Dr Fallout
Contrary to what you may think, I got into RPGs real late. Yet I love them classics, they're so good! So much better then anything else I've ever played! Which is a contrast to the shit they make nowadays.
I wonder how many of you that are eating this shit up have actually played some of the classic RPG's of yore? Looking for things to bitch about? You don't have to over analyze this garbage to find flaws. For those of you that were still shitting your pants when Fallout 1 and 2 came out, there is probably a pretty good chance that you are a modernized gamer who shovels AAA annualized fecal matter down your throat while washing it down with Todd Howard's hot load. Unless by some miracle you were introduced to good RPG's later on and they happened to click with you.
Planescape? Too many words.
Baldur's Gate? Is that those old games Bioware made before Mass Effect and Dragon Age?
Fallout 1 and 2? So outdated and buggy and turn based combat breaks my immersion.
Arcanum, Jagged Alliance, Deus Ex, System Shock 2, Might and Magic, Gothic, you know what? Just look at this link. There are too many to list.
If your RPG of choice isn't on that list then you should reconsider if it has any fucking depth to it at all. If you are impressed by what little they have shown from Fallout 4 you are probably the kind of person who thinks Final Fantasy 7 is the best RPG of all time, or that Oblivion is really when Bethesda started to make good games. By all means keep living your illusion that Bethesda games are the best and we are hating on them simply because they are different from the old games. This isn't a knock against JRPG's either. They are great for what they are, but you aren't exactly rolling in choices in games like that.
Same with Bethesda games. They are more akin to dungeon crawlers with limited dialog options and gimped skill systems - if the skills are there at all. Not to mention the style of RPG where you can do everything in one playthrough no matter what skills you pick. You are the hero of the Fighters Guild, Thieves Guild, Mages Guild, a Vampire, a Dragon Rider, a Werewolf, or even a Vampire hunter.
Gee I'm lost and don't know where to go. Glad I have this white arrow showing me what the fuck I need to do next. Thank God I didn't have to use my brain and follow directions and search for clues. Man I hate when my companions die since Bethesda's AI is crap so why not make them immortal? People really hated it in Morrowind when you could kill a guy that was vital to the main quest, so now nothing can truly die!
By all means reply with some clever retort that you think has never been said before, but use that pink matter inside your skull and wonder if you are part of the problem.
Is that what you're going to scream at 10 year old kids 10 years from now?
Is that what you're going to scream at 10 year old kids 10 years from now?
What difference does it make? Your preaching to the choir in a NMA forum. This isn't a direct line to Bethesda. They are going to do what they want with this franchise what they will. I know it sucks, It happens. Here's an idea, kidnap the exec's from Bethesda and give them the basis for an RPG that was great 15+ years ago.
I didn't particularly care for that trailer either but the difference between the two is that the FNV one was gameplay, not liveaction+CGI bullshit. The FNV showed off standard gameplay, not "oh look at his swagger!" and the end of the trailer? Where The Courier walks away from an explosion without looking back? I found that to be very cringe'y.I don't really see anything wrong with a trailer making things look cool. Fallout New Vegas' trailer had plenty of action, explosions, guns, and an "epic moment" at the end with the explosion and slow-mo walking. I thought this trailer was cool for what it was. Wasn't supposed to be some super serious in depth look at the game.
Hey! I started playing Fallout 2 when I was 10. :IIs that what you're going to scream at 10 year old kids 10 years from now?
10 Year olds shouldn't be playing Fallout anyway.
Scream in frustration? No I just think you kids are morons. I'm pretty laid back about it.
Scream in frustration? No I just think you kids are morons. I'm pretty laid back about it.
Not all kids are morons. Sure most are but you know there are exceptions.
Scream in frustration? No I just think you kids are morons. I'm pretty laid back about it.
Not all kids are morons. Sure most are but you know there are exceptions.
The kids who come to troll and state how great their shitty games are. If you aren't one of those then don't take offense. Frankly a lot of kids in the states are fucking morons; Glued to their fancy newfangled phones with a piss poor education system all the while shoveling Doritos and Mountain Dew down their gullets while they teabag away on CoD.
I know, but it fits quite closely.
I know, but it fits quite closely.
Don't take offense since you are young. I'm being a dick and it wasn't aimed at you. You're a cool dude.
Scream in frustration? No I just think you kids are morons. I'm pretty laid back about it.
Not all kids are morons. Sure most are but you know there are exceptions.