Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

Yeah. I can understand why some people are pessimistic about it. But I can only say wait till November 10th and give it a try and see if you'd like it or hate it. I personally think I'm going to love it. I might even like the story, one thing I hope for from Fallout 4 is they do something completely new with the story and they not make it a rehash of Fallout 1 and 2 like how Fallout 3 was. Hell make the Synthetics that appeared in Fallout 3 appear as an organized fighting force hell bent on destroying humanity, mutants, and ghouls and more so make a machine empire because they feel lesser than humans and used as slaves.
Yeah. I can understand why some people are pessimistic about it. But I can only say wait till November 10th and give it a try and see if you'd like it or hate it. I personally think I'm going to love it. I might even like the story, one thing I hope for from Fallout 4 is they do something completely new with the story and they not make it a rehash of Fallout 1 and 2 like how Fallout 3 was. Hell make the Synthetics that appeared in Fallout 3 appear as an organized fighting force hell bent on destroying humanity, mutants, and ghouls and more so make a machine empire because they feel lesser than humans and used as slaves.
I'm definitely willing to give it a chance. As it stands, I'm cautiously optimistic actually. I think the settlement-building looks cool, the world will be fun, and the story will be better (even if it's not amazing). It's just the mechanics I'm worried about, but I'll see what happens
Yeah. I can understand why some people are pessimistic about it. But I can only say wait till November 10th and give it a try and see if you'd like it or hate it. I personally think I'm going to love it. I might even like the story, one thing I hope for from Fallout 4 is they do something completely new with the story and they not make it a rehash of Fallout 1 and 2 like how Fallout 3 was. Hell make the Synthetics that appeared in Fallout 3 appear as an organized fighting force hell bent on destroying humanity, mutants, and ghouls and more so make a machine empire because they feel lesser than humans and used as slaves.
I'm definitely willing to give it a chance. As it stands, I'm cautiously optimistic actually. I think the settlement-building looks cool, the world will be fun, and the story will be better (even if it's not amazing). It's just the mechanics I'm worried about, but I'll see what happens

I don't know about the story. From what I saw of the dialogue at E3, I'm not too optimistic. Hopefully it will at lest be dumb fun. Although it looks like modding will be limited, at lest with quest mods due to the voiced protagonist. :wall:
Yeah. I can understand why some people are pessimistic about it. But I can only say wait till November 10th and give it a try and see if you'd like it or hate it. I personally think I'm going to love it. I might even like the story, one thing I hope for from Fallout 4 is they do something completely new with the story and they not make it a rehash of Fallout 1 and 2 like how Fallout 3 was. Hell make the Synthetics that appeared in Fallout 3 appear as an organized fighting force hell bent on destroying humanity, mutants, and ghouls and more so make a machine empire because they feel lesser than humans and used as slaves.
I'm definitely willing to give it a chance. As it stands, I'm cautiously optimistic actually. I think the settlement-building looks cool, the world will be fun, and the story will be better (even if it's not amazing). It's just the mechanics I'm worried about, but I'll see what happens

I don't know about the story. From what I saw of the dialogue at E3, I'm not too optimistic. Hopefully it will at lest be dumb fun. Although it looks like modding will be limited, at lest with quest mods due to the voiced protagonist. :wall:
I meant the actual plot more than dialogue, that it makes sense and is original. Some of the husband-wife banter was funny. The Sugar Bombs comment was kind of funny
Just wondering how many of you here got yelled at by your mom for touching a hot cookie sheet from the oven and then you touched it again and again and again because you just did not seem to get it that it was "hot" and would hurt you
when you were little???

Bethesda is the hot cookie sheet and you keep getting burnt... nothing will change
I am doubtful the plot will make sense. Like I said, Bethesda hasn't had a good track record lately with their games plots(Fallout 3, Skyrim for example). I also hate the stupid back story they are giving your character(that and I also don't want to play as some house wife/family woman). Once again it looks like Beth is going to try to use cheap, emotionally manipulative cliches and tropes in order to make the player feel invested with the main character and plot. That's just the Hollywood way!
All around a very poorly designed game, playing it on cellphone is a nightmare too unless you have small hands.

That's my quick review of it.

I am not surprised that you played it and had a bad about it.. For context I would love to know what was the last free game you played that was better designed. Personally, I heard good things about it, especially compared to other [not so] free games that exploit the fan base.

Also, while I don't care for it, I would give Beth credit for this tribute, and its timely release between the announcement and FO4 lunch, for which i also thankfully that its very close (I HATE when studios pu their hooks on years in advance)

Overall you have to admit that Beth marketing is really good..

I can't believe that game has a 75 on Metacritic! :crazy:

Previously I posted a link, that suggested that this app was earning more money then for example Wasteland2...
I guess that's why we are posting on a Fallout fan-website-forum-community ... because we don't care about the franchise. Not. One. Inch.

I think most people here are realistic enough to know that we will never see the Fallout from Bethesda that deserves its name. Doesn't mean we can't or should not discuss it. The great thing about it is, that you can always ignore the stuff you don't like to read.

Sure - discuss all you want, I don't mind. All I'm saying is that it might be benefical for some of you guys mental health if you accept this Fallout 4 game (the Toddapocalypse game) for what it is, rather than bashing it for what it can never be.

If it wasn't called *Fallout* specifically I think you guys would be thrilled that *someone* was making a Triple-A post apocalyptic game. But because they've picked up the Fallout name... well, there seems to be a problem.

I say just forget about the Fallout name... pretend it's called something else. When the game comes out take it for what is. Imagine it's a new franchise inspired by Fallout if you will.

well but the problem is that they make money with the franchise , alot of money ... especially with fo3 they did this kinda trick , i think many old fallout fans bought the game and were dissapointed , story , gameplay and lorewise ... and im feeling sad that they wont stop milking the cow . they try to sell us soemthing which isnt fallout anymore but still its called that way , why ? simple answer , because u can also sell dreams and memorys ... especially memories , who from us doenst want to see anything fallout related . even when we know that it will be an shooter and story will be uber trash , same as all rpg elements ... still that word fallout reminds us of some really good timeless game .

its not hard to see that there are worlds between tim cain and that howard guy ... literary they just stolen it , its no wonder to me that fo3 and fo4 suck or will suck hard times ... u cant take somebodys else work and hoping to get the real deal product ...

fo4 will just be another shooter in an universe without any company and thats the reason why they bought it in the first place ... we can all just hope that the black isle crew will reunite and do something similar like they did with fallout when they didnt had the license to make a sequel for wasteland ...

someone i know made a good comparison to heineken beer , it tastes like shit still its popular due to its name .

still i havent seen anything interesting from all these footage , where are the skills ? will there be any reputation system ? what about karma ?

to me it looks like some actionshooter , power armors everywhere , verti birds everywhere , nukes everywhere ... where is that lone feeling howard said he wanted to catch and one of his arguments that its an singleplayer game ... to me it seems like he doenst understand the whole theme / feeling from the original fallouts , he just use the same words but he doesnt really catch the idea , concept of fallout ...

fallout lore will be raped once again with fo4 but for an post apo shooter i must agree it looks nice , still i wont play it more than once ...
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Well of course Beth knows how to market, that's what they do better. But that still doesn't make the ame any good.
The last free game I played was Planetside 2, but on cellphone it was that Breakout clone with the monkey with bubbles. I am not too big on those types of games, so others might enjoy it anyway.

06:00 Emil Pagliarulo (lead writer) talks about Dialog options for Fallout 4

Ugh. That's the same writer from Fallout 3 right? That makes me optimistic. >_>

Please God no. Not that guy. Anyone but that guy. Well... this went downhill fast.

"He is best known for being the lead designer and the lead writer of Fallout 3, for which he received the Best Writing award at the 2008 Game Developers Choice Awards."


serious how can he win an adward for stealing other mens work ? fo3 story and design is just based on fo1 and fo2 , everybody who deosnt see this must be blind ...
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Matt Carey Are you working on Fallout 4 in any capacity Mr. Cain?
<a class="uiLinkSubtle" href="https://www.facebook.com/timothycain/posts/10206812047077029?comment_id=10206812813256183&offset=0&total_comments=14&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R6%22%7D" data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;N&quot;}" data-reactid=".59.1:4:1:$comment10206812047077029_10206812813256183:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.3.$metadata:0.$timestamp-message"><abbr class="livetimestamp" title="Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 1:26pm" data-utime="1434652015" data-shorten="true" data-reactid=".59.1:4:1:$comment10206812047077029_10206812813256183:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.3.$metadata:0.$timestamp-message.0">June 18 at 1:26pm</abbr>

  • Timothy Cain Matt, I am not. Just a fan for this one.
    <a class="uiLinkSubtle" href="https://www.facebook.com/timothycain/posts/10206812047077029?comment_id=10206812813256183&reply_comment_id=10206812850217107&total_comments=9&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R9%22%7D" data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;N&quot;}" data-reactid=".59.1:4:1:$replies10206812047077029_10206812813256183:0.1:2:$comment10206812047077029_10206812850217107:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.3.$metadata:0.$timestamp-message"><abbr class="livetimestamp" title="Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 1:32pm" data-utime="1434652335" data-shorten="true" data-reactid=".59.1:4:1:$replies10206812047077029_10206812813256183:0.1:2:$comment10206812047077029_10206812850217107:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.3.$metadata:0.$timestamp-message.0">June 18 at 1:32pm</abbr>

  • Matt Carey That's a bummer. Hopefully they've learned a thing or two from you after New Vegas. Have to say what I've seen so far, Fallout 4 definitely looks great.
    <a class="uiLinkSubtle" href="https://www.facebook.com/timothycain/posts/10206812047077029?comment_id=10206812813256183&reply_comment_id=10206812853657193&total_comments=9&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R9%22%7D" data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;N&quot;}" data-reactid=".59.1:4:1:$replies10206812047077029_10206812813256183:0.1:2:$comment10206812047077029_10206812853657193:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.3.$metadata:0.$timestamp-message"><abbr class="livetimestamp" title="Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 1:32pm" data-utime="1434652379" data-shorten="true" data-reactid=".59.1:4:1:$replies10206812047077029_10206812813256183:0.1:2:$comment10206812047077029_10206812853657193:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.3.$metadata:0.$timestamp-message.0">June 18 at 1:32pm</abbr>

  • Timothy Cain Matt, I didn't work on New Vegas either (that was before I joined Obsidian). I just worked on Fallout 1 and 2.
    <a class="uiLinkSubtle" href="https://www.facebook.com/timothycain/posts/10206812047077029?comment_id=10206812813256183&reply_comment_id=10206812864857473&total_comments=9&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R9%22%7D" data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;N&quot;}" data-reactid=".59.1:4:1:$replies10206812047077029_10206812813256183:0.1:2:$comment10206812047077029_10206812864857473:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.3.$metadata:0.$timestamp-message"><abbr class="livetimestamp" title="Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 1:34pm" data-utime="1434652489" data-shorten="true" data-reactid=".59.1:4:1:$replies10206812047077029_10206812813256183:0.1:2:$comment10206812047077029_10206812864857473:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.3.$metadata:0.$timestamp-message.0">June 18 at 1:34pm</abbr>

  • Matt Carey Hmm, well New Vegas sure felt more like Fallout 1 and 2 story wise.
    2 · <a class="uiLinkSubtle" href="https://www.facebook.com/timothycain/posts/10206812047077029?comment_id=10206812813256183&reply_comment_id=10206812890138105&total_comments=9&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R9%22%7D" data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;N&quot;}" data-reactid=".59.1:4:1:$replies10206812047077029_10206812813256183:0.1:2:$comment10206812047077029_10206812890138105:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.3.$metadata:0:$action:0.$timestamp-message"><abbr class="livetimestamp" title="Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 1:36pm" data-utime="1434652588" data-shorten="true" data-reactid=".59.1:4:1:$replies10206812047077029_10206812813256183:0.1:2:$comment10206812047077029_10206812890138105:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.3.$metadata:0:$action:0.$timestamp-message.0">June 18 at 1:36pm</abbr>

  • Timothy Cain Agreed!
    1 · <a class="uiLinkSubtle" href="https://www.facebook.com/timothycain/posts/10206812047077029?comment_id=10206812813256183&reply_comment_id=10206812892418162&total_comments=9&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R8%22%7D" data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;N&quot;}" data-reactid=".59.1:4:1:$replies10206812047077029_10206812813256183:0.1:2:$comment10206812047077029_10206812892418162:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.3.$metadata:0:$action:0.$timestamp-message"><abbr class="livetimestamp" title="Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 1:36pm" data-utime="1434652606" data-shorten="true" data-reactid=".59.1:4:1:$replies10206812047077029_10206812813256183:0.1:2:$comment10206812047077029_10206812892418162:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.3.$metadata:0:$action:0.$timestamp-message.0">June 18 at 1:36pm</abbr>

  • Matt Carey Somebody was paying attention!

    Timothy Cain
    That would be the esteemed Joshua Eric Sawyer

    <a class="uiLinkSubtle" href="https://www.facebook.com/timothycain/posts/10206812047077029?comment_id=10206812813256183&reply_comment_id=10206812926059003&total_comments=9&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R6%22%7D" data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;N&quot;}" data-reactid=".59.1:4:1:$replies10206812047077029_10206812813256183:0.1:2:$comment10206812047077029_10206812926059003:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.3.$metadata:0.$timestamp-message"><abbr class="livetimestamp" title="Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 1:38pm" data-utime="1434652737" data-shorten="true" data-reactid=".59.1:4:1:$replies10206812047077029_10206812813256183:0.1:2:$comment10206812047077029_10206812926059003:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.3.$metadata:0.$timestamp-message.0">June 18 at 1:38pm</abbr> · Edited

Well gotta give it to Bethesda that, while I don't like how they design games, they haven't stooped down to the level of recent AAA titles just creating a shit load of preorder content or Day 1 DLC. Only thing that they are pushing for preorder is the Pipboy edition.
With the backstory the PC has, it makes since they were a family person considering the society of America pre-war, which I imagine would heavily push the idea of the nuclear family down the throats of the citizens and discourage any deviation from such as "communist filth" or something.

That sort of explanation could easily help such a thing and help keep same-sex romance options open too.
Or you could just roleplay them as being bisexual or something. I don't get why people are making a big deal out that but not about the other things that actually get in the way of role play.....
would be great to know how he really feels about fo3 and fo4 , im glad that he wasnt involved in new vegas anyway . because the original fallout ends with the second title , still the first is my favorite 100% tim cain ...
Just wondering how many of you here got yelled at by your mom for touching a hot cookie sheet from the oven and then you touched it again and again and again because you just did not seem to get it that it was "hot" and would hurt you
when you were little???

Bethesda is the hot cookie sheet and you keep getting burnt... nothing will change
I mean, I thought Skyrim was fun and Fallout 3 was fun, even if I didn't think it was a great Fallout game. I expect Fallout 4 will also be fun. Thus, the cookie sheet metaphor doesn't apply. I'm proud of you for not making a "War never changes" joke there. You completely set yourself up for it.

@RangerBoo - Like I said, I'm willing to give it a chance. However, having the protagonist survive 200 years and be healthy is going to require a lot of explaining, so they're off to a shaky start. I thought Skyrim made sense though, but I don't know TES canon anywhere near as well as I know Fallout's. The plot was...okay. I guess I liked 1/2/NV and even Skyrim better in the sense that the character's backstory was completely wide-open and they didn't try to make you care about something for a whole hour only to bore you to death.

The strength of New Vegas and even Skyrim though was the investment with the world, and hopefully, Fallout 4 will nail that.
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I guess that's why we are posting on a Fallout fan-website-forum-community ... because we don't care about the franchise. Not. One. Inch.

I think most people here are realistic enough to know that we will never see the Fallout from Bethesda that deserves its name. Doesn't mean we can't or should not discuss it. The great thing about it is, that you can always ignore the stuff you don't like to read.

Sure - discuss all you want, I don't mind. All I'm saying is that it might be benefical for some of you guys mental health if you accept this Fallout 4 game (the Toddapocalypse game) for what it is, rather than bashing it for what it can never be.

If it wasn't called *Fallout* specifically I think you guys would be thrilled that *someone* was making a Triple-A post apocalyptic game. But because they've picked up the Fallout name... well, there seems to be a problem.

I say just forget about the Fallout name... pretend it's called something else. When the game comes out take it for what is. Imagine it's a new franchise inspired by Fallout if you will.

well but the problem is that they make money with the franchise , alot of money ... especially with fo3 they did this kinda trick , i think many old fallout fans bought the game and were dissapointed , story , gameplay and lorewise ... and im feeling sad that they wont stop milking the cow . they try to sell us soemthing which isnt fallout anymore but still its called that way , why ? simple answer , because u can also sell dreams and memorys ... especially memories , who from us doenst want to see anything fallout related . even when we know that it will be an shooter and story will be uber trash , same as all rpg elements ... still that word fallout reminds us of some really good timeless game .

its not hard to see that there are worlds between tim cain and that howard guy ... literary they just stolen it , its no wonder to me that fo3 and fo4 suck or will suck hard times ... u cant take somebodys else work and hoping to get the real deal product ...

fo4 will just be another shooter in an universe without any company and thats the reason why they bought it in the first place ... we can all just hope that the black isle crew will reunite and do something similar like they did with fallout when they didnt had the license to make a sequel for wasteland ...

someone i know made a good comparison to heineken beer , it tastes like shit still its popular due to its name .

still i havent seen anything interesting from all these footage , where are the skills ? will there be any reputation system ? what about karma ?

to me it looks like some actionshooter , power armors everywhere , verti birds everywhere , nukes everywhere ... where is that lone feeling howard said he wanted to catch and one of his arguments that its an singleplayer game ... to me it seems like he doenst understand the whole theme / feeling from the original fallouts , he just use the same words but he doesnt really catch the idea , concept of fallout ...

fallout lore will be raped once again with fo4 but for an post apo shooter i must agree it looks nice , still i wont play it more than once ...
Why don't you just not buy it? They keep milking the cow because you lee drinking the milk. If you don't drink the milk, they won't milk the cow anymore. But that also means you won't get the occasional gem like New Vegas
I guess that's why we are posting on a Fallout fan-website-forum-community ... because we don't care about the franchise. Not. One. Inch.

I think most people here are realistic enough to know that we will never see the Fallout from Bethesda that deserves its name. Doesn't mean we can't or should not discuss it. The great thing about it is, that you can always ignore the stuff you don't like to read.

Sure - discuss all you want, I don't mind. All I'm saying is that it might be benefical for some of you guys mental health if you accept this Fallout 4 game (the Toddapocalypse game) for what it is, rather than bashing it for what it can never be.

If it wasn't called *Fallout* specifically I think you guys would be thrilled that *someone* was making a Triple-A post apocalyptic game. But because they've picked up the Fallout name... well, there seems to be a problem.

I say just forget about the Fallout name... pretend it's called something else. When the game comes out take it for what is. Imagine it's a new franchise inspired by Fallout if you will.

well but the problem is that they make money with the franchise , alot of money ... especially with fo3 they did this kinda trick , i think many old fallout fans bought the game and were dissapointed , story , gameplay and lorewise ... and im feeling sad that they wont stop milking the cow . they try to sell us soemthing which isnt fallout anymore but still its called that way , why ? simple answer , because u can also sell dreams and memorys ... especially memories , who from us doenst want to see anything fallout related . even when we know that it will be an shooter and story will be uber trash , same as all rpg elements ... still that word fallout reminds us of some really good timeless game .

its not hard to see that there are worlds between tim cain and that howard guy ... literary they just stolen it , its no wonder to me that fo3 and fo4 suck or will suck hard times ... u cant take somebodys else work and hoping to get the real deal product ...

fo4 will just be another shooter in an universe without any company and thats the reason why they bought it in the first place ... we can all just hope that the black isle crew will reunite and do something similar like they did with fallout when they didnt had the license to make a sequel for wasteland ...

someone i know made a good comparison to heineken beer , it tastes like shit still its popular due to its name .

still i havent seen anything interesting from all these footage , where are the skills ? will there be any reputation system ? what about karma ?

to me it looks like some actionshooter , power armors everywhere , verti birds everywhere , nukes everywhere ... where is that lone feeling howard said he wanted to catch and one of his arguments that its an singleplayer game ... to me it seems like he doenst understand the whole theme / feeling from the original fallouts , he just use the same words but he doesnt really catch the idea , concept of fallout ...

fallout lore will be raped once again with fo4 but for an post apo shooter i must agree it looks nice , still i wont play it more than once ...
Why don't you just not buy it? They keep milking the cow because you lee drinking the milk. If you don't drink the milk, they won't milk the cow anymore. But that also means you won't get the occasional gem like New Vegas

it doesnt really matter if i buy the game or not since im not their focused prime audience , they make their money anyway ... and if i wanna play a shooter i think its worth checking it out , so nothing bad about it . im realistic and just saying that i know what i get :D and how much i love the original fallout titles for what they are and that its hurts a bit to see the name fallout on something which isnt fallout beside the world it plays in probably ... well but maybe im 200 years too late for dinner .