I'm kinda bummed out the modding scene is going to suffer so much.
Now that even your protagonist has a voice it will be a real pain in the ass to modd new quests in to the game. And you most probably will have also a difficult time to create any real dialog between the player and the NPC, constantly having only a max of 4 options available ...
Now that even your protagonist has a voice it will be a real pain in the ass to modd new quests in to the game. And you most probably will have also a difficult time to create any real dialog between the player and the NPC, constantly having only a max of 4 options available ...
Its almost as if Bethesda is punishing modders for making content that is 200x better then theirs. This game is going to be as modable as Mass Effect. Not impossible but difficult especially in regards to quest mods or any mod that adds custom dialogue.
I didn't download those videos, but I watched one of the beginning of the game with the Vault-Tec guy and I honestly can't believe that they thought that this is okay for release. What a fucking joke.
The choreography is fucking awful and the writing is worse than expected.
There's literally a dialogue option that says "Sarcastic", like they're not going to be subtle about it, it's just "Sarcastic".
That's the magic of dialogue wheels, everybody, no more role playing, no more thinking for yourself!
After watching the combat videos, I truly feel sorry for anyone not able to squeeze enjoyment out of that. It's nice to pat ourselves on the back and compliment ourselves on how evolved out gaming tastes are, but at some point you start to lose the forest for the trees.
After watching the combat videos, I truly feel sorry for anyone not able to squeeze enjoyment out of that. It's nice to pat ourselves on the back and compliment ourselves on how evolved out gaming tastes are, but at some point you start to lose the forest for the trees.
Nope, pretty much doubt that. The Spanish leaker confirmed that he had a Press copy. THe Vidme Leaker has shown the box of the game on video too. Codsworth could be rounding up the number and Pete Hines even said he couldn't be assed to read the dialogue in the first place. Also "200 years after war" is catchier than "210 years after the war" for marketing. Some Store breaking street date or a clerk selling an earlier copy to a friend happens ALL the time.