Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

*Shrugs* shows that the Mass Effect audience has more brain than the Beth audience I guess ... at least they created a shit-storm of epic proportions :grin:

Mass Effect could've its own faults, but at least it's far better than any Beth-related Fallouts. And so is the fanbase xD
They'll probably see the voiced protagonist as a step forward in "immersion" for the player. Now you no longer just click text boxes, instead you get to hear what your character says! And it feels like you are having a conversation with NPC's.

Limited dialogue? It's also a step forward, because it makes the pace of dialogue faster as there are only a couple of words to choose from.

Romancing companions? In a progressive world we need to explore more than just violence in gaming and it is a good thing that Bethesda acknowledges this and allow for more variety in their gameplay. If anything will be criticized here it is that the super mutant can't be romanced.

The stat and perk system is more streamlined than ever and boy is that a good thing. All those darn numbers to keep a track of that made character development a chore is now replaced by a single point system that anyone in the family can easily use without feeling overwhelmed.

Fallout 4 for Game Of The Decade.
Next thing you'll know they'll add a patch for a sex mini game of "Get it in the hole" or a Mass Effect intimate scene. I did see from one of the screenshots it said along the lines of "Press ESC to exit dialogue" while FATHER was talking. They'll praise the names i'm sure "One of the main villains is named Kellogg's Cornflakes which has deep meaning in every syllable of the name and shows us the amazing brave sacrifice he made to keep the insane and deranged Mr. 111 from blowing up Boston with a nuke that shouldn't of been there!"
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They'll probably see the voiced protagonist as a step forward in "immersion" for the player. Now you no longer just click text boxes, instead you get to hear what your character says! And it feels like you are having a conversation with NPC's.

Limited dialogue? It's also a step forward, because it makes the pace of dialogue faster as there are only a couple of words to choose from.

Romancing companions? In a progressive world we need to explore more than just violence in gaming and it is a good thing that Bethesda acknowledges this and allow for more variety in their gameplay. If anything will be criticized here it is that the super mutant can't be romanced.

The stat and perk system is more streamlined than ever and boy is that a good thing. All those darn numbers to keep a track of that made character development a chore is now replaced by a single point system that anyone in the family can easily use without feeling overwhelmed.

Fallout 4 for Game Of The Decade.

Even if we accept these viewpoints, I think the view that Fallout 4 is a terrible game is inescapable.

If we only compare Fallout 4 to Fallout 3 and make generous assumptions, its still a bad game.

Voiced protagonist and simplication (understatement of the century) of skills at least have some merit. While I, and most people here, think any benefit it outweighed by the harm caused, we can assume that these changes are neutral.

Graphics seem little better than FO3, especially after 7 years, but again we can assume that it is neutral.

The gameplay seems largely the same, and we can again assume that it is neutral compared to Fallout 3.

The main difference with Fallout 3 is the story, quests and world. From what I have seen, the quests are repetitive, the story is predictable and cliche, and the world is desolate with only one or two settlements.

Even if we are incredibly generous to FO4 and assume that many of the changes are neutral, or slight improvements, to FO3 (and ignoring the major improvements made in New Vegas), FO4 will still fall short in terms of story and world.

At the end of the day, its worst than FO3 in terms of its story and world, and that is saying something.
New screenshot to share:
That neck...


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So.... No Individual Settlement Endings. Again.

My guess is that Helping the Railroad or the BOS probably nets the exact same ending Narration.
But you get a jet pack for finishing the game. You know the one they showed in trailers and had people all excited for.
Really? The fucking mega mech is back? Bullshit. That is flat out bad writing. Bethesda themselves stated it in Fallout 3 that Lyons Brotherhood could barely get it functional and with no spare parts they're able to rebuild it after it got blown to pieces in 10 years? Fucking bullshit. So after sitting for like 170 or something years, collecting dust, Lyons Brotherhood finds it but they have a hard time getting it functional, only through deus ex machina did they get it to work in the first place and have you seen their fucking labs? They look like shit. The Citadel in Capital Wasteland is not some high tech facility with a shit ton of resources and tools available to them. Raven Rock and Mobile Base Crawler might've had it but they decided to blow both those places up. So without the tools, without the spare parts, without resources necessary to create new parts they are able to just whip up a new one in 10 years?

Absolutely dreadful writing.
So... Wait... There are no ending slides to tell you what happened to the various factions and locations in the long run?

If Maxson was a kid in Fallout 3 then how does he look like he's 30+ in Fallout 4? He a synth too?

Oh god would you look at that Brotherhood ending...
Hey, you've completed the main quest and now you get to continue playing the game! So... Uh... What else is there left for you to do.... I know! Uhm, just, yknow, kill shit!"
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Well you just continue playing after the last mission. There also seems to only be one settlement in the whole game. The BOS give you a Jetpack,my guess is the Minutemen and Railroad give you something else. I'll laugh my ass off if they all give the Jetpack.