Hardboiled Android
Vault Fossil

I dotty know that just because Prydwen ip sounds a bit like Pride that the Lyons BoS is coming. It wouldn't make any sense since this game takes place in 2277
I dotty know that just because Prydwen ip sounds a bit like Pride that the Lyons BoS is coming. It wouldn't make any sense since this game takes place in 2277
But Beth said they consider Tactics to be non-canon and pretend it doesn't exist.I'm thinking it will be the Midwest BoS myself.
Indeed! You are again correct, you are pretty smart. Because as we all know there is no user here which is actually capable of seperating Fallout from the basic game/story mechanics and critizing it merely as a Role Playing Game instead of a Fallout Game. In other words, no one here is capable of forming objective opinions! Absolutely. No. One!
I thought you knew this community? From the way you talk it sure sounds like it. Because at least I can remember that there have been enough cases where people discussed for example Fallout 3 as Role Playing Game like Fallout 1 and 2 never existed and coming to the conclussion that Fallout 3 is (in their opinion, mine too by the way) a "bad", at best a very very mediocre role playing game. Because there are many many other games out there that you can use as standart, like Plansecape Torment if you want so. Hell even Morrowind, if it has to be a Bethesda title. Even if it would have been released as Elder Scrolls with Gunz instead of Fallout 3. Seriously the hilarously bad dialogues, quest design and nonsensical world (little lamplight ...) don't magically improve just because you give the game a different name.
I am not attacking you, just saying, we have been over this countless of times ... but yeah, it MUST be the fault of this community ... because we simply don't get it.
Actually, they consider it semi-canon, not non-canonBut Beth said they consider Tactics to be non-canon and pretend it doesn't exist.I'm thinking it will be the Midwest BoS myself.
(it's more lore-friendly than F3 but whatever)
Um, ok, Fallout 2 was NOT made by Bethesda. So, that doesnt count. Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 are the only 2 games that have Dogmeat in it (though, when I watched the gameplay trailer it said simply "Dog").It's obviously not the same dogmeat. The problem is that Bethesda seems to think that they have to crowbar in a dog called Dogmeat in every game just because he existed in the first Fallout.
I really dont see the difference between Dogmeat from Fallout 3 and Rex from Fallout New Vegas from a gameplay perspective (besides the item finder ability, which F4 Dogmeat could have easily gotten if Companion Abilities return)Dogmeat in FO2 is only available in a non canon random encounter, and FO2 had the Cyberdogs which were much better options as companions, Dogmeat was never this super important focus of the game. Hell he canonicaly died in FO1.....
Also they recently revealed that the dog is indeed called Dogmeat.
I think the best game we can hope for is to Fo3 what Skyrim was to Oblivion. Until a spinoff gets made.
Really? I'm sure they said that Tactics is non-canon before F3 was out. But it's cool if we can expect some references to FT, I guess.Actually, they consider it semi-canon, not non-canon
If they really need to refer to "A Boy and His Dog" again, they should just call the dog "Blood" or "Vic". Hell, call him "Max", or "Wez", or "Immortan Joe" because it actually is FUCKING IMMORTAL.