Fallout 76 Nukes Lore and Releases

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He has become the lore-guru on /r/Fallout, writing long-winded posts about how the lore of the new games is absolutely flawless and in sync with the older games.
To make matters worse, a lot of people are eating his shit up instead of looking for the lore themselves and think for themselves. And then when you have arguments with Bethestards (bad idea but it happens) people think the lore in the new games is great because of his walls of text are filled with a lot bullshit justifications and self-interpreted crap.
We need to know explictly about every single bowel movement of every faction in Fallout or else that's a plot hole and Bethesda oughta fill those will catshit!
To make matters worse, a lot of people are eating his shit up instead of looking for the lore themselves and think for themselves. And then when you have arguments with Bethestards (bad idea but it happens) people think the lore in the new games is great because of his walls of text are filled with a lot bullshit justifications and self-interpreted crap.
It's not like he's wrong, though. But having to overanalyze and add tons of headcanon so your world makes sense is just lazy, shitty writing.
It's not like he's wrong, though.
I read some of his stuff and it had a lot of self-interpreted stuff, meaning there were no actual ingame sources to validate the claims he makes. So while he's not completely wrong, he's wrong about a lot of stuff because of lack of actual evidence.

I read that he actually tried to edit some wiki to put his headcannons but they were reverted due to lack of evidence.
It's not like he's wrong, though. But having to overanalyze and add tons of headcanon so your world makes sense is just lazy, shitty writing.
That is the thing. These shyster fucks know well enough to use vague lore in key areas to make nerds geek out over future possibilities. 6 DLC are planned. The fucking engine is easily hacked, and unencrypted data is sent through plain word files. DDOS attacks are highly likely.

These videos were not around last time.

Piece of Shit: 76
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It's not like he's wrong, though. But having to overanalyze and add tons of headcanon so your world makes sense is just lazy, shitty writing.

Reminds me of some Trek fans who insist that V'ger from Star Trek the Motion Picture either encountered the Borg or had created the Borg, claiming that the significant connections are there.

I always found this a bullshit theory and part of a fan obsession to connect everything with another because god forbid something developed in isolation on its own.
What holes was this person speaking about? That there was no significant mentioned activity of the Brotherhood of Steel between establishing their base at Lost Hills and Fallout 1?
That's the supposed "plothole." As Walpknut said,
We need to know explictly about every single bowel movement of every faction in Fallout or else that's a plot hole and Bethesda oughta fill those will catshit!
If Bethesda decides that something more exciting should happen during times not mentioned in great detail, then it's obviously the better option :roll:
Reminds me of some Trek fans who insist that V'ger from Star Trek the Motion Picture either encountered the Borg or had created the Borg, claiming that the significant connections are there.

I always found this a bullshit theory and part of a fan obsession to connect everything with another because god forbid something developed in isolation on its own.
Well, the idea started with Gene Roddenberry and was further explored by William Shatner, so there's bound to be some fan obsession over that even if canonicity is extremely questionable.
Well, the idea started with Gene Roddenberry and was further explored by William Shatner, so there's bound to be some fan obsession over that even if canonicity is extremely questionable.

Not all the great bird's ideas were good (The Omega Glory anyone) and I have always seen the Borg as the danger of post humanism run amok.
I never cared for the Shatnerverse books.
Hay-soos, Fallout 76 is getting eviscerated with the user reviews, granted most of it is early review bombing but I don't think I've seen a Bethesda game with this amount of negative fuzz around it on the mainstream.
I read some of his stuff and it had a lot of self-interpreted stuff, meaning there were no actual ingame sources to validate the claims he makes. So while he's not completely wrong, he's wrong about a lot of stuff because of lack of actual evidence.

I read that he actually tried to edit some wiki to put his headcannons but they were reverted due to lack of evidence.

Really? if that's true, it was not a cool thing to do =/
Of course not. It's some sort of mythical bat-beast that requires a sonic gun with a special frequency setting to bring down to the ground, and when slain it gives you nice loot like batskin and batbones that can be used to make the highest tier armor. Totally not dragons at all.
Do they also exhale radiation when they die that mutates you into receiving a special power?
If anyone ever had even the faintest of dreams of even a semi-passable Fallout... now's the time bury those dreams for good - if they haven't already.
You HAVE to give credits to Bethesda. When it looks like nothing can be worse than FO4, guys really can break expectations.

"Something worse then Fallout 4, you said? Just hold my beer"

Oh lord, if this is actually true.
To make matters worse, a lot of people are eating his shit up instead of looking for the lore themselves and think for themselves. And then when you have arguments with Bethestards (bad idea but it happens) people think the lore in the new games is great because of his walls of text are filled with a lot bullshit justifications and self-interpreted crap.

Yeah just look at r/fallout at reddit...