Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

I think people get upset when a certain portion of the fanbase is resistant to the direction the series has gone. Imagine if someone took Planescape Torment and stripped the dialog down to a conversation wheel.

The thing is though, NMA has been around for like 18 years now right? This page was founded by a Fallout 1 fan (Miroslav), and for a very long time there was no Fallout 3. There were entire communities (NMA being one) based around Fallout 1/2. The Fallout culture had been established by the time the game died, was bought and was "re-booted" as COD+RPG elements more shallow than fucking Daggerfall (a game a decade + older than FO3 and TODD WORKED ON IT).

There's no excuse for new fans of the series to think they have to right to Register on an old ass message board, spew their carbon copy bullshit and insist that older fans don't know what makes a good RPG.

I don't think Bethesda fanboys coming here is a bad thing regardless of what they say or think. A difference of opinion shouldn't be grounds for not having discussions. Spewing out the same tired phrases over and over again is just as easily shot down now as it was back when Fallout 3 came out. No one can dispute that Bethesda is bad at writing when compared to some other developers. Maybe they have improved though. They seem to know their strengths.

No one is crying for isometric turn based gameplay anymore. This community has become more tolerant towards those who favor the new Fallout. Many NMA users loved New Vegas, myself included, but it should be said the new games still don't compare to the original 2. Neither did Wasteland 2 for that matter, but I don't think it really intended to.
I think people get upset when a certain portion of the fanbase is resistant to the direction the series has gone. Imagine if someone took Planescape Torment and stripped the dialog down to a conversation wheel.

The thing is though, NMA has been around for like 18 years now right? This page was founded by a Fallout 1 fan (Miroslav), and for a very long time there was no Fallout 3. There were entire communities (NMA being one) based around Fallout 1/2. The Fallout culture had been established by the time the game died, was bought and was "re-booted" as COD+RPG elements more shallow than fucking Daggerfall (a game a decade + older than FO3 and TODD WORKED ON IT).

There's no excuse for new fans of the series to think they have to right to Register on an old ass message board, spew their carbon copy bullshit and insist that older fans don't know what makes a good RPG.

I don't think Bethesda fanboys coming here is a bad thing regardless of what they say or think. A difference of opinion shouldn't be grounds for not having discussions. Spewing out the same tired phrases over and over again is just as easily shot down now as it was back when Fallout 3 came out. No one can dispute that Bethesda is bad at writing when compared to some other developers. Maybe they have improved though. They seem to know their strengths.

You bring up a very good point, a difference of opinion shouldn't be grounds for a dismissed conversation. I personally just don't have the patience for this stuff anymore. It's like when someone posts "I liked the writing in Fallout 3", that person is so fundamentally different from someone I want to talk to that I don't bother. There's nothing to gain from either side.

No one is crying for isometric turn based gameplay anymore. This community has become more tolerant towards those who favor the new Fallout. Many NMA users loved New Vegas, myself included, but it should be said the new games still don't compare to the original 2. Neither did Wasteland 2 for that matter, but I don't think it really intended to.

I agree. The overwhelming opinion I've found on this board was that they liked New Vegas, and it's less about turn based overhead rather the writing of the originals.

06:00 Emil Pagliarulo (lead writer) talks about Dialog options for Fallout 4

Ugh. That's the same writer from Fallout 3 right? That makes me optimistic. >_>

Please God no. Not that guy. Anyone but that guy. Well... this went downhill fast.

"He is best known for being the lead designer and the lead writer of Fallout 3, for which he received the Best Writing award at the 2008 Game Developers Choice Awards."


06:00 Emil Pagliarulo (lead writer) talks about Dialog options for Fallout 4

Ugh. That's the same writer from Fallout 3 right? That makes me optimistic. >_>

Please God no. Not that guy. Anyone but that guy. Well... this went downhill fast.

"He is best known for being the lead designer and the lead writer of Fallout 3, for which he received the Best Writing award at the 2008 Game Developers Choice Awards."




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There's no excuse for new fans of the series to think they have to right to Register on an old ass message board, spew their carbon copy bullshit and insist that older fans don't know what makes a good RPG.

Similarly, there's no excuse for the old guard holier-than-thou act, seeing heathens in anyone who hasn't been chanting the same dogma for everyday in his life since interplay fall, knocking on our screens trying to baptize us in the name of Christ Avellone and Timothy Cain...
plot twist: Dogmeat is actually an android and he proceeds to transform into a jetpack

plot twist: The protagonist is actually an android and all his memories from before leaving the vault are just implanted memories to give him a sense of being human

plot twist: The world outside the vault isn't actually real. It's a virtual construction designed as a training simulation to increase combat efficiency

plot twist: The android wakes up for real on the Geth mothership with its primary mission to destroy Commander Shepard.
NMA sure is getting mentioned around the web. Usually in negative ways.

Since when did we get mentioned positive ways? Apart from Fallout mods I don't see why they would like us. Does even the Codex like us? Last time I went there someone said that we got hijacked by FO3 fans. ( Well, we got Korin after all but he is cool)

Now, if kindly tell where we are being mentioned I would appreciate, it can be fun to read :mrgreen:

Well usually we go unmentioned but now it has begun again. I may save some of the comments. :D

Well, thing is, some of the posts here are so dumb, other websites / blogs are cherrypicking them and presend them as facts about "this is what NMA is". Just remember this stupid shit and there was way more back in the Fo3 days.. with even more stupid posts. So yeah, everyone should stay a little bit more cool and stop throwing around death threats or other insults unless it is very justified (for example if Hitler starts posting again).
NMA sure is getting mentioned around the web. Usually in negative ways.

Since when did we get mentioned positive ways? Apart from Fallout mods I don't see why they would like us. Does even the Codex like us? Last time I went there someone said that we got hijacked by FO3 fans. ( Well, we got Korin after all but he is cool)

Now, if kindly tell where we are being mentioned I would appreciate, it can be fun to read :mrgreen:

Ugh... Please don't bring up the Codex. From what I've seen, the members there are almost as whiny and irritating as Tumblrites. (Preparing for the inevitable flame war :hide:)
Huh, am I reading it right, does Fallout Shelter app brings $2.55 million a day?! If so then iirc in context it makes more then Wasteland 2 did :/
5 will be set in 2277 NYC. The plot will center around the Enclave vs the 1927 Yankees that have been in cryo sleep. They ride jet powered dragons and you must help the BOS destroy both with a mecha statue of Liberty.
You know I read something, forgot where, about how this new Fallout is pandering to the mobile game generation of gamers. Think about, the RTS stuff straight out of Minecraft and the crap ton of stuff for you to fiddle with like the dog, power armor, home decorating, ect. I would not be in the lest suprised if the next Fallout game or spinoff is made more for mobile gamers in mind. This is what the the Fallout series has degraded to. :rip:
Those features are not what the problem with FO4 is. Actually if it wasn't for the shit they have pulled with the Dialogue system and skills they would be more than welcomed I presume.
I was honestly surprised there wasn't any mention of an app that allows players to train their dog or upgrade/build onto a settlement on the go. Similar to GTA and that dog Chop.