Hurrah! Another bumper crop of dipshits.
NCR_Ranger said:
A game can be isometric/turn based and still be boring. Fallout is many other things. There are many ways in which the developers can succeed.
Chuck Cuevas said:
And in the end, we feel that what makes a game Fallout isn’t turn-based combat or sprites or a keyboard and mouse. It’s about a setting and storyline that’s going to be cool no matter what platform it’s on.
Your words of wisdom not only contain stunning insight, but are also tried and true. If only you were a game developer with the Fallout license in your hands, our prayers for an official Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel II would be answered. Oh boy, fingers crossed!!
Thanakir said:
I see some comments in here and god know's that some members are already killing FO3 in there minds while we know nothing yet
we don't even know for sure if it will have a FPS view
we don't know ANYTHING about the game
But you know what? We don't know nothing yet
Bzzt. I'm afraid that's the wrong answer, Sparky. The
"we know nothing yet" game became rather dog-eared ever since Uncle Pete uttered the words
"we'll do what we do best" about three years ago. Even moreso after his multiple reiterations that Bethesda is treating Fallout 3 not only with the same
loving care with which they further shat on The Elder Scrolls with Oblivion, but that it's safe to say that FO3 will be simillar to the dumbed down, mediocre dreck that passes for TES these days.
Or perhaps it has something to do with Bethesda's ongoing history of complete and utter failure where Fallout excelled, and both Todd Howard and Pete Hines' munchkin fantasies that Oblivion is the bestest CRPG evar.
Or that Fallout 3 is being developed for the Xbox360, and all of Bethesda's Xbox titles just happen to be grotesquely compromised for said console to the point of unusable(see Star Trek: Legacy) or at the very least, feature hand-holding to the extent that Playskool's
T.J. Bearytales leaves children out-in-the-cold by comparison.
Or maybe I should mention the infoleaks from members of the Fallout community stating that Fallout 3 is a realtime console FPS that butchers Fallout even worse than Oblivion butchered The Elder Scrolls series, despite that those infoleaks are redundant in light of statements made by Pete and Todd themselves.
Thanakir said:
there will definitly be some old fallout fants who will never play FO3 and just hate it.
And why is that, skippy? Once again, the only way Fallout 3 could raise such ire within the community is by immensly failing to be a Fallout CRPG. Even Van Buren was by and large welcomed, despite the number of(questionable) core changes it made to Fallout, but you're probaby far too clueless understand what Van Buren was.
But kudos on the amazing typo.
Thanaklueless said:
The guy who's in charge of Fallout 3 is actually the guy who made the only part of Oblivion that I loved, the Brotherhood of shadow part...
Some part of that quest-line : -You would be sent in a house with around 6 persons in there, and you had to be the only one to come out alive :
-You would be sent back to the HQ base where all your partner in that organisation where, and you had to kill all of them to cleanse the base with the blood of everybody in there, since there was a traitor with them...
Just like Fallout! I didn't know Oblivion contained such spectacular
multiple quest solutions. Just reading your summary, my head is spinning attempting to comprehend all the roleplaying possibilities.
Thanaklueless said:
I mean, between pure FPS or FPS-with-innovation, what you want more?
I mean, between being kicked in the balls or being-innovatively-kicked-in-the-balls, what do you want more?
I have no comeback for your impeccible logic.
You win.
Thanaklueless said:
Any proof to that? I only want your source, if that's true, I'm not buying it either, but I'd like to know where you take that out from and why you say that...
So unsurprisingly, you haven't made any attempt to clue yourself in before rushing into this discussion. That's real peachy. Now watch closely and hold still; I will attempt to make you understand what you're talking about.
Xbox360 magazines/websites have
initiated their coverage of Fallout 3. This should be hint #1.
Bethesda's newest
job ad for a game programmer should be hint #2.
Job Ad said:
Game Programmer
Bethesda Game Studios
Rockville, Maryland - United States
Platforms: XBOX 360, PC
Project: The Elder Scrolls or Fallout - RPG
Bethesda Softworks is looking for talented programmers to join our team that is pushing the bleeding-edge of RPG development for the PC and future-generation consoles.
Bethesda's history of(poorly) multi-platforming action games between PC and Xbox since Morrowind should be the final hint you need to embark on cluehood. Although by all rites it should have been the first and only.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Actually we do know that Boyarsky, Cain, MCA, Sawyer et al aren't involved. This is like doing the Godfater IV without Coppolla, Pacino or Puzzo. They have the legal right to put the name on the box, but really...
Heh, that reminds me of something I forgot to add to Bethesda's list of achievements... Turning down original Fallout developers who were interested in working with Bethesda on designing Fallout 3. Can't forget that brilliant little gem of Pete's.
Cimmerian Nights said:
edit: 'RPG of the year' reminds me of someone...