Fallout 4 leaked screenshots (SPOILERS)

Rangerboo said:
You need to understand that with most "critics" you need to take what they say with a grain of salt. Gaming journalism is one of the most corrupt professions right now. With all the dirty dealings and bribery that goes on in gaming journalism and the video game industry it would make even a politician blush. With customers, well that depends if the customer is a raving fanboy who is going to gives his favorite video game developer a perfect score no matter what or someone who is grounded in reality.

"It's about ethics in journalism. . ." right? Hooboy. Supposing for one second that anyone buys that the video games journo industry is far and away overrun by corporate cronies who are easily bought, popular opinion still tends to gravitate towards the mean and the popular opinion was that the previous FO/TES games were "good games".

Jedasd said:
Didnt you hear, Bethesda is fighting for equal quality both on consoles and pc. I wouldnt be surprised if something goes wrong during launch and pc players get a game locked to 30 fps for a some time.

Good lord. Of all the conspiracy theories. . .

Not that facts actually matter to some of you (in the face of blindly bashing Bethesda) they've gone on record as stating the PC version is UNLOCKED.
Rangerboo said:
You need to understand that with most "critics" you need to take what they say with a grain of salt. Gaming journalism is one of the most corrupt professions right now. With all the dirty dealings and bribery that goes on in gaming journalism and the video game industry it would make even a politician blush. With customers, well that depends if the customer is a raving fanboy who is going to gives his favorite video game developer a perfect score no matter what or someone who is grounded in reality.

Not that facts actually matter to some of you (in the face of blindly bashing Bethesda) they've gone on record as stating the PC version is UNLOCKED.
Radiant AI in F3
F3 has over 200 endings
Fallout 4 is set just few weeks after F3 ending
volumetric lighting
procedural or something shadows
and lets not forged: its JUST works.

But okay, i give them that the statement "its just a stupid gimmic but whatever" is true.

Get over yourself.

That last line I wrote wasn't serious and it would be obvious to anyone but blind fanatics. But for the equal or close to equal visuals on pc and console, Todd Howard already said that they want their games to look same in an interview in 2011 or 2012. Since Fallout 4 has been in development for 5 years, does this not apply to it too? You can google and find it, it starts with "What we want at the end of the day is that the game looks the same".

Also a popular opinion doesnt equals to truth.


Same sitting-drinking animation since Oblivion, that woman npc is using a idle animation from RAGE, building scales of that street looks really weird(might be because of the screenshot though). I love seeing new screensots, it lets me nitpick about the smallest things.
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Rangerboo said:
You need to understand that with most "critics" you need to take what they say with a grain of salt. Gaming journalism is one of the most corrupt professions right now. With all the dirty dealings and bribery that goes on in gaming journalism and the video game industry it would make even a politician blush. With customers, well that depends if the customer is a raving fanboy who is going to gives his favorite video game developer a perfect score no matter what or someone who is grounded in reality.

Not that facts actually matter to some of you (in the face of blindly bashing Bethesda) they've gone on record as stating the PC version is UNLOCKED.
Radiant AI in F3
F3 has over 200 endings
Fallout 4 is set just few weeks after F3 ending
volumetric lighting
procedural or something shadows
and lets not forged: its JUST works.

But okay, i give them that the statement "its just a stupid gimmic but whatever" is true.

Giving them shit about their claims about the AI scripting is one thing. Giving them shit about their game running at 60FPS. . .like all of their games have if you have the rig for it. . .is asinine.

Walpknut said:
2 New Screenshots for the first post.

Good lord that fellow needs a "photo taking tutorial". I mean they aren't going to improve the textures on consoles, but the smudged quality of the shots would at least be addressed.
Good lord that fellow needs a "photo taking tutorial". I mean they aren't going to improve the textures on consoles, but the smudged quality of the shots would at least be addressed.

Im sorry my friend but I dont think thats how it works.
Good lord that fellow needs a "photo taking tutorial". I mean they aren't going to improve the textures on consoles, but the smudged quality of the shots would at least be addressed.

Im sorry my friend but I dont think thats how it works.

Look at their photos, and the photos from the NeoGAF user Shinobi (they of the blue HUD). They are obviously of a different quality. Compression isn't going to add in technical effects; it will however muddy detail.

Or we can just assume the two photo sets look totally the same.

Spanish leaker has said there is no weapon repairing.

If this is true, it's probably been removed because of their being weapon-configurations instead of actual weapons. Of course theres no reason why a base Laser Rifle couldn't be used to repair your "Insert Long Modifier Of Doom" Laser Rifle, or they couldn't tie repair to the same modding system that makes the weapons.
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So there's a drawback with the weapon modding after all huh? And I thought it was a beacon of hope next to the shit that is the settlements...
I have seen a lot of visual and graphics mods for Skyrim that make it look much better then Fallout 4. With what I have seen from the facial expressions it leaves little to be desired. I have seen mannequins show better facial expression then with what I have seen from Fallout 4. I have a feeling Fallout 4 is going to fall into the same category as Skyrim, a over-hyped, bland and forgettable game made playable by the modding community and Bethesda instead of being criticized for this will instead get loads upon loads of praises from mainstream "critics" and "journalist" as well as from fanboys.
You can bet just about every reviewer and critic will give it a 9.5-10/10 with "Critically acclaimed writing of the year!" and "It's so graphically impressive it looks better than every game out this year including The Witcher 3!".
I'm feeling really bitter tonight. :P

And all the critics and tens of millions of customers are wrong?

As of lately journalists and critics are sometimes paid behind the counter so to speak to praise the game in question highly. Usually the "majority" or "some of the majority" you're talking about are casual gamers that want to loot and shoot without being punished for making decisions for a person, faction, ect that could affect another. I'm not trying to make fun of casual gamers but when you make a game you can turn n your brain off for and still find it easy weeeell...it makes you wonder.
It's not really that they are paid directly to praise the game. is much more insidious than that. Game Journos obviously work for websites, those websites make money out of ad revenue and promotional content. There is an implication that if you speak ill of the game the company is obviously gonna withdraw their support for your website and even cost them future economical ventures, so you would more than likely lose your job, like it has happened to some Journos before. The whole system is broken from the root.
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It's still the early days of video games being written about and we're still in the period of them being written about mainly as an enthusiast press.

Enthusiast press don't have the alternative methods of accessing games ahead of times, so they're still beholden to publishers and their whims if they want to continue writing previews and reviews before anyone else to get that sweet, sweet revenue.

The problem isn't the press so much as it is that gamers will still go out and buy games from publishers that pull review copies and preview junkets from places that don't write favorably about their games.

If you want to see accurate reviews and previews instead of shilling, people need to stop buying games from publishers that do this sort of shit.

But that's not gonna happen anytime soon.

Spanish leaker has said there is no weapon repairing.

Just like in Skyrim. Oh course there is no weapon repair, it would get in the way of the power fantasy because weapons getting broken and jamming just makes the game "too hard". We need to keep treating the audience like idiots.
You don't want to let players use their imagination, you don't want players to have to face risk, and you also don't want to have your players face consequences for anything. Thus is the future of AAA gaming.
One thing i've been told from Bethesda fans, even though something isn't in the game you can always "imagine" it in the game. Same thing with most of them saying that first person is so "immersive".
I was told by a Bethesda fan that If I found the game too easy and the lack of survival elements too casual I should just pretend they are there, use low level weapons and gimp myself and take water and food at regular intervals despite them having no actual effect, and he thought that was a reasonable argument to make in favor of the game, not sarcastically.
I was told by a Bethesda fan that If I found the game too easy and the lack of survival elements too casual I should just pretend they are there, use low level weapons and gimp myself and take water and food at regular intervals despite them having no actual effect, and he thought that was a reasonable argument to make in favor of the game, not sarcastically.

Morrowind definitely had a better balance in difficulty, it didn't feel too easy or hard because of certain systems in place. Skyrim you haft to work to make the game difficult, maybe even a overhaul mod depending on what your doing. Right now I am on a pretty good vanilla vampire play through with Better Vampires mod, difficulty on Master, sunlight nerf's a lot of your abilities, and drains your hp fairly quickly. Potion's of any kind do not work, etc, hunters come after you with silver weapons etc. Its over all a rewarding immersive play through so far, I am kind of getting bored now, luckily Fallout 4 is close.

EDIT: WOW those videos got taken down like instantly lol
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