Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

From the new streamer:

Someone dies(the guy that shot your wife I think) but he knows the way into The Institute. So you take his brain to a doctor and go on a trip through his memories:


We got a NPC from the core region:

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Yeah, it won't let me edit pics into a previous message at all, so here are some more I found. The synths don't look too bad.




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Is Fallout 4 trying to be Remember me now?

Well this second streamer is at least progrssing through the story and not just wandeirng around killing ghouls...
So Kilus, tell me in a spoiler tag, how is this bald dude connected to the Core Region? Do they even reference the NCR?
Are we doing spoiler tags?

I'm not sure how he is connected to the core region. He just mentions NCR and The Hub in his memories.
Do you have a screencap of that? I am just curious. Do they show anything about the Core region?

Second image here, I guess since it is a memory it might be set in the core region. It was just a memory of a house.


Also what do you guys think we should do with spoilers in this thread? Because this new streamer is blitzing through the story. Everyone one else was stumbling around the beginning.
Don't go to the new stream if you don't want spoilers, I'll go and edit my other posts.

Main plot spoiling:

SHAUN is in the dead dudes memories. Pretty sure this means you have to kill him.


The Institute is in the glowing sea and they access it through teleportation.
Really? Accessing memories like Remember Me and Assassins Creed? Not really giving a shit anymore are you Bethesda? :whatever:
Ah, come on. Granted this is Bethesda, but I'm sure there are plenty of other memory ready stories and such other than assassin's creed and Remember me out there.