into braindead Xbox action twitchfests, miserable failure at(and inabbility to comprehend) every single design element that comprises Fallout, direct statements by Pete and Todd making it quite clear that they inhabit their own insular bubbleworld where Oblivion was a flawless CRPG masterpiece and Bethesda is a shining beacon of the genre, methods of dealing with criticism that range between ignoring it outright and Orwellian censorship, and independant infoleaks that point towards even Chuck Cuevas as having had more of a clue...

...I find it remarkably easy to spend all the sweltering energy of expressing my consumer dissatisfaction that Fallout is once again being crafted into an utter turd by a troupe of munchkins.

Now tell me, how much energy can be spent on remaining utterly clueless when a wealth of essentially unavoidable news is avaliable with which you could be educated using a modicum of self-effort?

Bulhakov said:
Even though I agree that Bethesda should be more open to fan-input instead of taking the "we'll show it when it's ready" stance, I can understand them not making the effort, as for every constructive criticism ...

Cute. Now explain to me how any criticism towards Bethesda can be constructive when they ignore criticism of any way, shape, and kind(except to ban/blacklist as a result, or in extremely rare cases, go far enough as to pay vaporous lipservice).

Really, please do. It should be good for a laugh.

Bulhakov said:
... they can expect at least 10 comments about how much what they are doing sucks.

...Because only 1 in atleast 10 members of the community even bothers to take a stab at constructive criticism when Fallout 3 is a trainwreck regardless. For added hilarity, Uncle Pete states in this very thread that Bethesda is making FO3 their way, peroid. Too bad, so sad if anybody has a problem with that. Which makes any attempt at constructive criticism even more futile, and renders any hope of Bethesda being swayed by fan-input even less grounded in reality.

Thanks for playing, sweetie. Do come again, but next time, I recommend bringing a clue to the party.

Give this guy (RPGoty) a break already. Since when have we known Rosh to post anywhere without saying, unequivocally, I AM FUCKIN' ROSHAMBO, PREPARE TO BE CRUSHED!

Granted, the writing style is somewhat similar. Yet it is dissimilar enough to doubt this current 'conspiracy theory' that they are one and the same. Unless, of course, Rosh has a multiple disorder. That might be something. Or nothing. Just read what both have written; they may be kindred souls, but I see their writing style as distinctively different.

I don't like Rosh, but I have a great deal of respect for him because he is unafraid, unashamed, and doesn't give a great fuck what anyone thinks about him. That is a rare quality that must be admired.

Rosh, though I might not like him, has never struck me as the type of individual that would hide behind a net-pseudonym; that is the kind of thing cowards do, and Rosh is not a coward. He might be a dick, he might be an asshole, but he is certainly not a pussy!

If I am wrong about this I will willingly eat crow, but I will shed a tear at the same time; I would be greatly disappointed if Rosh turned out to be that kind of pseudonym-using puss.
All I got out of that was fuck you all, this is our game and if you don't like it tough shit.

I think it's pretty safe to say now that Fallout three will be a first person shooter.

May the true Fallout series rest in peace because they should be outlawed from calling this soon to be smoldering pile FO3.
Tannhauser said:
Roshambo did ban himself when he left, take that information as you will.

Damn, I intended to mention that but forgot (drunken poster I). I also intended to say something to the effect that RPGoty should be given credit for his/her/it's own opinions.

Though they may share similar dispositions and proclivities, I find their writing styles to be different enough to make me doubt that they are the same person.

Again, if I am wrong, I will eat crow, and the respect I have for Rosh will drop through the floor.
Briosafreak said:
The replies at Kotaku seem to be a good way of showing how everyone is talking about the game outside the community.
Damn, they don't even care what the game is, they'll buy it just because it has "Fallout" in the name. If it's really how most people think then we can start anticipating the new FO:BOS, but this time a successful one.
We feel that we're doing Fallout 3 having done one and two, even though we didn't.

Uhm, how can you feel that, anyway? This sentence is the best i've read so far. How can you come up with this stuff like this? :lol: Developers and PR people have a decent lack of logic and knowledge nowadays.
Melanthius said:
Give this guy (RPGoty) a break already...

I was kind of stirring :) , but RPG of the year does have a way of puttings things that's not unlike Roshambo, which I think is a compliment. Either way I get a lot of enjoyment reading both Roshambo's and RPG of the year's opinions on FO3 and Bethesda.

I really cannot understand what the hell bethesda think they're doing... Interplay made a game called Fallout and it was a success after which Fallout 2 came, which was also a success (I personally think Fallout Tactics was a lesser game compared to FO 1 & 2).

Now a company like bethesda think they can use the skeleton of a, from my point of view, rather disappointing Hack&Slash as Oblivion to replace the world of Fallout to an FPS. Shit doesn't work that way!
My opinion has always been "why change a winning horse" and I wonder why the people at bethesda have not figured this out. If you change something this does not mean you're improving something.

Then again I think I understand what the hell bethesda is doing: They believe that the loyal Fallout fans will buy it anyway, just because it's a Fallout, while people who have never heard of the game will think it's just another FPS, but in a very special environment which will spark their interest. They simply hope that they can attract two different groups, namely the FPS-players and the most of us.
I will most probably not buy Fallout 3 because it has lost the whole Fallout concept. Something that I might do, depending on the quality, is buy the newest game made by bethesda. Because there is no Fallout without the turn-based gameplay.

I want to add one last thing to this reply, namely that I based this opinion on what I've heard or read about Fallout 3. If any huge mistakes are made, ignore my message (partly or wholly).
Wow! Talk about stirring the ant pile... :shock:

I made a mistake of making one small comment in the defence of Bethesda on an NMA forum and I apologize. Bethesda's absolute ignorance of the desires of their clients can only be measured by the millions the company makes. (It's not their fault that most Fallout fans, including me, are not part of their target console-loving audience, but that's capitalism for you - they can spend their millions on any franchise they want)

Well, good luck with showing that customer dissatisfaction with no product yet ;-) I'm just saying I'll wait for the game to come out to trash it. I love the "Shimmering Piles" comment :D, but I still hope F3 won't be that bad.
Briosafreak said:
The replies at Kotaku seem to be a good way of showing how everyone is talking about the game outside the community.

Kotaku is hardly representative of the gaming market. Though it probably is Bethesda's target market.

Section8 translated the PC Game Zone UK article, by the way:

We've said this before and we'll say this again: Fallout fans are not going to agree with the game we are making: it's a solid-gold cock in an unconsenting arse," exclaims a tired and emotional Pete Hines when we ask him about the forthcoming Fallout 3. He's just spent a long day pumping the waiting mouths of those who anticipate Oblivion's expansion Shivering Isles, and the inevitable query about Bethesda's 'other' RPG has reared its head. "Furries will like it, Fallout fans will fucking despise it, and we're far too predictable for them to not know what we're doing yet!"

Few developers have been so honest in regard to a game's potential reception, but then again few developers have had to face a fanbase quite so rabid, rigid and (sad to say) repeatedly screwed over as those of the post- nuclear role-player. Hines, however, pretends to be insistant about how dedicated to the wastelands cause Bethesda truly are. "I have it on my laptop here, and wish Fallout fans would go play in traffic. We're all pretending to be big fallout fans, we briefly played Fallout, Fallout 2, we play the non-RPG ones, I mean, I play Fallout: Tactics, I played Brotherhood of Steel (the abysmal Xbox 'action' game) because I felt I had to give it a look. And I was sorry I did so. It's exactly what we'd intended to make, yet failed miserably, and we're not sure why. Back to the old dart...I mean drawing board.

"We feel that we're doing Fallout 3 having done one and two, even though we couldn't possibly, at our very acme have done anything even comparable to the lesser of the two. But, let me explain:

It's like having a new girlfriend, and she's all like - "My last boyfriend used to make sweet, tender love to me with the passion and fire of a thousand sunsets." And then we're like - "Yeah, but we feel as though we were the ones who already did that, and so we're pushing you in a new direction. And that direction is this street corner, bitch."

Much like the Elder Scrolls, we pretend everything we did was flawless; we look at where we want to take it, how to sell more copies and keep it as retard-friendly as societal decline dictates. But we recognise a minor market potential in paying lip-service to those who want the game to stay true to the stuff people remember and took to heart in Fallout, of which we have no fucking clue, but will spout something we hope sounds about right."

You also shouldn't expect the lewdness of Fallout 2, as Hines eloquently explains, it got "a little too caught up in trying to be funny or controversial or whatever." Which is a shame as certain PCZONE staffers thought, choosing to be a low-paid fluffer at a post-apocaluptic porn studio, only to find the fluid exchange left them with a traditional RPG poisoning, the height of hilarity back in 1998. Whatever the case, the smart bets are for Fallout 3 to be completely safe, and free of anything likely to cause offense to the puritanical sensibilities of parents and political groups.

Unconfirmed rumour has it that the game will take place on the America's east coast, rather than the original's iconic west, while promotional posters suggest that the franchise's cheery combination of optimistic 1950's propaganda and arid, desolate solitude will remain firmly in place, albeit bastardised to the point of unwitting self-parody. And what with the only other hope for Fallout being an extremely unlikely MMO being crafted (possibly) by the remnants of what was once gaming giant Interplay, it's safe to say that a lot is riding on its success. Internet buzz, meanwhile, is suggesting an official unveiling at some point this summer, perhaps at the revamped E3.

Hines, however seems to think it inevitable that no matter how happy bethesda are with their offering, there are bound to be murmurs of discontent from the more radiation-soaked parts of the Internet. "People will have to take it for what it is. If they like it, great, if they don't like it... Well some folks just aren't going to give it a chance out of the box. And you know what? That's your choice. If you don't want to give it a shot, there's nothing we can do about that...Reverse psychology totally works. I mean totally doesn't work."