Fallout 4 Launch Trailer

Don't remember even writting the words "dead in the middle of Boston" no diea why yo uare implying I did. He didn't say it fell on the Ocean. Also that still doesn't answer why would only 1 bomb hit Boston? Isn't Boston like a major city? If no bombs hit Boston then why is everything abandoned? Wy did people then went to a Ballpark to build a town there if the bombs didn't even hit close to the city?

There is also this piece of concept art:

Which just shows the City getting bombed, but it could jsut be the concept artist getting too creative I will concede.
For all we know MIT stopped the nuke from hitting the city like House did for Vegas.
Don't remember even writting the words "dead in the middle of Boston" no diea why yo uare implying I did. He didn't say it fell on the Ocean. Also that still doesn't answer why would only 1 bomb hit Boston? Isn't Boston like a major city? If no bombs hit Boston then why is everything abandoned? Wy did people then went to a Ballpark to build a town there if the bombs didn't even hit close to the city?

There is also this piece of concept art:

Which just shows the City getting bombed, but it could jsut be the concept artist getting too creative I will concede.

I said it, not you. It's called the "Glowing Sea" it's rather implied, and it probably hit some land but it didn't hit the heart of the city like I said and like you claimed I made up.

For all we know MIT stopped the nuke from hitting the city like House did for Vegas.

Potentially. I wish that DC had defenses to stop the nukes well before New Vegas existed.
Game isn't even out yet, of course we have zero info. People just want to use their Jump to Conclusions mat though.

Just as you do, since you most probably assume that it was a rather small nuke that detonated very far from the city - there is no information how far away it detonated or what type of nuke it was.

I'm going based on what info we have, not nothing. I said nothing hit the heart of the city which is true according to what we know.

Yeeeahhhh ... and I acknowleged that fact ... so your point is ?

What if it was a 15Mt bomb 10 km away from the shore? No one knows this. Neither you. Nor I. That's all I am saying.
Don't remember even writting the words "dead in the middle of Boston" no diea why yo uare implying I did. He didn't say it fell on the Ocean. Also that still doesn't answer why would only 1 bomb hit Boston? Isn't Boston like a major city? If no bombs hit Boston then why is everything abandoned? Wy did people then went to a Ballpark to build a town there if the bombs didn't even hit close to the city?

There is also this piece of concept art:

Which just shows the City getting bombed, but it could jsut be the concept artist getting too creative I will concede.

I said it, not you. It's called the "Glowing Sea" it's rather implied, and it probably hit some land but it didn't hit the heart of the city like I said and like you claimed I made up.

For all we know MIT stopped the nuke from hitting the city like House did for Vegas.

Potentially. I wish that DC had defenses to stop the nukes well before New Vegas existed.

It's confirmed that it's land at this point.

I can post some evidence if you like.

It's probably around that crater in the south west corner.



  • Fo4Map.png
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If a nuke the size of what we saw in the trailer hit that spot, there would be nothing pre-war left standing between that and the sea. There's not even a sizeable hill in the way to deflect the blast.

Want to bet this is not the case?
It was probably just a chinese version of the Fat Man nuke catapult. See, a Beth fan can explain everything ;)
making amazing, immersive games with an incredible attention to detail that are being enjoyed by millions of gamers?

Like the immersion of immortal companions? ... right. I wish my dog could've survived like that obviously robot dog in FO4 (while on fire no less).

I've even read that super Beth fans don't even care that the FO4 story is spoiled citing, "story is the least important part of a Beth game."

Ah, there in lies the problem - they, as consumers, let Beth get away with it rather than hoping they'll add that rather important feature of an RPG that Bethesda let slide since after Morrowind (I.E. solid writing, and interesting choices/consequences). Otherwise, all that "attention to [supposed] detail" is for an empty world. It's like an RPG Game without its soul, which unfortunately is all that Beth is good at now. Open World games with an aimless feeling.

And this is coming from someone who actually gave all their games since Oblivion a try, but found them ultimately to be shallow experiences as far as RPGs go.
making amazing, immersive games with an incredible attention to detail that are being enjoyed by millions of gamers?

And this is coming from someone who actually gave all their games since Oblivion a try, but found them ultimately to be shallow experiences as far as RPGs go.

Same here. I have played all of their games. You can't fully critique something until you try it.
making amazing, immersive games with an incredible attention to detail that are being enjoyed by millions of gamers?

And this is coming from someone who actually gave all their games since Oblivion a try, but found them ultimately to be shallow experiences as far as RPGs go.

Same here. I have played all of their games. You can't fully critique something until you try it.

I'd rather watch a let's play of it. I vote with my wallet. Beth won't be getting any of my money.
Yeeeahhhh ... and I acknowleged that fact ... so your point is ?

What if it was a 15Mt bomb 10 km away from the shore? No one knows this. Neither you. Nor I. That's all I am saying.

And no one will know this, because these kind of details are not even remotedly close to be taken into consideration by Todd. I thnk they just go - "well, it's a bomb, it explodes and whatever, big mushroom cloud, so it's atomic". They just extract the mushroom cloud and put it into exploding cars, rocket launchers, towns.
making amazing, immersive games with an incredible attention to detail that are being enjoyed by millions of gamers?

And this is coming from someone who actually gave all their games since Oblivion a try, but found them ultimately to be shallow experiences as far as RPGs go.

Same here. I have played all of their games. You can't fully critique something until you try it.

I'd rather watch a let's play of it. I vote with my wallet. Beth won't be getting any of my money.

Mine either. I won't be giving Bethesda any money for damn sure. Except for some of those nice little figures and such. Those are cool. I intend to buy used some time after it is released.
Isn't it lore that there were treaties limiting the size of warheads to a few tens of kilotons, and limiting the development of ICBM technology?

To be honest, I think the ruined prewar building aesthetic is pretty cool, so I don't mind a bit of handwaving to get it included. Same with the retro-50s SCIENCE! theme. I know it's not the 50s, but I can see how perhaps the general paranoia about communism and "unAmericanness" stifled a lot of the cultural progression that happened in our own universe.

As far as I can see, there's nothing in the world of FO4 as stupid and jarring as the magic matter assemblers and invincible holograms in Dead Money. Dead Money, and New Vegas as a whole get completely absolved in my book because they are underpinned by fantastic storytelling and character development in the world they have created. For me, FO3 wasn't, and I have the same fear for FO4.

I would even have forgiven Little Lamplight if there was some sort of interesting quest or meaningful decision to be made regarding it.
Don't remember even writting the words "dead in the middle of Boston" no diea why yo uare implying I did. He didn't say it fell on the Ocean. Also that still doesn't answer why would only 1 bomb hit Boston? Isn't Boston like a major city? If no bombs hit Boston then why is everything abandoned? Wy did people then went to a Ballpark to build a town there if the bombs didn't even hit close to the city?

There is also this piece of concept art:

Which just shows the City getting bombed, but it could jsut be the concept artist getting too creative I will concede.

I said it, not you. It's called the "Glowing Sea" it's rather implied, and it probably hit some land but it didn't hit the heart of the city like I said and like you claimed I made up.

For all we know MIT stopped the nuke from hitting the city like House did for Vegas.

Potentially. I wish that DC had defenses to stop the nukes well before New Vegas existed.

It's confirmed that it's land at this point.

I can post some evidence if you like.

It's probably around that crater in the south west corner.


It may have hit well off the coast and caused the damage from there as well as sunk a bunch of the land.

Also, the 77 nukes at Vegas thing was absurd writing on Obsidian's part to me. I'm sure they wanted to say that there were so many that China could spare that many on a city that wasn't strategically important per se. It just makes every future story difficult because why wouldn't they have thrown 200 at Boston? They really should've gone with 10-20 at most honestly unless we're going with they are all relatively small blast radius wise.
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Remember, that this is alternative universe. In Fallout Las Vegas might have just as well been a very important city. And the fact, that it was the City of Robert House, the founder and CEO of RobCo, one of the biggest corporations in the US is good enough a reason to nuke it with all its wealth.
Remember, that this is alternative universe. In Fallout Las Vegas might have just as well been a very important city. And the fact, that it was the City of Robert House, the founder and CEO of RobCo, one of the biggest corporations in the US is good enough a reason to nuke it with all its wealth.

Right but it makes every city/location with military bases or important ventures require as much if not more attention in theory unless Boston was say targeted by larger nukes but less of them or something.
Yeah, you gotta remember that in the Fallout universe, Nevada would've been very important as a military target.

Hoover Dam, RobCo, Repconn, Nellis Air Force Base.

Hell, it was TOTAL NUCLEAR WAR, any city with a sizable population would've been a direct target.
Wouldn't the city of the Institute be more important then? It was a war that destroyd evrything. Why is it absurd when it is convenient to you?
They could always just stop setting everything in prewar ruins, come up with better explanation for why the cities are still standing up and in general stop filling everything with enemy infested ruins. The only reason why this "complicate things" is because Bethesda is a one trick pony, they just want to make games about looting ruins over and over, they can't even be bothered to put any actual settlements in their Fallout games.

It was a 2 hours of continuous bombing, what is more absurd is that they would only shoot 1 nuke at Boston, specially when it caused the collapse of everything apparently.