I think people get upset when a certain portion of the fanbase is resistant to the direction the series has gone. Imagine if someone took Planescape Torment and stripped the dialog down to a conversation wheel.
The thing is though, NMA has been around for like 18 years now right? This page was founded by a Fallout 1 fan (Miroslav), and for a very long time there was no Fallout 3. There were entire communities (NMA being one) based around Fallout 1/2. The Fallout culture had been established by the time the game died, was bought and was "re-booted" as COD+RPG elements more shallow than fucking Daggerfall (a game a decade + older than FO3 and TODD WORKED ON IT).
There's no excuse for new fans of the series to think they have to right to Register on an old ass message board, spew their carbon copy bullshit and insist that older fans don't know what makes a good RPG.
I don't think Bethesda fanboys coming here is a bad thing regardless of what they say or think. A difference of opinion shouldn't be grounds for not having discussions. Spewing out the same tired phrases over and over again is just as easily shot down now as it was back when Fallout 3 came out. No one can dispute that Bethesda is bad at writing when compared to some other developers. Maybe they have improved though. They seem to know their strengths.
No one is crying for isometric turn based gameplay anymore. This community has become more tolerant towards those who favor the new Fallout. Many NMA users loved New Vegas, myself included, but it should be said the new games still don't compare to the original 2. Neither did Wasteland 2 for that matter, but I don't think it really intended to.