daemonofdecay said:Thats not a word; its a question on the SAT.
"Use verisimilitude in a sentence."
Anyway, do giant scorpions created through radiation or a ghoul with a tree growing in its head really have the 'appearance or semblance of truth' (Thanks to dictionary.com!)?
Good thing you looked it up in the dictionary and now completely understand what it means, huh?
Verisimilitude doesn't mean being realistic, it means that whatever you represent must have inner cohesion and thus be convincing to the audience. It is a term for stage plays, and Hamlet is still verisimilar despite having a ghost floating about because you'll never find yourself wondering "what is that ghost doing there?" That is verisimilitude.
The most important thing in verisimilitude is not that everything is explained or everything is realistic, it's that nothing in the setting will make you stop and go "hang on, but that makes no sense." Since Fallout is a retro-50s game, things that make sense for retro-50s (like giant insects) don't break verisimilitude. Stupid weapons do.
That's why "doy this setting has ghouls and powered armor so you can't complain about realism" is not an argument.