Fallout 3 in May Issue of PC Zone UK

RPG of the year!! said:
Pete! said:
"We've said this before and we'll say this again: not everybody is going to agree with the game we are making"

Gee, Pete, why ever not? Could it be for the reason gluttoncreeper and Chuck Cuevas have used the exact same excuse for taking a steaming, cornfilled shit all over Fallout's corpse? MYSTARY.

I'm always fascinated with how the license-raping chimpanzees in the gaming industry(or infact, the entertainment industry as a whole) assume that by saying "well, not everybody's gonna like it!! OMGLOL", they've suddenly made it A-OKAY to slap [insert name here] on to an utter abortion of a product.

Didn't Batman & Robin do it for you?
Deus Ex: Invisible War isn't better than the first, you say?
Didn't you enjoy Basic Instinct 2? No?

Oh well. You can't please everybody.

Ding! All better!

LMFAO I applaud you sir and I raise you the fact that I wish to have your abortion... I couldn't help but laugh at the mention of Deus Ex: Invisible War... Ohhh very good post.

On top of a good post a bit of a controversial article... Good, its about time for some more fuel in the fire... I think. It sure seems to have the wood work stirred up here, as I have not seen so many new or infrequent posters in... Forever.

well... crap... Yet more nothing, Pete... Needs to make regular ear checks and perhaps open his mind up to the existing customer base... Then again, we all knew that. The potential for another BOS is one scarrrrry prospect that I can't help but fear is an inevitable reality.
Thanakir said:
If they're doing it FPS-style, it's better be innovative now, isnt it? That's why I said it could be fps and still innovative.

I mean, between pure FPS or FPS-with-innovation, what you want more? I would at least try the innovation since a pure fps-fallout would be lame... Too much like a previous hack n' slash fallout...
Thanks for being a moron.
Innovation does not equate a good game in *any* sane way.

Thanakir said:
Thanakluess, omg you're so funny...

Were you born hating everything, or do you feel better at night when you think ''omg I so told those noobs...''.
I told you that if you were to show me WHERE you learned everything... WELL I WOULD AGREE WITH YOU!
Because you're too lazy to clue yourself in on anything concerning previous interviews and what we do know so far about the game.

'Just hand me the information on a platter' isn't a good perspective, you know. Some actual reading could be done.
it will be oblivion with guns

it wont have the special system in any recognizable fashion

it may have perks and traits but they wont actually be recognizable to what we had before

it will have a shitty levelling system because thats what bethesda does best

multiple quest paths/objective means MORE than 1. something bethesda has a problem grasping

from every tidbit of info that hines spewes out of his mouth, its going to be first person, real-time, and have official bethesda multiple paths to the same end ( eg: one ).

how is that fallout? because fallout is more than just the look of everything. fallout is more than just the setting. its how everything interacts together which has been established under a turn based, hex, isometric game.

bethesda can copy the setting and the look and not have it be a fallout extremely easy. it would be extremely difficult to make things work the same way it used to. without turn based how are they going to do targeted shots? what if one turn i want to shoot this guy in the leg to slow him down and then next round shoot him in the eyes?

in my book part of what makes an RPG is if a 16 year old computer game prodigy and a 90 year old grandma can play the game the same without penalty due to age/reflexes.

will this game fail that test?
Hines said:
"We feel that we're doing Fallout 3 having done one and two, even though we didn't. Much like the Elder Scrolls, we look at what worked, we look at what didn't; we look at where we want to take it, how to move it forward and keep it relevant.

My view is if Bethesda is doing the game feeling like they did the first two, they should do it also with the feeling they never made Elder Scrolls. Approach it with the viewpoint of doing the game for Fallout fans, not those who enjoyed Oblivion.

I'm not saying they shouldn't take it forward but to do it in a way that truly keeps it loyal to the originals. FFS 1st-person is a step towards ES, it's simply not Fallout! I hope they realise this.

However judging from Pete's comments, we can't affect the game development. We just have to wait for the final product and decide whether we like it or not. Only thing that matters to them is that the development team likes it.
without turn based how are they going to do targeted shots? what if one turn i want to shoot this guy in the leg to slow him down and then next round shoot him in the eyes?
Just aim and shoot like in every other FPS =)
I guess this would not be a problem to implement and it would be fun to play, but i don't think there will be any aiming cause that is surely not what Bethesda does best.
Think of the consequences, Fallout 3 would be much more brutal than Postal2. I really begin feeling sick when thinking about these Fallout2 deathanimations converted to more realistic 3D graphics. A pity Bethesda won't do anything like that, but the reason is that the game wouldn't be allowed to sell in many countries and that means less profit.
Briosafreak said:
Is it me or does he sounds a bit tired and worried, for some reason?

Will is a member of the NMA forum, he could have tell us these things in advance :wink:

Reading that interview has left me with questionable hope for a Fallout 3 I'd enjoy. I'm visualizing a teen rated, XBox 360/PC co-release, third person action romp with creatures and NPCs that level along with you like in Oblivion (which I really hated and killed any sense of character accomplishment, imo). I'm seeing overdone 50s references to the point of not being relevent to the Fallout universe (hence the word "overdone"), static, mechanical NPC quest givers and sub-quests that are more interesting than the main plot. However, since the best part of Oblivion was the Brotherhood plot-lines and quests, I do have a glimmer of hope there will be some things interesting and fun in Fallout 3, but I'm very skeptical about it feeling like a Fallout RPG.

I hope I'm wrong and the game rocks. We'll just have to wait and see.
We'll just have to wait and see.

For those of us that have waited for so long, I guess a few more months won't kill us. I have a feeling that besides what you say in your predictions, which are things that I agree that will probably show up, we are in for a couple of surprises too. I don't know if they are going to be good or bad, though, again we have to wait and see.

I'm with Jebus and SNorth on this one. This 'interview' gives me a little hope. And it's been a long time since I had some hope concerning FO3.
This being a magazine interview, any idea if there are going to be any in-game pictures printed?
Please note that there is a difference between a First Person Perspective like Daggerfall had, iirc, and to play an First Person Shooter (FPS) game.

RPGs can have First Person Perspectives like the old Ultima or Wizardry games as well as the old Might & Magic games. They can however also have isometric view and a 3rd person view. (I'm unsure whether or not isometric view and 3rd person view is the same or is different ?)

Please also note that Pete did indeed say that he was sorry he ever played Fallout: BOS...
(and judging from the back cover of this game, when I picked it up and looked at it, I could see that this game was actually a POS...).

I have some more to say, but I have to go no..
Stevie D said:
This being a magazine interview, any idea if there are going to be any in-game pictures printed?

Nope, the guy who reported this to us noted it included the E3 picture and the Fallout 2 cover power armor.
Personally, I'm really looking forward to it, and I think Bethesda are very capable of making a very decent Fallout licensed game.

No pictures of Fallout 3. Just the E3 Promo Poster, Power Armor Mk2 head, ala Fallout 2 Boxart, and solely because they referenced it in the article, a screen shot of the Shivering Isles.

I don't have a scanner, but I can take a shitty picture from my mobile, if anyone really cares.
God damn it, god damn it! bethesda, OF ALL companies, bethesda.I lost count of how many times I almost fell asleep while playing oblivion.

There truly is no god.
aries369 said:
RPGs can have First Person Perspectives like the old Ultima or Wizardry games as well as the old Might & Magic games. They can however also have isometric view and a 3rd person view. (I'm unsure whether or not isometric view and 3rd person view is the same or is different ?)

Yes a cRPG can be done with FPP...maybe even a decent FO clone could use it...in this case I fear it will be a clone of a non-cRPG that will appear...but it will still bear the name Fallout...
Isometric is a fixed view,where you look at the world from "the corner between roof and wall".
Third person is when the camera is fixed on the player,most used version is chase cam,where you follow the PC a bit behind it.

Please also note that Pete did indeed say that he was sorry he ever played Fallout: BOS...

Yes,he did and he's also repeated how much they like FO....but that doesn't say anything about the game,just that he has some taste.
Just because I like one drink a mate makes doesn't mean he'll like the drink I make.
I do hope that Beth will make me say I'm sorry for being so negative,since that'd mean I got a great game....I do however doubt I'll have to,unfortunately...
Is it just me, or is this comic somewhat about what goes on in this forum: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2007/03/14 ?

How much energy can be spent on hating a game that no one has been shown yet?

Even though I agree that Bethesda should be more open to fan-input instead of taking the "we'll show it when it's ready" stance, I can understand them not making the effort, as for every constructive criticism, they can expect at least 10 comments about how much what they are doing sucks.