Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

I still think this is going to be the best Fallout game ever made besides New Vegas and Fallout 2. I'd really be stuck between 4 and New Vegas, but for now I'll take 4.
But I'm just going to say this. Todd Howard hit the nail on the head here with Fallout 4 and got everything, and I mean damn near everything right. Far better than the disappointment to me that was Fallout 3. And I know Raiders are not divided into gangs at the moment but I'd make a theory and say that Raiders exist as an effective fighting force in the New England wasteland, there were once tribes or gangs but they all joined forces and exist to cause terror everywhere. Kinda like the Khans in the first Fallout and maybe the Raiders in Fallout 3. But there's nothing that ever said that Raiders were once tribes and gangs in Fallout 3. To me Fallout 3 was ridiculous.
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Also, I think every generation complains about how stupid every subsequent generation is. It may be true sometimes (although the rise in college education seems to suggest this next generation is smarter than their parents), but at some point, it's just a losing battle
Yeah, I don't think so. You see the dumb shits coming out of academia nowadays? Colleges is a no longer a place for kids to go and learn its now a place where you have some ass hat professor shove his politics and ideology down your throat.
I think they do putt effort in to their work. They are not stupid after all, Todd and his fellow developers know pretty well what sells, and more importantly how to sell it. That's the point. I would guess that they spend a lot of time and money on marketing, research and such. And it turns out, Fallout 3, Skyrim, Oblivion etc. offer to a lot of people exactly what they want. Mindless fun with a sandbox experience. I mean thinking about it, there is no surprise that *THIS is a very big selling point of F4. Playing your male character in a red female dress fucking things up with his teddy-bear luncher ... that's really what it is at it's core. Compared to a game like The Witcher 3 where you simply can't harm an NPCs, because for a Witcher, for Gerald in particular, it doesn't make sense from a role playing persepctive. - This is also a difference between Fallout in general and a game like The Witcher, Fallout offers you a lot more freedom here. But the issue is that Fallout 3 and most probably 4 concentrate way to much on the "whacky" part of it rather than offering people actually a great way to role play in different ways. The sad thing is that you can't probably even play a psychopath because the "important" characters will be immortan again and forget all your crimes after 2-3 days ...
Looks like what I said earlier was somewhat right to an extent. Audiences today don't want to think or feel bad. They want to blow and shot shit up and be Billy Badass. Game developers have now made their games solely for these types of people because there is more money to milk... err... I mean, get out of these types of gamers.
That's one of the big differences between 3D and the approach by Fallout 1/2. You don't have to render everything or show everything to the player, he can fill out the rest in his mind without any trouble. Just show him a couple of buildings and farms on the endge of the map. It's easy to imagine that it is a place with thousands of people.

Minor nitpick: Indeed First Person preservative and open-world games(not 3d) tend to leave little to the imagination, and at the same time absent a unique aesthetic you can find in many cRPGs. But that not to say that they don't have their merits,and specially per your example not all FPP games are set in an open world for example The Witcher, Assassin creed, Alpha protocol, dishonored.. (Although most regarded FPP RPGs are set in open-worlds)

Interesting that the "technology" they use today doesn't allow them really to make worlds bigger than one of Daggerfalls towns ... and probably with much less NPCs as well.

While most SP open-world RPGs has world size around 50 Sq km (depends on the studio size and competition), games like Arma 3 (tactical shooter) offers almost 300sq km world map, with various factions. Considering that their studio isn't that big, I assume that most studios can follow inline and sculpture a world out of some real world geodata, in fact that what Sonny did, updating their MMO engine to support 128x128 (16384 sq km) maps, although initially starting with 8x8km.

Overall IMO its more a design choice then technology limit, huge maps fit nicely into survival or authentic military shooter, but do you really want running simulation in your RPG? or think that it would have mass appeal in any ACTION-RPGs for studios to throw their resources on it?
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Also, I think every generation complains about how stupid every subsequent generation is. It may be true sometimes (although the rise in college education seems to suggest this next generation is smarter than their parents), but at some point, it's just a losing battle
Yeah, I don't think so. You see the dumb shits coming out of academia nowadays? Colleges is a no longer a place for kids to go and learn its now a place where you have some ass hat professor shove his politics and ideology down your throat.
I don't know where you went/go or how long ago, but it depends on the college and the major. I don't think the engineers - who are pretty brilliant in my experience - are getting a heavy heaping of politics daily. My professors could be pretty ideological at times (I was political science/history with some pre-law though), but I tried to form my own views, and a lot never espoused anything catering to one side or the other. But the straw man argument is cool too if you enjoy making stereotypical points.

I would say mainstream culture now favors flashy visuals and action moments over sophisticated storytelling, but that's not because people are dumber than they were ten years ago. Mainstream culture is supposed to be less intricate so as to have mass appeal, it's just what constitutes as mainstream that has changed over the years. In video games, it used to be arcade style and is now some shooter/RPG freak hybrid (that is, an FPS with perks and/or stats, which some people think makes it an RPG and is kind of sad). While it is unfortunate that Fallout is heading towards this (Game Informer said it plays like a "modern shooter" and I died a bit inside), it's not because the masses crave anything different than they used to.

That doesn't mean it won't be fun though.
Yeah, I don't think so. You see the dumb shits coming out of academia nowadays? Colleges is a no longer a place for kids to go and learn its now a place where you have some ass hat professor shove his politics and ideology down your throat.

I really wished people would stop looking at a few colleges/fields of study and spout out generalised bullshit about all of academia based on that. I feel personally insulted when my field gets thrown together with the humanities. There's no ideology in MINT :D
Finally uninstalled Fallout Shetler... The peace and quiet are so beatiful, no fucking notifications every 3 minutes.
Also, I think every generation complains about how stupid every subsequent generation is. It may be true sometimes (although the rise in college education seems to suggest this next generation is smarter than their parents), but at some point, it's just a losing battle
Yeah, I don't think so. You see the dumb shits coming out of academia nowadays? Colleges is a no longer a place for kids to go and learn its now a place where you have some ass hat professor shove his politics and ideology down your throat.
I don't know where you went/go or how long ago, but it depends on the college and the major. I don't think the engineers - who are pretty brilliant in my experience - are getting a heavy heaping of politics daily. My professors could be pretty ideological at times (I was political science/history with some pre-law though), but I tried to form my own views, and a lot never espoused anything catering to one side or the other. But the straw man argument is cool too if you enjoy making stereotypical points.

I would say mainstream culture now favors flashy visuals and action moments over sophisticated storytelling, but that's not because people are dumber than they were ten years ago. Mainstream culture is supposed to be less intricate so as to have mass appeal, it's just what constitutes as mainstream that has changed over the years. In video games, it used to be arcade style and is now some shooter/RPG freak hybrid (that is, an FPS with perks and/or stats, which some people think makes it an RPG and is kind of sad). While it is unfortunate that Fallout is heading towards this (Game Informer said it plays like a "modern shooter" and I died a bit inside), it's not because the masses crave anything different than they used to.

That doesn't mean it won't be fun though.

I live just a few miles down the road to one of the worst colleges in the States were professor just spout political and philosophical nonsense. I suppose I am a little bias because of that. My apologies.
Anyway, I agree about what you said about mass appeal. Causal gamers out number fans and hard core gamers 10 to 1. There is just more money to be made with causal gamers. GTA V, Call of Duty and Mass Effect 2 sold a boat load of copies and since then developers and publishers have been chasing after their success. Don't get me wrong, I like a little dumb fun every now and then, I play Skyrim and Fallout 3 for dumb fun, however, sometimes a line needs to be drawn. Especially when it looks like that a lot of RPG elements that made the Fallout series has been gutted to the extreme to appeal to the more casual gaming crowd.
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Yeah, I don't think so. You see the dumb shits coming out of academia nowadays? Colleges is a no longer a place for kids to go and learn its now a place where you have some ass hat professor shove his politics and ideology down your throat.

I really wished people would stop looking at a few colleges/fields of study and spout out generalised bullshit about all of academia based on that. I feel personally insulted when my field gets thrown together with the humanities. There's no ideology in MINT :D
Exactly. And even in the humanities, not every professor tries to jam political views down your throat. I had maybe two very opinionated professors. Everyone else encouraged you to form your own views on with the information provided.
Finally uninstalled Fallout Shetler... The peace and quiet are so beatiful, no fucking notifications every 3 minutes.
You could just turn off notifications...

I live just a few miles down the road to one of the worst colleges in the States were professor just spout political and philosophical nonsense. I suppose I am a little bias because of that. My apologies.
Anyway, I agree about what you said about mass appeal. Causal gamers out number fans and hard core gamers 10 to 1. There is just more money to be made with causal gamers. GTA V, Call of Duty and Mass Effect 2 sold a boat load of copies and since then developers and publishers have been chasing after their success. Don't get me wrong, I like a little dumb fun every now and then, I play Skyrim and Fallout 3 for dumb fun, however, sometimes a line needs to be drawn. Especially when it looks like that a lot of RPG elements that made the Fallout series has been gutted to the extreme to appeal to the more casual gaming crowd.
Well there you go, you live next to "one of the worst colleges in the States." Not every college or major is like that. It's all good though :)

Something encouraging: the Wii U, unlike the Wii, has sold horribly, so at least cheap gimmicks don't sell as well as they used to. I agree they should draw a line. I enjoyed the elements Obsidian brought to NV (weapon strength and skill requirements, more checks in dialogue, the companion wheel, reputation over karma [which was Fallout 2 to be fair] to name a few), and I'm upset that Bethesda didn't seem to take those lessons to heart. I guess because no one gave Obsidian the credit it was due, even though they should've (right now, I'm replaying Fallout 3 and it's amazing just how many little things NV does better). But many people who played Fallout 3 thought it was a shooter and so wouldn't mind if they struck skills if the combat was better. It's sad, but I wouldn't expect them to make a true RPG either.

I'd wait to see what the skills actually look like, if they exist. From what I've read, Bethesda plans to make an announcement in the future. If they have totally stripped them, I think NMA should, instead of angrily decrying the game and ranting on forums like always, write a civil letter to Bethesda asking them to preserve it. It worked for Mass Effect 3's ending, so who is to say it can't work for Fallout 4? That's about the most you can do
The game really suffers from being on this weird limbo where anything yo do on it is completely monotonous and repetitive yet it demands that you pay constant attention to it.
All actions are timers, exploring is just a series of randomly generated events on a list. You do nothing but look at timers and lists, sometimes nothing happens, there is a "rush facility" thing but I think the percentages are skewed, even when it says 20% chance of accident it almost always result in accidents, sometimes rooms erupt in flames for no reason, even with no one on them. If you don't pick up your resources right away they won't stack up, production will cease until you collect them so you are basically forced to keep going into the dumb thing every 3 minutes because otherwise they are all gonna die. If you let it unsupervised for a few hours all of them will have their health drop and get irradiated because you also gotta use individual stimpaks and radways on every single one of them, it's Tailor made to get people addicted and frustrated so they buy lunchboxes.

It's also plagued with bugs, Dwellers will get stuck in rooms constantly, moving characters into a cell being attacked by raiders will not pursue them when they move to another one, so that's stupid too, they'll just go and sit on the background if the raiders decide to go to another room so you gotta keep dragging them around.
All around a very poorly designed game, playing it on cellphone is a nightmare too unless you have small hands.

That's my quick review of it.
The game really suffers from being on this weird limbo where anything yo do on it is completely monotonous and repetitive yet it demands that you pay constant attention to it.
All actions are timers, exploring is just a series of randomly generated events on a list. You do nothing but look at timers and lists, sometimes nothing happens, there is a "rush facility" thing but I think the percentages are skewed, even when it says 20% chance of accident it almost always result in accidents, sometimes rooms erupt in flames for no reason, even with no one on them. If you don't pick up your resources right away they won't stack up, production will cease until you collect them so you are basically forced to keep going into the dumb thing every 3 minutes because otherwise they are all gonna die. If you let it unsupervised for a few hours all of them will have their health drop and get irradiated because you also gotta use individual stimpaks and radways on every single one of them, it's Tailor made to get people addicted and frustrated so they buy lunchboxes.

It's also plagued with bugs, Dwellers will get stuck in rooms constantly, moving characters into a cell being attacked by raiders will not pursue them when they move to another one, so that's stupid too, they'll just go and sit on the background if the raiders decide to go to another room so you gotta keep dragging them around.
All around a very poorly designed game, playing it on cellphone is a nightmare too unless you have small hands.

That's my quick review of it.
It is a mindless game meant to be played on the toilet. I didn't expect much more than that, and that's what I got. It passes the time nicely and is an easy and occasionally funny diversion.

There are some bugs, which I can usually fix by rebooting it. Then again, what Fallout game has been without bugs? It is a proud tradition at this point. Not following the raiders is annoying though, especially since not all of my vault dwellers are equipped with great/any weapons.

I maybe check my vault once a day at this point. All my resource levels seem fine, and the worst that happened once was one of my dwellers died in the wasteland (I revived him though). All of my resources are full and none of my vault dwellers are dead or irradiated currently. I don't have notifications on. Maybe they updated it since you played it, or maybe your vault just sucks.

Rushing a facility sometimes works. 20% means something can happen, although I've rushed a facility several times in a row and it works every time.

It's not a particularly intricate game, but I didn't expect it to be either. Like I said, it's just a time waster, like most games on phones. If you go in expecting that, it's not an amazing game, but it's good enough for something that's free of charge (unless you buy lunchboxes) for when you just need something to look at.
I don't know, I have a 3Ds when I want to game on the toilet I get more variety and more interesting games at hand. Maybe I am just not a mobile game person, I find most of the be mind numblingly boring and I rather watch youtube videos if I am using the Cellphone to pass the time or boot up my 3DS.
Something encouraging: the Wii U, unlike the Wii, has sold horribly, so at least cheap gimmicks don't sell as well as they used to. I agree they should draw a line. I enjoyed the elements Obsidian brought to NV (weapon strength and skill requirements, more checks in dialogue, the companion wheel, reputation over karma [which was Fallout 2 to be fair] to name a few), and I'm upset that Bethesda didn't seem to take those lessons to heart. I guess because no one gave Obsidian the credit it was due, even though they should've (right now, I'm replaying Fallout 3 and it's amazing just how many little things NV does better). But many people who played Fallout 3 thought it was a shooter and so wouldn't mind if they struck skills if the combat was better. It's sad, but I wouldn't expect them to make a true RPG either.

I'd wait to see what the skills actually look like, if they exist. From what I've read, Bethesda plans to make an announcement in the future. If they have totally stripped them, I think NMA should, instead of angrily decrying the game and ranting on forums like always, write a civil letter to Bethesda asking them to preserve it. It worked for Mass Effect 3's ending, so who is to say it can't work for Fallout 4? That's about the most you can do

The ending's to Mass Effect is debatable. The Refusal ending was Bioware giving fans of Mass Effect 1 a middle finger for wanting their choices to matter in the ending. God, what were they thinking with the stupid Star Brat? :twitch: Anyway, maybe Beth would listen. They did listen to fans after the how had the ending was to Fallout 3 and admitted it was bad... eventually but they at lest admitted it. However, it is very possible that, like Bioware, Bethesda ego has become huge. After all they have won a award for writing for Fallout 3 and Skyrim was met with near perfect scores. Its very possible that, like Bioware, they are at the point were they believe everything they churn out is gold.
I don't know, I have a 3Ds when I want to game on the toilet I get more variety and more interesting games at hand. Maybe I am just not a mobile game person, I find most of the be mind numblingly boring and I rather watch youtube videos if I am using the Cellphone to pass the time or boot up my 3DS.
I'm not a big mobile gaming person either; I just got this because it was free and Fallout-themed. Usually I'll read articles online or listen to music. I have the first six Final Fantasy games + Tactics on my phone if I want something heavier, but I find them to be too instricate to play in five-ten minute bursts unless I'm level grinding. That'd also be my problem with the 3DS if I had one: I'd want to devote myself to the games. But obviously a real game is better than Fallout Shelter. Personally, I keeping hoping they'll port Fallout 1/2 to the iPhone (I think it'd work well with the touch screen). But for something I'm going to play once or twice a day for five minutes at a time when I have nothing else to do, it's not bad.
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Something encouraging: the Wii U, unlike the Wii, has sold horribly, so at least cheap gimmicks don't sell as well as they used to. I agree they should draw a line. I enjoyed the elements Obsidian brought to NV (weapon strength and skill requirements, more checks in dialogue, the companion wheel, reputation over karma [which was Fallout 2 to be fair] to name a few), and I'm upset that Bethesda didn't seem to take those lessons to heart. I guess because no one gave Obsidian the credit it was due, even though they should've (right now, I'm replaying Fallout 3 and it's amazing just how many little things NV does better). But many people who played Fallout 3 thought it was a shooter and so wouldn't mind if they struck skills if the combat was better. It's sad, but I wouldn't expect them to make a true RPG either.

I'd wait to see what the skills actually look like, if they exist. From what I've read, Bethesda plans to make an announcement in the future. If they have totally stripped them, I think NMA should, instead of angrily decrying the game and ranting on forums like always, write a civil letter to Bethesda asking them to preserve it. It worked for Mass Effect 3's ending, so who is to say it can't work for Fallout 4? That's about the most you can do

The ending's to Mass Effect is debatable. The Refusal ending was Bioware giving fans of Mass Effect 1 a middle finger for wanting their choices to matter in the ending. God, what were they thinking with the stupid Star Brat? :twitch: Anyway, maybe Beth would listen. They did listen to fans after the how had the ending was to Fallout 3 and admitted it was bad... eventually but they at lest admitted it. However, it is very possible that, like Bioware, Bethesda ego has become huge. After all they have won a award for writing for Fallout 3 and Skyrim was met with near perfect scores. Its very possible that, like Bioware, they are at the point were they believe everything they churn out is gold.
Bioware did something, to be fair, even if they didn't completely fix that bullshit excuse for an ending. I'm still mad about it.

I think Bethesda does listen to their fans, just not NMA. To be fair, NMA is a minority of the fanbase and isn't always the most friendly about making requests (I know there's that whole article on Duck and Cover though about how Bethesda kind of steamrolled over fans with Fallout 3, but I think old fans just wanted it to be turn-based and it wasn't going to be). Taking out skills is HUGE though - even Skyrim had skills - and there might be more support for keeping them in from all swaths of the fanbase
Not a lot of people here cared if the game was still turned based or not. The sycophants over at the Codex do. Be warned, what you see can never be unseen if you go there. Its the 4chan of videogame forums. Anyway back on topic, a lot of of the people here care about story and RPG elements in games. That's what made us fall in love with the original Fallouts and NV. Bethesda track record as of late is not encouraging. Their games have taken a sharp decline with writing and RPG elements since after Morrowind. Because of that a lot of people here are pessimistic about Fallout 4.
Not a lot of people here cared if the game was still turned based or not. The sycophants over at the Codex do. Be warned, what you see can never be unseen if you go there. Its the 4chan of videogame forums. Anyway back on topic, a lot of of the people here care about story and RPG elements in games. That's what made us fall in love with the original Fallouts and NV. Bethesda track record as of late is not encouraging. Their games have taken a sharp decline with writing and RPG elements since after Morrowind. Because of that a lot of people here are pessimistic about Fallout 4.
I've been to the Codex many times. It's definitely more strict than NMA, but to be fair, I think a lot of NMA at the time wanted a turn-based Fallout. I think the forum has become more diversified since then, but still, that's what I'm sure a lot of the older folks want. Some of the forum may accept that Fallout may never be a turn-based RPG again and just want it to be the best that it can be (which you seem to be).

I agree Bethesda games aren't great on the story or mechanics front, and I wish they'd pay more attention to that. We don't know much about Fallout 4's story though, so it remains to be seen how the story turns out. It might not be as inconsistent with canon as Fallout 3 was. And to be fair, some of the side quests in Bethesda games are pretty well-written (i.e. Thieves Guild in Skyrim). I don't know/think they could write as well as Obsidian, but they could start with little things like having an ending highlighting all of your major choices and their consequences for each settlement and/or quest, and not do the bullshit they did with Fallout 3.

The mechanics...I mean, like I said, it seems like they're planning something with skills since they haven't announced it. Maybe it won't be terribly shallow. At the very least, a fun open world might make up for some of the shortcomings.
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