First time out of the vault

Yes, it does.
Millenia said:I dunno, I quite like Fallout 3. Of course it's quite different from the previous iterations but then again isometric view is so 90's and the combat system wasn't all too good in FO1/2 either.
You guys should nitpick less and try to enjoy the game even if it's not Fallout as we know it :p
pm987 said:If you are FPS fun - enjoy the game, if not..
Pope Viper said:That I will give you.
beverageleverage said:Bethesda just had to throw in the "you cannot sleep in someone elses bed" nonsense, even if the bed's "owner" is dead.
That and having a stolen item tag on anything I pick up in the middle of fucking nowhere shack that some squatter happens to be recently murdered in. Hey guess what, this shit didn't belong to them either, and nobody can tell the difference between this "stolen" stimpack and one I picked up fair and square somewhere else off of some guys dead body. It is so ridiculous, if some item happens to be picked up off of some murdered victim of mine's rotting corpse its all okay, but this imaginary line is crossed if I get an item two feet away from him off of the goddamn table.
And I can't forget the immortal npcs, exactly the same as oblivion. Doomed to being knocked unconscious, waking up, and then going about their business until they get knocked out again, wake up, forget what happened, over and over.
Booze Zombie said:I want to know, why does a large portion of the "old school" heavily dislike this new game in the franchise?
I also feel I have answers for some of the more common complaints with Fallout 3, which I'd like to post.
Exploding cars: "They are over the top and silly!"
The cars in the Fallout universe utilize nuclear energy instead of conventional fuel, correct? And they've just been sitting there, after enduring massive nuclear blasts and 200 years of corrosion?
Don't you think that would compromise the safety on the nuclear components in the car? I mean, doesn't that make sense?
Booze Zombie said:The "fat man": "This is not something a humanity almost destroyed by nuclear bombs would use!"
In previous Fallout games, was it not the case that nuclear bombs were used to finish off major threats to humanity with an ironic tone being set via this method of threat removal?
For example, The Master and The Enclave.
Perhaps the Beth Dev team wanted to do something similar, but on a smaller, more regular scale?
Also, was it not the case that the energy used for energy weapons was in fact nuclear, which also allowed for it to be used to power cars?
Booze Zombie said:The ghouls: "All they do is attack you and they can run!"
I thought the original Fallout games had roving bands of ghouls who attacked you randomly, as well as sentient ghouls? I can only guess that Beth decided to make them run because so many people said they're not zombies.
Nuclear energy doesn't automatically mean nuclear explosion. In fact, a *lot* needs to be happen before a nuclear explosion will take place (nuclear power plants cannot start one, for instance).Booze Zombie said:The "fat man": "This is not something a humanity almost destroyed by nuclear bombs would use!"
In previous Fallout games, was it not the case that nuclear bombs were used to finish off major threats to humanity with an ironic tone being set via this method of threat removal?
For example, The Master and The Enclave.
Perhaps the Beth Dev team wanted to do something similar, but on a smaller, more regular scale?
Also, was it not the case that the energy used for energy weapons was in fact nuclear, which also allowed for it to be used to power cars?