Fallout 3 Trailer

That PA doesn't have BoS markings. I suspect that this guy is a part of remants of US Army troops that guarded DC against riots, etc.
Maybe the PA is an older model.
SuAside said:
- Ron Perlman (but it was copy/paste from the originals)

Why are people nitpicking on this? Even if it was directly lifted from Fallout 1/2 it still means they're using Ron Perlman. Because they'd have to pay him royalties for using his voice. And if they're going to pay him they might as well use him.

- ugly ass powerarmor that looks like a modified T-51b (seems like added armor, other pauldrons and a gasmask helmet). it has a BoS logo on it, but rather early to conclude the BoS spread to the east coast. we never heard where the BoS logo came from in the first place. might be a generic army logo used by mechanised infantry for all we know.

IIRC holodisks in Fallout 1 talk about the logo and how it was concieved by Maxson to represent the Brotherhood. The sword is their strength, the cogs are their technology and the wings represent peace achieved with both. Or something like that.

Now I suppose they could retcon it and say Maxson was lying.. but eh..
Sorrow said:
That PA doesn't have BoS markings. I suspect that this guy is a part of remants of US Army troops that guarded DC against riots, etc.
Maybe the PA is an older model.


Yes it does.
this teaser shows nothing, except shity power armour

hate waiting like for a miracle and then get sth like that
I guess they got powerarmor better here than these in tactics and in fallout 2 enclave.
Posters, radio, all decorations give nice retro feel.
And they picked fitting music.

Sure that movie doesnt tell much about actual gameplay but it shows that beth guys are atleast aware of the way where artwork should go.
And thats a step in a good direction.

Let as just hope that "good looks", to speak in general, will be just a tool - among others - to satisfy gamers, not that main selling point.
I know one thing though, the fact that the actual ingame engine will look like that means I won't be able to play it on this piece of shit I'm running right now. :P
Eh, maybe I will... Hopefully they'll optimize it properly.

Anyways, with that level of detail it seems unlikely to me that it'll be a straight up isometric view like the old games. Then again, I don't really know anything about the technicalities of graphics/engines...

A FP perspective is still a real nightmare for me. The bus seats seems kinda, well, not detailed though. Wouldn't a FP game for the second half of 2008 have better looking bus seats than that? :P

Perhaps it will be similar to NWN2. I think that engine still had a rather nice P&P feel to it, but still looked quite shiny when zooming in.
Ziltoid said:
EDIT: Sua, Ron's voice was probably not copied but re-recorded.
maybe, maybe not.

Ron is known for having said the same sentence about 200 times over for FO1 & 2.

since beth owns the old material, they couldve easily recovered it from those recordings.

there is no way to know if it's new or not.

edit: DaC link proves me wrong, nm :)
alec said:
Yeah, saw it now, on Voodoo Extreme. :D

I like it. Right atmosphere, Ink Spots, Ron Perlman, Vault Boy being used in a Vault Tec context, ...

I'm glad to see they aren't making the obvious mistakes. As for the Power Armour: it looks different, but I can live with that. It's bulky in any case.

Thumbs up for Bethesda, if you ask me.

I agree with you Alec. I liked the video. It was short, sweet and to the point. I can see there are some differences with the power armor, but hey, it's got a lived in and used look. Like it would be in RL. Good job to Bethesda. Let's just hope the game doesn't turn into a Call to Duty type 3D adventure now.
Guys at least we can start hoping that it wont be FPS since if you look closely on posters,the bear, the little truck and tiny equipements like that its not that well designed to be an FPS. And since Bethesda made lot more detailed itemization in Obilivion years after that they wont come up with a less shiny engine if the want to make an FPS view game.

So i think there is more chance now that it won't be FPS then before the teaser.
That was actually quite enjoyable.

Nothing like I expected whatsoever. It actually.. no, can't be.

It actually inspires hope of a good Fallout 3.

I've said it, there it is.

It was kind of relief, that the video was really sweet with all that stuff we know from the previous fallouts, like: corvega billboard, vault advertisement and the army poster featuring power armored soldiers legs ( have to find out if its the same one or similar to one included in the fallout2 artwork).
Sculpure-buildigs are way too glossy, steel perhaps, I'd rather see them made of stone, but - thank gods that they ARE!

While the music was not that bad at all, but the Power Armor sucks for me. In motion it sure looks better, but... It's a huge dissapointment for me, after seeing all that beautiful stuff and hearing the Ink Spots and Ron Perlman. I'm pretty sure that it'll be explained somehow - the differences are in commonly well known and remembered places like shoulder pads and the visor, there aint no possibility that they didnt knew how it looked like.

But it may be the van buren one, though.
Yeah, its quite good and really inspiring. Some of you say that you have hope for good game again... I dont. I dont think that bethesda will change oblivion engine so much that we'll not recognize it as a oblivion with guns. Realtime in fallout = miserable failure.
The trailer movie was pretty cool. I liked everything except the weird-ass trumpet-looking shoulder thing on the power armor.

As Alec said, it's still bulky, and far better looking than POS armor, Tictacs armor and even Fallout 2's Advanced Power armor.

Good to see they're sticking to the 50's retrofuture side of FO (vacuum tubes, 50's style radio and vehicles, the propaganda posters). The hula doll was a nice touch, as Tiki was all the rage in the 50's.

Nevertheless, I'm a bit worried about the EVILZORS PALADIN... uhh... presentation? Stance? of the dude in power armor.
Starwars said:
A FP perspective is still a real nightmare for me. The bus seats seems kinda, well, not detailed though. Wouldn't a FP game for the second half of 2008 have better looking bus seats than that? :P
Heh, so I'm not the only person, who noticed this :) ? The whole bus interior looks artificial.
You know...

Watching this with a couple of friends in the movie theatre at work, really saved my day after being at work for 9 hours. 9 hours of refreshing...

I mean, Fallout in a movie theatre. How cool is that 8)
Anybody notice the Super Toolkit? Next to the bottle of rotgut, on the seat.

The chip in the car radio with the bulbs looks a lot like the water chip, too.

And to anyone still doubting the Brotherhood logo, if you look closely at the picture on page 7, you can make out the 3 cogs, the 2 little cogs (knights and scribes) that make the big cog turn (paladins).