Wow, good eyes man, or synthetic... Hopefully it's relatively true to their lore and not just the "wonderful, award winning" writers idea of what would make the MW BoS "cool"So I've confirmed that we're dealing with the Midwestern BoS.
I've got (cautious) optimism for it- I doubt they'll be using ICE vehicles and have furry, psychic deathclaws among their initiates.
I've always liked the concept of a BoS chapter that went rogue- it helps explain why, prior to Van Buren, the council was never able to decide in favor of expansion- once the MBoS left, the tie would be broken heavily in favour of remaining small and isolated, with the few dissenters only being able to strike out on their own (Like Marcus' Jacob). By the time Van Buren rolls around, and having remained out of helping with not one, but two, potential genocides... the expansionist party wins support finally at the top level and we have the NCR/BoS war and Lyon's BoS in the Capital Wasteland.
If there's one thing that bugs me about the BoS in the original Fallout is that they appear to be too united. It's pretty clear they're a foil to the Master's Super Mutants and the whole 'War Never Changes' theme and the Master's argument that humanity will always fight itself until no one is left has a point when you look at the Wasteland.
Not so much when the Brotherhood, though, has apparently spent over a century content to do nothing as their senile elders couldn't come to an agreement on what their purpose is.
Hopefully they'll be a lot darker than we've seen previously. Let's see why it's a good thing the Brotherhood remained powerless and unable to act. Let's see a BoS that isn't afraid to act- the oppposite. If the original was like Hamlet, and overthought things... let's see the MBoS be Laertes who doesn't think enough. Xenophobic to non-humans, forced drafting of human initiates of territory they lay claim to, and restricting the rights and access to technologies to keep non-BoS humans as second class citizens.
*sigh* Beth is probably just using them because they'll be a source for Power Armour- and won't tarnish that 'knight in shining armour' that plagues the BoS in any of the non Black Isle/Obsidian games