Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now


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Sad thing is he can do great things when he's allowed to work with his voice (ie Penguin from Batman AC). Not asking for that, but it's seems like Bethesda is trying to go for 'voiced, but as little character as possible so players can still project.'

Nolan North voiced Penguin in Arkham City. Troy Baker voiced Two-Face.
That interview has some interesting stuff in it.

1. Dogmeat can't die because wah people will want to restore their game anyway cuz they don't want the dog to die wah. They gonna do this with all the companions too because people don't want their human/ghoul companions to die either? Frickin' babies.

2. "We have a part of the map called The Glowing Sea which...occasionally has the wind throwing radiation storms into the world."

First of all, clever name for it. No other Fallout game associated an area of the map with the world "Glow". How original.

Secondly...what? seriously? o_O

3. 2nd part of that quote "...the Glowing Sea which is where the bomb fell."

And it's that close to the city? And there are still buildings mostly intact and standing? /facepalm

4. continuing that quote "and it creates lightning storms that can radiate you and gives it a very post-apocalyptic look"

Which implies that quite a few NPCs are kill able. Also he confirmed he is not plot critical and you won't be compelled to be with him.

Also, I honestly quite like the glowing sea... And would like it even better if this game took place in 2107.
2. "We have a part of the map called The Glowing Sea which...occasionally has the wind throwing radiation storms into the world."

First of all, clever name for it. No other Fallout game associated an area of the map with the world "Glow". How original.

Secondly...what? seriously? o_O

3. 2nd part of that quote "...the Glowing Sea which is where the bomb fell."

And it's that close to the city? And there are still buildings mostly intact and standing? /facepalm

4. continuing that quote "and it creates lightning storms that can radiate you and gives it a very post-apocalyptic look"


If you look closer many aspects of FO is either a cultural reference or a homage of some sort, this one was just very obvious to you although likelly not so much for the new fans..

Design wise having a radiated sea is great, it will add verity to the landscape and locations ( I seen a lot shipwreck concept art) and work as a barrier (I am tired of crater worlds, I want to hear sea)

The idea of radiation storms is great, exactly for the reason Todd mentioned (think Psi storm in stalker). Think how people complained about the more vibrant colors of FO4, presumably this will add a more bleakness, and a looming danger on the horizon, that you'll have to be aware off and avoid.
If you look closer many aspects of FO is either a cultural reference or a homage of some sort, this one was just very obvious to you although likelly not so much for the new fans..

Design wise having a radiated sea is great, it will add verity to the landscape and locations ( I seen a lot shipwreck concept art) and work as a barrier (I am tired of crater worlds, I want to hear sea)

The idea of radiation storms is great, exactly for the reason Todd mentioned (think Psi storm in stalker). Think how people complained about the more vibrant colors of FO4, presumably this will add a more bleakness, and a looming danger on the horizon, that you'll have to be aware off and avoid.

All of that's a bit silly if there's no hardcore mode to go with it, though.
And since he said they CAN'T die, full stop, and if MATN is to be believed and this game will be more similar to Fallout 3 then New Vegas, the prospect of a hardcore mode is looking more and more dubious.
1. Dogmeat can't die because wah people will want to restore their game anyway cuz they don't want the dog to die wah.
Why not make the player immortal? If you die, you're gonna reload anyway, right? Seriously, someone explain me this.

As for radiation storms (too much Mark Morgan?) and glowing sea - I don't even care anymore. Radiation wasn't realistic in F1, either.
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Radiation storms. and an irradiated SEA...... Do they even know how anything works? They probably think a nuclear winter is glowing snow....
I don't think its a proper sea... Rather, a mire. Boston was originally mostly underwater, and the rest was swamps aside from three hills where the English settled. Land was reclaimed over time, with the majority of the city being built on reclaimed land. There are infrastructural supports that are very delicate, and I doubt they could take a blast from the nuke considering their age.

This is further supported by several pictures of concept art depicting a sickly green swamp-like environment, and Super Mutants treading through a submerged city.
Man all I wanted was rain and fog (and occasional dust/sandstorms in New Vegas), not STALKER weather.

Sure, I guess STALKER's blowouts and stuff are still pretty awesome. In STALKER.

Is there a cheeki breeki thread yet? Somebody should make one.
In other news: Some guy on reddit claims to have spoken with Todd Howard following that interview. He said Todd says the dog is at first named Dog, and you later meet someone who tells you he's named Dogmeat. Which is a rather interesting touch instead of me magically knowing its name. The guy then assumed the dog was the same dog from Fo3, as if it were the same dog from Fo1, never mind this game takes place the same bloody year as Fo3.

Todd also said more later on the skill system.

So many people in the commentaries on that video saying "This is the closest to a Nuclear winter we'll ge!"..... no jackasses, that's not what a Nuclear Winter is.....
After the interview, I went up to Todd and asked him about who is composing the soundtrack for Fallout 4. He confirmed that it will be Inon Zur the same composer for Fallout 3 that made the atmospheric music so immersive.

I know it's just a rumor by some guy, but yes, that was obvious. And even after I watched the trailer I was almost sure it's him. But come on, why Inon Zur again? Why?
Theoretically the snow would have a high acid content, wouldn't it? I mean, not in the sense of "OH GOD THE GOGGLES THEY DO NOTHING" kind of acid, but it wouldn't exactly be health to stand outside in snowfall without skin protection.
Theoretically the snow would have a high acid content, wouldn't it? I mean, not in the sense of "OH GOD THE GOGGLES THEY DO NOTHING" kind of acid, but it wouldn't exactly be health to stand outside in snowfall without skin protection.
Would the radiation content be high enough? I mean it would certainly be carcinogenic, but I doubt the Fallout would be enough to literally burn unless it starts snowing withing a few weeks of the bombs dropping.
It's 200 years after the war, and the fact that there would be Snow implies the water cycle didn't stop, so no, no acidic Snow....