Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

Was there much denial for Mass Effect 3? Man I sure was glad that ending was spoiled for me(totally serious). I would have thrown my controller if I went into that blind, maybe at my TV. I probably would have broke all my Mass Effect figures too. And burned my comic book and art work of Mass Effect book. (not serious about the rageahol stuff). Spoilers really saved me from the full disappointment of Mass Effect 3's ending.

Oh my God yeah. They were making wild theories and excuses for the game and trying to convince people that it was a masterpiece in its own way. There still are fans in denial to this day. I guess nobody wanted to admit that something they loved, were hyped for and spent years of their life on ended up being a giant bomb. Its kinda sad if you think about it. Its one of the reasons why I hate fanboyism.

Oh god yeah, indoctrination theory. I never paid that a single piece of attention and thus it complete slipped my mind when you talked about Mass Effect 3.
It unlocks in New Zealand and Australia in 4 hours.

You getting it?

Fallout box art.

It unlocks in New Zealand and Australia in 4 hours.

You getting it?

No. A local store here had it for cheaper than the US price of Green Man Gaming with a 20% off code. So I won't be getting it till 7:30 am Tomorrow(11 and a half hours) and then I have to wait for Steam to download 20 gigs on my crappy Australian Internet.

Edit: Also Fallout 5 will be either titled Fallout or The Fallout.
Is that Spoiler of the ending real? Looks so bad, almost looks like someone made it with Garry's mod.
Anyone has video of the Ending? A VOD? The guy who was Streaming with the character Fuckface got banned and I never found out his new Account, and he seems to be the one from where those Screens come.
With so many recently released open world games - of which some are actually pretty decent it seems, I hope there will be A LOT more criticla reviews and opinions about Fallout 4 out there. I mean Bethesda had somewhat the luxury of beeing one of the few game developers that offered this kind of experience. But in the last few years open world games have become a somewhat common sight, a bit to common in some cases if you ask me. I mean not every game benefits from it. Particulary not if you expect a very tight narrative - see Metro. I mean there will be people that somehow would rather kill them self than admit that Bethesda isn't a perfect company and their best friend. But with more competition and experiences out there, I hope that at least those people that are on the fence will think for a couple of min. and remember that they are not toddlers, despite of Bethesda treating them like such.
Dude, Skyrim was a fucking dogturd and I didn't see much of critical reviews for that game. It still got hyped as fuck, tons of people still love it and it got the oh so amazing GOTY. Skyrim was buggy, it had shitty graphics, its combat was dreadfully boring, they said they'd have handcrafted dungeons yet the vast majority of them was copy-pasted, the writing was awful, the faction storylines was over too quickly and left the player as the leader for no particular reason.

Seriously, Skyrim should have been bombarded with critical reviews calling Bethesda out on all kinds of shit.

I wouldn't hold my breath for Fallout 4 to get a different kind of treatment. The critics and the casual masses will either ignore the flaws, make excuses for them or not even notice them in the first place. If they didn't call Skyrim out on its shit I don't see why they would call Fallout 4 out on its shit. I'd love to be proven wrong but if I've learned anything from Bethfans it is that they will make excuses for anything to the point of total delusion to protect their fragile minds from accepting overwhelming evidence of flaws in a Bethesda game. And a bunch of reviewers may very well be Bethfans.
Dude, Skyrim was a fucking dogturd and I didn't see much of critical reviews for that game. It still got hyped as fuck, tons of people still love it and it got the oh so amazing GOTY. Skyrim was buggy, it had shitty graphics, its combat was dreadfully boring, they said they'd have handcrafted dungeons yet the vast majority of them was copy-pasted, the writing was awful, the faction storylines was over too quickly and left the player as the leader for no particular reason.

Seriously, Skyrim should have been bombarded with critical reviews calling Bethesda out on all kinds of shit.

I wouldn't hold my breath for Fallout 4 to get a different kind of treatment. The critics and the casual masses will either ignore the flaws, make excuses for them or not even notice them in the first place. If they didn't call Skyrim out on its shit I don't see why they would call Fallout 4 out on its shit. I'd love to be proven wrong but if I've learned anything from Bethfans it is that they will make excuses for anything to the point of total delusion to protect their fragile minds from accepting overwhelming evidence of flaws in a Bethesda game. And a bunch of reviewers may very well be Bethfans.

Well that and money. If there is one thing Beth is good at its marketing. Since many reviewers and game sites are paid to generate good publicity and hype, they know better then to bite the hand that feeds them.
I don't see critical reviews happening unless they think for a couple minutes. I see them praising the stiff-as-a-board voice acting, lack of story, 1 INT dialogue and anything to do with writing, boning anything you can romance including a robot, lack of dialogue choices that don't let you know what you're going to say, that awful level scaling with weapons dropping from all enemies(so I hear), the 2005 animations like Piper's fellatio warm ups when she talks, no skills, Fallout: The Sims Edition, and elements token from better games that would make me rather play them then this turd.
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