Fallout 3 Trailer

Angrim said:
Kukident said:
- vault boy on a poster in the bus : i never ever saw vault boy appearing anywhere in the surroundings in Fo1 and 2 and i think it just doesn't fit into there
So you didn't see him, for example, on the TV in the first Fallout intro? :roll:
i did, of course

but imho that's something different than posters of it being actually IN the game
I think they might be going third person. I have no real reason to believe this, but in order to preserve a little bit of the FO style but not quite go isometric, they'll go 3rd person. This POV isn't the most popular, but it's been doing well on the consoles with Ghost Recon, Gears of War, Rainbow Six, etc., and following the fairly official announcement of console support, I don't see any way for the game to bo iso.
Kukident said:
but imho that's something different than posters of it being actually IN the game
Well, see, that teaser is not in-game footage... So the poster shouldn't bother you at all.
philowar said:
Kukident said:
- the power armour doesnt look good.., looks likey they want to make the brooderhood of steel cliché-evil

I think them being the good guys would be more cliche. I hope they make the Brotherhood (if they're in the game) fascist assholes. Absolutely power corrupts absolutely. I had a problem with all their noble goody-goody stuff in previous games. Face it: if they had that kind of power and technology (as opposed to everybody else), it would only be a matter of time before they were forcibly imposing their own vision of a brave new world on the rest of irradiated America. Sure, their cause might start out as noble and benevolent, but how long might that last?
they never really were "the good guys"
i would like them neither being good nor bad but somewhere between.. i dont like that 'american view' (not stating every american has it, but their elected president i.e. has it) of something being either GOOD or BAD, because it's naive

philowar said:
Kukident said:
-"war never changes", it was just out of context in that clip imho

Why? There are plenty of gunshots to be heard, for sure.

To me it seemed to be like "let's put that phrase into the game to make the hardcore Fo1 and Fo2 gamers happy" and slightly misplaced..
they should have better put it in an intro similar to that one those two games had, but of course, it's just a minor thing

Angrim said:
Kukident said:
but imho that's something different than posters of it being actually IN the game
Well, see, that teaser is not in-game footage... So the poster shouldn't bother you at all.

but it looked ingame and i somehow have the feeling that they will put such posters and similar stuff into the ingame surroundings too
Kukident said:
i somehow have the feeling that they will put such posters and similar stuff into the ingame surroundings too
Eh... Trust your feelings, Luke?

Seriously, that's kinda far-fetched nitpicking.
I think them being the good guys would be more cliche. I hope they make the Brotherhood (if they're in the game) fascist assholes. Absolutely power corrupts absolutely. I had a problem with all their noble goody-goody stuff in previous games. Face it: if they had that kind of power and technology (as opposed to everybody else), it would only be a matter of time before they were forcibly imposing their own vision of a brave new world on the rest of irradiated America. Sure, their cause might start out as noble and benevolent, but how long might that last?


My thoughts on the game.

Although I would have liked Fallout 3 to be Van Buren, I'm open to the idea of a non-isometric 3d Fallout game. Both turn-based and real-time modes are possible from a 3rd person view. I'm hoping that they will keep the SPECIAL system intact.

Also, one important thing that I think Bethesda should take into account are the controls of the game. I HATED, ABSOLUTELY HATED, the menu/inventory system in Oblivion because it was based on console controls and not the PC.

I hope to see much social commentary, references to pop culture, addressing of issues such as war, racism, social class, etc.

What I'm Worried About:

What worries me most about Bethesda creating Fallout 3 is their motto of creating "open-ended games." I played Oblivion and GOSH DAMN it was friggin BORING! The whole damn game was just "enter a portal, close it, new portal opens up, enter it, close it, rinse, repeat and all the levels were practically the same damn thing. Just because games are open-ended doesn't make the game a good one. In my eyes, Fallout in a sense was linear. Although the player could travel much wherever he/she wished, there was that visible or invisible time limit that kept the player on track and focused on the main storyline while well done sidequests entertained the player from time to time.

Also, did anyone here who played Oblivion notice how dead and pathetically populated it was? I mean, I was in the damn capital city and I'm like the only one there! One of the wonderful things about the Fallout games were the rich and well made NPC's and how the interaction between the player and the NPC played out. I understand Oblivion probably would have had Frames Per Second issues but damn, there could have been at least 10-15 models walking around that damn city.

Bunkermensch said:
In FOT the BoS where fascists? But why have they been friendly to ghouls, fighting with mutants/deathclaws side on side... that I call fascist! :roll:
My image was the opposite, they were the very good brave guys.

Really? Going around conscripting all the savages? Crucifying those who opposed them? Good brave guys?

Anyhow, in terms of gameplay, FO3 will not be FPS. Despite Hines and crew's apparent smugness and indifference to the hardcore Fallout crowd, you can bet that in their heart of hearts they want very much to please us and want very much to be taken seriously. (What artist doesn't?) They also want to establish Beth as a serious creative force in the gaming world and want to move beyond the fantasy fluff that is Oblivion. Yeah, XBox360 and PS3 -- that sucks, but monetarily they have no choice. The company wants them to reap big profits on this game, hence there is no way it would ever, ever be PC only (and big profits would at least mean FO4). One can only hope for the best at this point, that the console versions might be dumbed down but the PC version will be worthwhile.
Angrim said:
Kukident said:
i somehow have the feeling that they will put such posters and similar stuff into the ingame surroundings too
Eh... Trust your feelings, Luke?

Seriously, that's kinda far-fetched nitpicking.
actually i m called lukas

and i don't think it's very far fetched
Also, did anyone here who played Oblivion notice how dead and pathetically populated it was? I mean, I was in the damn capital city and I'm like the only one there! One of the wonderful things about the Fallout games were the rich and well made NPC's and how the interaction between the player and the NPC played out. I understand Oblivion probably would have had Frames Per Second issues but damn, there could have been at least 10-15 models walking around that damn city.

At least in Fallout they'll have an excuse, everyone being dead and all :P
Really? Going around conscripting all the savages? Crucifying those who opposed them? Good brave guys?
If they were bad or fascist they had killed each of them in a very cruel way, but had fun also :lol:
Maybe it is about definition. :?
Funny, isn't it. Beth puts up a teaser wich, allthough nicely done and to me very Fallouty, shows us nothing yet people are jumping to all kinds of conclusions. Both here and on the Beth forum.

I'll still be defending a TB/iso game. And furthermore a game that holds true to the Fallout canon and it's universe. But i will not draw any conclusions from this teaser. Except maybe that Ron Perlman will do the narration but even this is still wishfull thinking as we have not yet gotten an official word that he will be doing the narration of the game but i'm hopeful for that.
Kukident said:
To me it seemed to be like "let's put that phrase into the game to make the hardcore Fo1 and Fo2 gamers happy" and slightly misplaced..
they should have better put it in an intro similar to that one those two games had, but of course, it's just a minor thing

I totally disagree with you. War never changes fit perfectly into the teaser, where it was. First off, understanding that it's a teaser, and what that means and, secondly understanding that it's been the opening line of narrative in Fallout 1 & 2.

In fact, the teaser almost neccessitates putting that line there. Also, the infliction that it was said was much different than in Fallout. "War never changes..." said in the opening of Fallout 1 and 2 is clearly a precursor. You can "hear" the ellipsis at the end of it and you know that a larger narrative is coming. He's going to tell you more. Tell you "why" war never changes.

Its pronounced at the end of this trailer with a clear period at the end. He's saying it matter of factly like, "That's right. War never changes" Its the conclusion to the teaser, that let's you know it's Fallout. We've heard why war never changes in Fallout 1 & 2. Nearly a decade later, here's the sequel,

"see the destruction, see the power armor, yep like I said, War never Changes"

Kukident said:
but it looked ingame and i somehow have the feeling that they will put such posters and similar stuff into the ingame surroundings too

I think we'll see vault boy in some places in the game like that. But, I don't see a problem with it at all. As long as everything is fits in context, its fine. On the inside of an American bus, you would expect to see it. It fits there. Its pre-war advertising. There will probably be more of it that there was in Fallout 1 and 2, simply because of the setting. Again, East Coast neccessitates more clutter, more pre-war leftovers. East Coast America is just much more dense.

There's nothing wrong with seeing Vault boy on a poster. It was an advertisement for a vault, just like we saw in both the Fallout 1 and 2 openings. There just weren't really locations that you would see those kinds of things in Fallout 1 or 2. But it certainly wouldn't have been out of place if we found ourselves in a subway, or train station, remnants from pre-war.

That's really all it was in this case and very fitting, IMO.

Also, I'm sure it was specifically placed in there for the teaser. How else would you make sure you hit the "key points" of Fallout in a teaser, without Vault Boy, and/or Pip Boy.
I'm a little late replying to this. I just got off work and only viewed the teaser about a half hour ago.

Basically, I love it. I'd have to say it will almost certainly be in the first person perspective, based on the high level of detail. I'm actually cool with that, surprisingly. I remember back in the Van Buren days I was completely opposed to the notion of a first person Fallout. War may never change, but game development does. I've accepted this reality.

They got a lot of stuff right. The atmosphere, 50's retro style, vault-boy used in his proper vault-tec context and the music was my favorite part (The Inc Spots!).

The power armor was different, but not really in a bad way. I personally preferred the Fallout 1 power armor more, but the armor featured in the teaser is still better than Fallout 2, Tactics and POS. Definitely a bonus.

In conclusion, all of my initial concerns regarding atmosphere, retro style and such were satisfied to a very large degree. I'm quite impressed, and very much looking forward to playing Fallout 3.

Here's to hoping that by 2008 I will have a better computer! The one I currently have could NEVER play that game.

For me, the most important thing remains the dialogue system... and this teaser didn't say anything about it...

If they can just get the dialogue system, dialogue, item descriptions and such, correct, then they have a chance to make a good game, maybe even something worthy of the Fallout title.

Some things which people have grievances with which might be included (such as level based enemies) would/could quickly be fixed by a mod (Bethesda do provide the tools)... but it's a lot harder to fix dialogue, feel, and tasks...
Autoduel76 said:
Kukident said:
but it looked ingame and i somehow have the feeling that they will put such posters and similar stuff into the ingame surroundings too

I think we'll see vault boy in some places in the game like that. But, I don't see a problem with it at all. As long as everything is fits in context, its fine. On the inside of an American bus, you would expect to see it. It fits there. Its pre-war advertising. There will probably be more of it that there was in Fallout 1 and 2, simply because of the setting. Again, East Coast neccessitates more clutter, more pre-war leftovers. East Coast America is just much more dense.

There's nothing wrong with seeing Vault boy on a poster. It was an advertisement for a vault, just like we saw in both the Fallout 1 and 2 openings. There just weren't really locations that you would see those kinds of things in Fallout 1 or 2. But it certainly wouldn't have been out of place if we found ourselves in a subway, or train station, remenants from pre-war.

That's really all it was in this case and very fitting, IMO.

Also, I'm sure it was specifically placed in there for the teaser. How else would you make sure you hit the "key points" of Fallout in a teaser, without Vault Boy, and/or Pip Boy.

damn, i didn't see it was and advertisment for a vault....
i just saw the HD version and now and noticed that, earlier i thought they just put vault boy on that poster to make him appear in that teaser

well, now that makes it different of course
i got to take it back, and you are right and now i like that poster :>

too bad i didn't notice that in the first case

about the "war never changes" phrase:
if it's like you say, then he should have pronounced it differently like:" War,... War [short pause] never changes"

then it would have been okay for me
Kukident said:
. about the "war never changes" phrase:
if it's like you say, then he should have pronounced it differently like:" War,... War [short pause] never changes"

then it would have been okay for me[/b]

Well, I think that would work too, I think they were trying to keep the pacing of the line similar to the original.

But listen to it again. Listen how his voice lowers in pitch for the end of it "never changes" is getting lower.

He's saying it like you might say "I told you", or "there you have it" or "that's the way it is".

Similar meaning as the way you put it, just done more subtle.
Not that anyone cares what I have to say (since I don't have more then 1k posts) but I thought they did a good job with the teaser. It gave me goosebumps. Everything seemed to fit well. I liked the way the power armor looked. It's only fitting that things look a bit different in this game. It takes place on the side of the country. I think it was a good idea to place the setting somewhere else. It opens up the possibilities of what the game can contain significantly.

Wouldn't you guys get a little tired of the same old settings? We've seen the west coast. Twice. More if you count the BoS and Tactics. I'm ready to see what's happened to the rest of the country.

PS: Regardless of who's doing what, I really expect more from the moderators of this site. I'd hate to think that this is representative of what NMA is all about. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I'd like to think that the veterans of the forums would have a bit more respect for themselves. Afterall, they were newbies once too. Lighten up, will ya? It's just a fuckin' game.
I think the overall plot is gonna be some "Planet of the Apes" stuff. That's a Gorilla trooper in that armor.
Terrasque said:
More if you count the BoS and Tactics.

Ehm, if you seriously mean the BoS I think you mean...you'd better not mean it again when in any serious discussions on Fallout setting and canon :P

It's just a fuckin' game.

You're in the Fora of a Fan Community that revolves around "that fucking game" and has done so for many, many years. Telling us to lighten up because it is "just a game" is like going to the headquarters of a major Football team fan club and telling them "lighten up, people, it's just sports!". That argument will get you no merit here, I'm afraid...

And, this flaming on post counters is getting rather silly. Let's just stick to the topic.

As for the Brotherhood...they where supposed to be at war with NCR in Van Buren, but Van Buren never happened and is thus not canon. So, as far as we are concerned, my opinion is that the Brotherhood is still in the state we left it in Fallout 2. And this state is not really that of a powerful organization bent on expanding their glorious ways across the wastes...