Fallout 3 Trailer

Y know what people?
I've found out what the graphs remind me of.
Call of Cthulhu (the game). It's FPS alright but with sub-par graphs comparing to other shooters in the market.

Anyways, the more I think about the more I can't help it but wonder how can anyone make a Fallout FP RPG and have it remain a RPG. I mean FP + guns = FPS. No matter what you do. It'll be aim for the head, click, yeah take that ugly deathclaw!

So I simply can't accept that they're gonna make it FP. I believe we're gonna see something KOTOR-like.
Deus Ex and Vampire Bloodlines where first person too.
Both are not bad games.
That said i would still prefer iso and TB.
Nothing beats the feeling of ripping apart another vampire with your katana. Or claws if you're a Gangrel.

And what I mean is that when you were fightin with a gun the game turned into an FPS.
Okay well... My first impression from the engine and art in the trailer was that it reminded me of the Stalingrad map in COD 3, but like Jimmious already said, if they went FPS the game would be utterly fucked, hopefully Bethesday have the foresight to realise that.

Anyway, i can understand why people have the shits about the power armour, but I mean that was the same deal with the Enclave shit in FO 2, furthermore we don't know how inventory system will work. Hopefully it's not some generic crap, with the most authentic feature being a pipboy logo, but it's fair to assume they might, being bethesda, include more than one or two sets of power armour.

Anyway i'm going to try and get bloodlines, i read it was rubbish but i'm starting to think it might be worth a go.
Jimmious said:
Bloodlines was not an RPG when you played with a gun imo :P
Plus guns sucked anyway hehehe :P
So whether or not it's an RPG depends entirely on perspective? If that's your argument then you're a moron!

Sometimes I think I have to explain every word I'm writing.
What I mean is that when in FPS combat, the game lost it's RPG characteristics because the outcome of the battle was very dependant on your aiming skills, not your character's.

Generally speaking I liked the game very much, mostly due to the dialogue part. Also the multiple solutions to quests was nice. If F 3 goes that way, this game has some stuff Beth should look at.
Got to disagree here.
Bloodlines still used your firearms skill when shooting.
So when you had that cross over your enemy it wasnt automaticaly a hit.
Yes but if you are a wimp and you can't play shooters well you have a problem.
I'm comparing the whole thing with TB combat in my mind that's why I have this stance.

In Fallout everything, every single part of anything you did depended totally in your char and his/her stats. You didn't have to have good reflexes or a steady hand or quick fingers. Just a good... erm brain? :P
The trailer is comforting...but I need more to be convinced that Bethesda won't butcher Fallout.
Vault Maker said:
One possible reason for the PA in the trailer looking different could be that the Beth team may had to make yet another model (who knows why).
But again not matter the reasons for the new look, it just looks wrong!

Vault Maker said:
The breastplate with the angular look might be explained as a functional improvement over the original rounded T-51b. Rounded shapes are generally better protection against projectiles, but 1980's "Chobham" laminated armor on NATO tanks could only be made in flat sections, hence the angular look of the US M1 Abrams, the German Leopard 2, and other western tanks.
It's the box on the front that gives it the WWI look, as soon as I saw it I thought early gas mask. Even though the hoses go over the back.

That and the general boxiness and rivets which makes it, as Senor Deluxe said, it's reminiscent of a WWI tank.
better than I expected. Not that trailer tells anything but Id rather see re-establishments than ruins
Beside few details* it have good atmosphere

*lord vader
*tower from half life2
Hate to say it, but I didn't mind the teaser. I thought the atmosphere throughout was good, and it felt appropriately Fallouty. Nothing at all was given away about the game, except that Bethesda look like they are trying to keep the look and feel of FO relatively correct. Hopefully they can start releasing some more details on FO3 soon as the all important questions regarding gameplay are still up in the air.

One thing that bothers me, why is it taking so long for them to create FO3? Supposedly they've been working on this for years now, and it's still going to take another year and a half before it's released. It's not like they need to build a new game engine like they did with Oblivion. Maybe they need to do some tweaks to the game engine, but most of the work should be plot/story, dialog and artwork.

scypior said:
Yup, but still it's waaay better to be like WWI tank than to be in modern style, something like this:
No it's not, that's like saying it's okay you were sodomised because they used spit to juice you up, it could of been worse they might not of used any lube at all. Fact is you've still been buggered.

Why can't it be 50's retro futuristic style? Is that too much to ask?
As I said, I don't have web access at home right now (forgot to pay some invoice *blush*), so I am forced to read big chunks, think, and post big chunks ;-)

On the "Brotherhood armor getting in the Eastcoast" subject:

Ausir said:
welsh said:
I liked it. The soldier doesn't look quite right, but its nice to hear Ron Pearlman. The look was right. But if you guys are right and that a BOS logo, than how did the BOS get to the East Coast?

(please don't say it was one of those blimps that didn't crash in Tactics!)

Vertibirds they got after FO2? And if it's the Eastern Brotherhood from FOT, they went from Illinois to Colorado during the game itself, so they could also easily go to DC.

In FO2, 3 major SF parties were looking for those plans. However it turned out, they would have been recoverable:
HUbologists: As the Shi' computer predicted, the Hubo spaceship would have failed, leaving the Hubo base for Shi/Brotherhood to scavenge. With computers containing the plans.
Shi: The Emperor would have these plans. As a tribal with science of ~125% could easily hack the Emperor, the Brotherhood wiil have means to acces it.
Brotherhood: As there only was a one-man base there, the plans should have been sent to "Brotherhood HQ", where/whatever that may be. They only "re-opened a minimal set of outposts in the Enclave region to monitor their actions". Maybe the HQ is in the Eastcoast?

Whatever happened, the Enclave was destroyed. Leaving Navarro crippeled and alone. The Brotherhood could have overtaken this base. Their existing knowledge of weapons (Y2K rifle), armor (T52b), medical sciences (medical computer in SF) proves that they could assimilate Enclave technologies. And Vertibirds.

About the "the PA dude looks like a Gorilla":
How did the PA look in F1/F2? Whoever wore it, was huge. Comparable to a mutant. And even the mutants are (more than Gorillesquely) huge.

About the weapon:
Remember the re-used Laser & Sniper rifle models? That laser rifle looked like some existing weapon modified to laser.
As pointed out he on numerous occasions, laser weapons don't need a long barrel. The beam guiding mechanism is either straight or not, the barrel won't help a thing.
Looking at the cable on top of the weapon, I assume it is some kind of (perhaps modified) laser weapon. Speculating, of course.

The Vaultboy commercial:
Indeed, the Eastcoast is dence. I assume Vault Tek would try to attract some "wealthy nutcases scared of nuclear warfare". Hence the poster.

The Power Armor

Vault Maker said:
The "more retro" look is quite noticeable, as Requiem said it almost looks alternate-WWI, and as for the speculation on it being T-45 armor, who can say... I've often thought that the power armor progression in the 2 original Fallouts ("hardened" or "improved" variants, MkII Enclave PA, etc.) might be more "Fallouty" if you started with partial or broken armor and gradually got parts repaired, so the best armor available was just "Power Armor - Complete Set". Not necessarily sections of the armor, like breastplate, greaves, etc. but motivators, sensors, and the like. So your first suit of PA gives you a lot of armor, but no strength bonus, a large perception penalty, and lower agility. Just an idea.
The breastplate with the angular look might be explained as a functional improvement over the original rounded T-51b. Rounded shapes are generally better protection against projectiles, but 1980's "Chobham" laminated armor on NATO tanks could only be made in flat sections, hence the angular look of the US M1 Abrams, the German Leopard 2, and other western tanks.

Quite insightful first post ;-)

As I said in my previous post here
this could be the T51b armour that's fixed up by the doc at the Hubologists - that featured some extra armour plating too, if I recall it right?

I reloaded my SF save, and it doesn't say anything in the descriptions. However, I seem to recall one of those scientists mentioning that not only a hardening process, but also added plating was necessary for making "Hardened power armor". Has anyone got the speech files of the 2 scientists (Croket and the Shi guy)?

Anyway, F3 is a new game. F1 and F2 contained 2 sorts of power armour. I'd like to see a new version (or some new versions) in F3. Only 2 types in 3 games seems a bit cheap.

The Enclave made the Advanced PA rounded, the Brotherhood made the "scavenged look" T51b.
That version numbering makes me assume that there are a lot of other versions, going from a00a to T51b - at least.

Speculations, speculations... Maybe this one dude in the movie stole an early version of the armour from the BoS and grabbed a vertibird. Maybe that's how he ended up om the Eastcoast. Maybe we will be playing that guy.

Fact is, that it's a year and a few months until the first POSSIBLE release date. Knowing the gaming world's release dates, it may very well be December. A lot can change in the meanwhile...

Also, WWII tanks weren't that rounded. Rather bulky and square. At least, compared to modern ones: Now we focus on mobility.
The WWII era fits in the correct time schedule. As the "WWII with tanks" concept was an alternative to "the nuclear catastrophe", those tank designs would reflect technological views of that time. So, in some way it's OK that the PA dude looks bulky and square.
There may be other PA versions in F3 that those who disagree here will like.

About the graphics:

The comment "this was rendered with the game engine, but not the ingame engine" could mean that the ingame cutscenes feature a more detailed version of the real ingame engine.
This is a bit too vague to make an educated guess about the real engine, it could be anything from 1st, 3rd to isometric or topdown view, with zoom capability.

I think the engine is capable of rendering the smaller objects too detailed for an isometric engine. Ok, these days we can zoom in while keeping the quality high. Still, that quality is a bit too much for a top-down or isometric view.