Fallout 3 Trailer

Maybe they're using the fascist Eastern Brotherhood from FOT as the main villain in FO3 (after retconning them and making their power armors look more like the original ones)? I actually wouldn't mind that.
I am impressed, i expected something far worser than this.
Oh the voice is not the same as in F1/2,iam almost sure about that.

Darn now i have some hope for a good game.
I'm excited by the city. A cluttered environ is one I'd always wanted in the originals.
MrBumble said:
Tandy said:
Oh the voice is not the same as in F1/2,iam almost sure about that.

Are you...deaf ? :roll:
It IS Ron Perlman. It was even confirmed.

I guess he meant it wasn't the same recording from the previously fallouts
Ausir said:
Maybe they're using the fascist Eastern Brotherhood from FOT as the main villain in FO3 (after retconning them and making their power armors look more like the original ones)? I actually wouldn't mind that.

Or the Brotherhod used Vertibirds on a cross country tour.
MrBumble said:
Tandy said:
Oh the voice is not the same as in F1/2,iam almost sure about that.

Are you...deaf ? :roll:
It IS Ron Perlman. It was even confirmed.
Are you blind? The point was that this means Ron Perlman came in and recorded some of the dialogue at least anew, not that it wasn't Ron Perlman.
Ausir said:
Maybe they're using the fascist Eastern Brotherhood from FOT as the main villain in FO3 (after retconning them and making their power armors look more like the original ones)? I actually wouldn't mind that.

No. That'd make Tactics canon. Which would make talking Deathclaws canon. So no.

What? Talking Deathclaws in Fallout 2? ... those were a hallucination produced by a radiation leak in Vault 13. Yeah, that's it.

Mikael Grizzly said:
Ausir said:
Maybe they're using the fascist Eastern Brotherhood from FOT as the main villain in FO3 (after retconning them and making their power armors look more like the original ones)? I actually wouldn't mind that.

Or the Brotherhod used Vertibirds on a cross country tour.

To be fair, Van Buren had a Brotherhood presence east of California.
As for it making Tactics canon, notice that his power armor, while modified, is not as different from the original as the FOT one, which means that they could've just retconned parts of FOT to fit into the canon (as in, the power armor looks, the talking deathclaws etc.)
my view:

- good music choice (Ink Spots again)

- good propaganda/publicity posters

- vacuum tubes in the radio (much like the 2 previous intros)

- general destruction visible after zoomout similar to FO1 intro (=good)

- Ron Perlman (but it was copy/paste from the originals)

- Hula Doll! shake that ass girl!

- ugly ass powerarmor that looks like a modified T-51b (seems like added armor, other pauldrons and a gasmask helmet). it has a BoS logo on it, but rather early to conclude the BoS spread to the east coast. we never heard where the BoS logo came from in the first place. might be a generic army logo used by mechanised infantry for all we know.

Pajari said:
That video was real time fuck Bethe$da.
what the fuck you blabbering about?
Pajari said:
That video was real time fuck Bethe$da.
It isn't gameplay footage, it's in-engine footage.

Besides that, you saw no combat at all, so even this doesn't mean anything.

EDIT: Sua, Ron's voice was probably not copied but re-recorded.
Torrent available on WE DO NOT MENTION FILESHARING SITES. 35 seeds.

Got it. I must say it almost sqeezed a tear from my eye.