Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

Been watching the stream for awhile. Gotta say the gameplay looks solid, all I have to do is punture my eardrums and avoid quest givers. That way I can avoid the atrocious writing past the beginning and just roleplay a homeless wastelander.
Welp, I guess they either recycled the crashed alien ship or we have aliens confirmed.

+5 rad points.

I have no idea what Beth fascination is with those stupid aliens. In the original Fallout's they were treated as jokes and Easter eggs, nothing to be taken seriously. Now suddenly they are canon in the lore and are most likely the cause of the nuclear apocalypse. Fuck the pain away! :violent:
So the looting menusi real time... but the transfer one still freezes time and you open it up with a button.... what was the point of the real time looting then? Isn't it supposed to be about incresing challenge?
I have no idea what Beth fascination is with those stupid aliens. In the original Fallout's they were treated as jokes and Easter eggs, nothing to be taken seriously. Now suddenly they are canon in the lore and are most likely the cause of the nuclear apocalypse. Fuck the pain away! :violent:

They didn't cause the nuclear apocalypse.
Someone who works at IGN just said that Fallout 3 has the best story telling and characters out of all the Fallout games.:shock:

Yeah, I watched that. Nearly gave me a brain tumor. Just goes to show that 4 will still get praise and the backlash will be minimal.

Has there been a single streamer using a different companion than the dumb ass dog?
Doctor! That would be too cruel! At least the dog only barks and doesn't actually speak, why if he heard those companions non-stop, it would drive him insane.

Not even Borous would bother with that mongrel.

Welp, I guess they either recycled the crashed alien ship or we have aliens confirmed.

+5 rad points.


Oh, boy. More alien bullshit. "But you can't have Fallout without dah aliesaljefnlaalnelafn!"
No longer was it the collective paranoia and political and ideological differences of the worlds superpowers leading the world to ruin but wacky, xenophobic aliens who hate humanity because... uhh... 50's Sci-fi!
Her last name was "Long", and the quality of the models is already bad enough so I thought it was some kind of "Funny Joke" character like the Antagonizer and the Mechanist.