First time out of the vault

I am not going to judge prematurely. Bethesda have re-added some classic complexities such as better armour/clothing customization (with pauldrons, leggings, etc.), which has not been seen from Bethesda since Morrowind.
I thought all the TES series had this? I know for sure Skyrim/Morrowind has it. Actually the more I play TES it seems that Fallout 3 was dumbed down in mechanics than those. No separate clothing, no readable lore books (well, you do have the pip boy holodisk thingy though to be fair), etc.
Aesthetics-wise? Kind of. But technical-wise, they removed the ability to attach greaves, independent gloves/gauntlets, pauldrons, shoes/boots, and even the simple ability to wear armour over regular clothing. I do feel your pain with the non-readable books - but, to be fair, I do not recall books being readable in the classic games, either, so not much has changed there. Would still be nice to add that level of functionality, as I do enjoy in-game literature.
Fallout 3 did feel dumbed down from what they'd put into the TES games, but I think part of that was them not wanting to go too far into the "Oblivion with guns" territory.
In the classic games you didn't have readable books, but you did have those holodisks. Fallout 1 used them for exposition like the FEV experiments and BoS notes. And Fallout 3 had them as well. If you think of the holodisks as readable books, then they've been a part of Fallout from the first game (well, the first Fallout game). I would like to see them expanded more though. I do like the work they did on building the lore in the TES games using those books. And you could easily pull off that with fallout and damaged books. Then suddenly it would make sense that only a few pages are readable.