Seriously? That sounds awful.
Now you can't be bad at anything.
You start out competent and just get better until you ascend to Godhood.
Seriously? That sounds awful.
Seriously? That sounds awful.
Now you can't be bad at anything.
You start out competent and just get better until you ascend to Godhood.
And that's different from Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3 and New Vegas how?
Tagz, I know that your furry mind is biased from the Khajiit porn released by Bethesda, but really you don't have to defend their gameplay![]()
Because those games all had logical progression? Bethesda basically just hands out high power weapons like candy so you're a god within 5 minutes of leaving the initial area.
Tagz, I know that your furry mind is biased from the Khajiit porn released by Bethesda, but really you don't have to defend their gameplay![]()
Their gameplay is actually pretty good, though unbalanced. I don't mind the dropping of skills, as they're not really dropped, just integrated in a different way - one I feel is more suited for computer games. Especially first person shooters, where player skills compensate for character skill to a much greater degree than in iso RPGs.
Because those games all had logical progression? Bethesda basically just hands out high power weapons like candy so you're a god within 5 minutes of leaving the initial area.
Uh no, they did not. Fallout 1 gave you a powerful pistol and plentiful ammo from the start, pretty much immediately upgraded it to an SMG, and by the Hub, you had access to endgame armor and small guns (excluding T-51). Fallout 2 similarly broke the game balance with world map encounters between warring caravans around the Den - after giving you a free 10mm pistol in Klamath.
And really, don't lie. You don't get super guns 5 minutes after starting the game nor do you become a god after that much time in either Fo3 and FNV. The early game is actually well balanced, it's the mid to late game when stuff becomes ridiculous.
Their gameplay is actually pretty good, though unbalanced.
Yeah awful just ain't in generic protagonist's nature. Plus don't forget his immortal dog that can NEVER die!Seriously? That sounds awful.I like how 1 is the new baseline for average.
Because hey, we don't want the player to feel as if they could be bad at anything.
No it doesn't... because you can't be awful anymore!
... know what I'm going to try (on the off chance I even buy it)? A run where I'm not allowed to kill anything myself. The dog has to do it. And I can guarantee this is probably entirely possible since Doggie Can't Die. Only potential problem would be enemies in locations the dog might not be able to reach.
Sad that the only way to get a challenge from a Beth game is to intentionally hamstring yourself with silly challenges.
Ok, one, I didn't mention NV. Two, yes you do. Go around Megaton, free sniper rifle, that's supposed to be a high power weapon, yet you get a free one from a damn hollowed out rock at the start of the damn game.
There have been improvements, I won't denny that. But at least 70% of what Bethesda did was actually dumbing down their games. See the Elder Scrolls. And I am not even talking about that they removed the acrobatics skill - albeit I actually liked the idea behind it.