tl;dr "How dare you hold things to standards!!!!"
I say just forget about the Fallout name... pretend it's called something else. When the game comes out take it for what is. Imagine it's a new franchise inspired by Fallout if you will.
Genres are supposed to be vague and all encompassing. Obviously it is not as vague as you just said, no-one here has said that so I have no idea why you are randomly going off about that. It includes a few key features already listed been talked about many times, just read Centurion 101's post. If you want to talk about something more specific just use the terms action RPG or cRPG or whatever. Genres evolve and the meanings of them are defined by common usage, just like with other words. The term RPG has evolved with the introduction of new elements (such as first person combat and a favouring of perks over skills) to it whether you like it or not.Yeah, no. Now that 90% of games have stats and perks and the like is even more important to distinguish between "RPG" and "game with RPG elements". Otherwise you'll reach a point where the label means nothing. It's like those people arguing that every game is an RPG because in pretty much every game you play a role. Well, great, sure, ok. What's the point of having such a label if the label is meaningless then?
The original Deus Ex (2000) would make some games of today labelled as RPG blush in embarrassment and back then it was considered an FPS-RPG hybrid, go figure.
And with that evolution comes that fact that no-one cares what Deus Ex was considered "back then".
And that's sad to me. As an original FO fan, there is nothing there that particularly peaked my interest, as there seemed to be a lack of things I'd rather see instead, namely - well-crafted dialogue and lots of it, with plenty of choices (where as your character can talk dumb or smart depending on how you build them), strategic slower-paced combat to think things through in a given situation, an impactful/emotionally-invested well-told story, enhanced follower system to better position them and tell them what to fire at, any kind of iron-man mode where the death of your followers is possible, etc.
It seems like they are going more for an Sandbox "do-anything" with lots of actiony FPS elements that happens to look like Fallout but lacks the Soul of a deeply, intricate RPG. And that's not Fallout to me. They innovated in areas with crafting (etc.) and seemed to take two steps back on what FO used to be - and from the looks of it there is still no optional top-down turn-based view.
Yes we get it, you are so intelligent and everyone else is stupid. How many times do you have to parrot it? You like different games to some people, it is hardly something to act all high and mighty about.They don't care about that. If it doesn't make a lot of money then they don't care. The dumb popcorn shoving masses want action, EXPLOSIONS!, animals, cheap forced emotional moments, romance and no consequences to the action that their characters make.Something that is intelligent, requires you to think and had some thought and heart put into how it was made doesn't sell as well as Call of Duty clone number 690!
Yes we get it, you are so intelligent and everyone else is stupid. How many times do you have to parrot it? You like different games to some people, it is hardly something to act all high and mighty about.They don't care about that. If it doesn't make a lot of money then they don't care. The dumb popcorn shoving masses want action, EXPLOSIONS!, animals, cheap forced emotional moments, romance and no consequences to the action that their characters make.Something that is intelligent, requires you to think and had some thought and heart put into how it was made doesn't sell as well as Call of Duty clone number 690!
And you can dislike the game without all these needless childish attacks. All I see you doing is lambasting people for the horrible crime of liking different games to you. They are not dumb for liking this games, get some perspective.Sorry if I don't fall in line with the other barking seals who are prematurely praising this game like its the second coming. The fanboyism for this game is almost as bad as Mass Effect 3.
Yeah, but it's gonna be hard to roleplay as a Chinese-American former Counterintelligence officer with Gruffy mcBruceWillis' voice. It's gonna be hard to roleplay as anybody other than a white guy actually.So aparently the Kotaku leak states that it is the protagonist's dad who was a war veteran and not him? I guess we can still avoid that cliche at the very least....
So aparently the Kotaku leak states that it is the protagonist's dad who was a war veteran and not him? I guess we can still avoid that cliche at the very least....
And you can dislike the game without all these needless childish attacks. All I see you doing is lambasting people for the horrible crime of liking different games to you. They are not dumb for liking this games, get some perspective.Sorry if I don't fall in line with the other barking seals who are prematurely praising this game like its the second coming. The fanboyism for this game is almost as bad as Mass Effect 3.
NMA sure is getting mentioned around the web. Usually in negative ways.
It seems like they are going more for an Sandbox "do-anything" with lots of actiony FPS elements that happens to look like Fallout but lacks the Soul of a deeply, intricate RPG. And that's not Fallout to me. They innovated in areas with crafting (etc.) and seemed to take two steps back on what FO used to be - and from the looks of it there is still no optional top-down turn-based view.
They don't care about that. If it doesn't make a lot of money then they don't care. The dumb popcorn shoving masses want action, EXPLOSIONS!, animals, cheap forced emotional moments, romance and no consequences to the action that their characters make.Something that is intelligent, requires you to think and had some thought and heart put into how it was made doesn't sell as well as Call of Duty clone number 690!
They don't care about that. If it doesn't make a lot of money then they don't care. The dumb popcorn shoving masses want action, EXPLOSIONS!, animals, cheap forced emotional moments, romance and no consequences to the action that their characters make.Something that is intelligent, requires you to think and had some thought and heart put into how it was made doesn't sell as well as Call of Duty clone number 690!
So in other words you're saying Todd and Bethesda are doing the right thing by giving their customers exactly what they want?
Holy crap, I didn't expect to see Bethesda praise in this thread!![]()
What do you mean? No one wanted a voiced protagonist, a dialogue wheel ripped off from Mass Effect, bad dialogue, a heavy empathizes on weapons, or no skill points or traits. If you mean to the crowd who hated NV because it was more of an RPG then yes they did listen to them because Fallout 4 is looking to be a game not made for fans of New Vegas or the old Fallout games.