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No, the cars worked with Fission batteries, but they didn't explode into a mushroom cloud with a few hits from a baseball bat. They were also stated to work mostly with oil (the resources war was fought over the stuff and the Enclave had such dominance in 2 because they had a large reserve of the stuff) it was an electric car, not a bomb on wheels.

Hmm, fair enough; my experience with 1 and 2 is mostly from watching Let's Plays on YouTube (through I did play a bit of one a few years back)
I hate how the excuse for immortal NPC's is "You would just reload anyway."

No Todd. We call that savescumming. If you have to keep reloading just because it is too hard then you may be doing it wrong. I totally understand why some might not like it. I've had companions fall off mountains occasionally too, but not enough to where I had to repeatedly reload due to frustration. I know I'm not hot shit at every game either.

Some people actually play with consequences. I usually do games where I won't reload if a companion dies no matter what. I suppose people don't want to see any companion endings where they died either. What am I thinking? Most people probably beat the game once then go through and watch the rest on Youtube.

When exactly did most games go from being a challenge, to please hold my hand crossing the street? I want to look and track the course of this phenomena. I keep thinking of Morrowind. Yes it was buggy as hell, you had to walk everywhere (almost), and combat was a bit clunky, but you felt like the world was a harsh unforgiving place. You had to plan for exploration. Which places you wanted to stop by. What route to take. What quests to hit up while you were heading that way. Managing loot without resorting to fast travel when at your max weight. I had to actually use a real map and mark places on it to know where different safehouses, quests, or NPC's were. I never got to a point where I felt I was progressing too slowly. It progressed just fast enough for me.

Some people say just set them to non essential in the console commands. I'm aware of that method however that can break quests due to the game not being designed to work that way. So really we are stuck waiting for a mod that doesn't break the game assuming you buy it on the preferred platform.

Just some thoughts...
Why not simply give the player the choice of playing the game on more unforgiving/realistic settings, but not forcing them to do it? Why would anyone complain about eating and drinking in NV when it was optional? Pillars of Eternity for instance lets you choose between having companions die easily or be more resilient (there is no "essential" setting for them, but that could easily have been implemented) or if you want to micro-manage inventory and loot or if you want to use a magical stash that lets you loot everything and carry unlimited amounts of garbage. To me, it seems so easy to make a game that allows for both casual and hardcore play styles.

Eat/drink/sleep required? Y/N
Regenerating health bar? Y/N
Essential (i.e. immortal) followers? Y/N
Essential quest-giving NPC´s? Y/N
Possibility of actually failing quests? Y/N
Killable children? Y/Y

And so on. It really wouldn't take much extra work to implement an optional system like this.

Just some thoughts...
Why not simply give the player the choice of playing the game on more unforgiving/realistic settings, but not forcing them to do it? Why would anyone complain about eating and drinking in NV when it was optional? Pillars of Eternity for instance lets you choose between having companions die easily or be more resilient (there is no "essential" setting for them, but that could easily have been implemented) or if you want to micro-manage inventory and loot or if you want to use a magical stash that lets you loot everything and carry unlimited amounts of garbage. To me, it seems so easy to make a game that allows for both casual and hardcore play styles.

Eat/drink/sleep required? Y/N
Regenerating health bar? Y/N
Essential (i.e. immortal) followers? Y/N
Essential quest-giving NPC´s? Y/N
Possibility of actually failing quests? Y/N
Killable children? Y/Y

And so on. It really wouldn't take much extra work to implement an optional system like this.

I agree but it seems Bethesda is content with allowing modders to do it instead.
No ammount of modding will solve the lack of skills and the dialogue cross (can't even be called a wheel) they are core elements of the design of the game and where the stink comes from.
No ammount of modding will solve the lack of skills and the dialogue cross (can't even be called a wheel) they are core elements of the design of the game and where the stink comes from.

That is something we might have to live with. Bitching about it won't help. It's set in stone. Besides. Modders can do some pretty impressive shit. We don't know the extent of how bad it sucks yet either.
No ammount of modding will solve the lack of skills and the dialogue cross (can't even be called a wheel) they are core elements of the design of the game and where the stink comes from.

That is something we might have to live with. Bitching about it won't help. It's set in stone. Besides. Modders can do some pretty impressive shit. We don't know the extent of how bad it sucks yet either.
Maybe if the voice acting is noncommittal, bland and unemotional enough, modders will actually be able to cut up usable parts from the 13000 lines of dialogue (13k each for fem/male or 6.5k each?) the protagonist allegedly has, and create new spoken dialogue for quest mods and such. Considering the enormous scope some mods have (e.g. Skywind), it seems some modders have infinite patience. As for the conversation wheel, it may be moddable (although I don't understand that kind of thing, so I wouldn't really know). There are mods that do a great deal to the crappy vanilla interface of Skyrim.
I just hate the excuses people are giving this game. The "Well Bethesda not very going at writing stories or characters but at lest they make interesting worlds." is the worst one. :slap: The Witcher series was able to make an interesting world with a well written story and characters. There should be no excuse for Bethesda lazy mediocrity.
Maybe some modders could just get on the extensive cast of revoicing every line of dialogue the protagonist has? I know it's kind of crazy but Voiced companions have become more common and with very high quality to them. Some people are crazy enough.
No ammount of modding will solve the lack of skills and the dialogue cross (can't even be called a wheel) they are core elements of the design of the game and where the stink comes from.

That is something we might have to live with. Bitching about it won't help. It's set in stone. Besides. Modders can do some pretty impressive shit. We don't know the extent of how bad it sucks yet either.
Yeah. As I like to tell my wife who is the worrying kind, we'll see when we get there, no point in worrying in advance about every potentially bad thing.

I for one like Mass Effect, and I will go with a female protagonist in FO4 just in the hope of the voiceover being superior like in ME. Mass Effect 1 was plenty complex, needlessly so, and it detracted from the experience. I enjoyed the solid shooter mechanics from ME 2 and 3 more. It didn't make it less of a RPG in my eyes, the role-playing was still good and meaningful. If Fo4 can make a similar feat, streamlining the gameplay while keeping the core themes going, maybe it will work well enough.
Maybe some modders could just get on the extensive cast of revoicing every line of dialogue the protagonist has? I know it's kind of crazy but Voiced companions have become more common and with very high quality to them. Some people are crazy enough.
well, skywind is doing voicework all the dialogue, and i've heard people who can imitate baker's tough guy voice (not hard) so it can be done, add that with the fact that voice actors for mods has actually become a relatively good business and we might have a chance there. And with the "1,000 popular names" it might be easier to make voiced companions too.
ME2 and 3 weren't RPGs at all, so that comparison only makes it more worrying.

Well I have always said that ME2 was an over glorified hentai dating sim with some Sci-fi mixed in. But the masses loved it and wanted their RPG's to follow ME2 formula. ME3 was a massive clusterfuck which I could go on forever about.
So, noticed those gauges from the PO interface, is Power Armor going to have limited fuel? I could see that working in a hard type mode, where in order to properly use power armor you need to pay a ridiculous amount for a specific type of working powercell or scrounge and recycle them, kind of like a two legged interceptor.

I think the "fuel gauge" was the amount of action points left.
So, noticed those gauges from the PO interface, is Power Armor going to have limited fuel? I could see that working in a hard type mode, where in order to properly use power armor you need to pay a ridiculous amount for a specific type of working powercell or scrounge and recycle them, kind of like a two legged interceptor.

I think the "fuel gauge" was the amount of action points left.
darn and i was hoping against hope. Ah well, here's hoping they make power armor somewhat difficult to get running.
Mass Effect 1 was plenty complex, needlessly so, and it detracted from the experience.

I stand by my opinion. The UI was a horrible mess in ME1, and the combat, ie gameplay, was not nearly as intuitive and responsive as in 2 or 3. ME2 went with some very shooter oriented mechanics, 3 added back in some more depth. I enjoyed ME1 a great deal, but I do not miss the clunky UI and skill/stat juggling. My point is that the RPG aspect for me is dialouge, meaningful choices, interesting characters and story, as well as some kind of progression and inventory managment.
Mass Effect has always been a shooter with rpg elements, and was never complex. Although I liked the story and especially the setting in the first game.